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Everything posted by Afi4wins

  1. Wooooboy! Land of the Queens, Land of the Unknown Kings...but in Macedonia, there's only 1 Queen!
  2. No, no, no dissing, no pissing, no kissing...the pinky pink is only for enjoying...and giggling.
  3. WOW! No room for a King? Only room for 1 Queen? Are you sure you're not from UK dearie?
  4. Oh geeeees! 1 minute is all I can get? Whatever can I enjoy with just 1 minute? I need more playing time! 1 minute just won't do! It's just too short to enjoy anything! Can't even enjoy a good round of sssss...errr...never mind! Okaaaay...now that I've groaned and moaned for 1 minute...if it's playing time, I want to play Playboy! Woohooo! Dang! Only Playtech game hah? Naaah! I won't waste my 1 minute playing any game. I'd rather watch and enjoy something else! I see smoke coming out of our dearest Sharon's ears...so I'll pick Pink Panther! Might as well have some laughs for 1 minute rather than try to win anything!
  5. Whichever way it goes, it's going back straight for F-U-N!!!
  6. Whaaaat? I thought Katy's gonna vote for you...or she simply forgot?! Kaaatyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy....
  7. Yes Awena, they say that dreams shall come to those who wait...hmmm...I've been waiting... They say you must have faith in your dreams...hmmm...I have faith... And they also say never give up on your dreams...hmmm...I must be strong...and stay strong...
  8. Wooo...a Balkanian Absinthe? Sounding like a dreamland and a fantasyland already! Yeah, I certainly need a new life refreshing experience to get a new lease on life...but everything is but a dream for me now, until I can make a reality out of it.
  9. Oh Dang! What a horrible nightmarish experience you had to go through all on your own. Must be an electrical problem with the car or with the central locking system. Hope your new 'blue lad' will behave better next time. New cars are ALWAYS like that Sharon, to me at least! I am a very careful and very experienced driver, but whenever I get a new car, one little accidental mishap WILL happen to the car, no matter how carefully I drive it! Thankfully, it'll be nothing more than a scratch here or there, or at most a very slight dent, but after that accident, there won't be anymore! Touch wood! Very strange, but true!
  10. But of course I was only kidding my dearest Sharon! And thank you for knowing me better!
  11. Our 2-pistols wielding Sheriff is on the RAMPAGE!!! Watch out casinos! Go get them Guru Sheriff!
  12. Wow! Can I take the trophy Awena dear? That's a lot better than the Quiz prize money! Hahahahaha. Yeah, congrats Icy, our Quiz King!
  13. Hahahahaha...not surprising at all eh mate!
  14. Yeah! Even the DOA baddies will be no match for our two-pistols Guru Sheriff!
  15. But of course! I wouldn't want to miss meeting our dear Awena-Amina!
  16. Ahhh? So!!! I forgot! Hahahaha. Yes, first some stop-overs in UK, then over to Europe for more stop-overs (I'll need a lot of time in Europe), and just when I'm thinking of going home, there'll be more friends to see in Asia alone! Ahhhhh...I'll never stop travelling that way!
  17. Oh...ok...cool! I won't be able to get any closer than that, can I?
  18. To me, you look different each time you change your photo, like a new person altogether. Probably because I haven't seen the real you, so I don't have a complete 'picture' of you. What I have is a collection of different 'faces' of Katy the Queen in my head!
  19. Intended? Oh geeees...I write down whatever comes to my mind, Sharon dearie. At times it rhymes, at other times, it's not worth a dime, cos it doesn't rhyme, hehehehe.
  20. That's our Queen of NDB? Oh geeee...I thought she was another new queen The many faces of our Queen...I feel like I don't know where I've been!
  21. Yes, a very nice blue colour indeed Sharon! And a very nice surprise gift too! Whoop whoop!
  22. A sweet sweet revenge! Well done and congrats mate!
  23. Yes, Afi is around here, but busy hopping here and there, with still a bit more to do...but I think I'll put it off for tomorrow! Now, it's already dark, I'll let the Dark Knight rise, while afi takes a rest.
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