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Everything posted by Afi4wins

  1. Katy darling, if $100 deposits make me and Valdes high rollers, then $75 deposits would make you an almost-high-roller depositor! So we are all almost the same, you, me and Valdes. In bad times, my deposits are usually $10 - $20, that makes me the same as you yet again darling, hehehe.
  2. Oh geeees! That's weird! I have no idea how 0.09 can get into your account, but I do know that 007 can get into any lady's home! Hahahahaha.
  3. Hahahahaha...first time ever I hear somebody managed to take an overdraft from Neteller! You're 1 of a kind Katy darling! How can that happened? Must be in the money conversion of your deposits darling...from USD to Euro...or vice versa...or something like that.
  4. Hmmm...nobody knows me better than my darling Katy! I can't hide anything...she can read my mind!
  5. Ahhh...thank you Blondie darling...but at this moment in time, I can't quit smoking as yet! It's all that I've got left going for me! Maybe later okay, when circumstances are more pleasant for me, when something else can occupy my mind and take smoking off my mind. Yeah...yeah...sorry darling...me and my weak will!
  6. That's wonderful Blondie! Wish I could be strong-willed as you...and as our Guru too. Ahhh well, maybe one day soon...
  7. I have tried many ways and food supplements too...all for nothing! Our body's metabolism is way too high Yapro. It just won't store fat and flesh under our skin! Good point is...we can eat whatever and however much we want and not worry about getting fat! Hahahaha. But not the same as cholesterol though...that must always be in check!
  8. That's a yes, for sure mate. I would love to play with big bets on my favorite games and see winnings in the thousands...but my wallet says NEVER!!!
  9. It'll take more than 300 spins to hit a good win of the Golden Honey bonus game Yapro. Perhaps 2,000 - 3,000 spins? I was real lucky to hit it when I played Sunny Scoops the first time! Got it again some days later but it didn't pay much.
  10. Wow, that's real skinny there Yapro, but not to worry, you've got company! I'm 174cm and only 62kgs, just a little better off than you mate, hehehe.
  11. I wouldn't disagree on that mate. I know how good it would be for my health without inhaling poisonous smoke all the time, but I just do not have the strong will power to quit totally for now. Tried and failed a few times already. Perhaps one day later I will finally quit, I hope.
  12. In a way, smoking helps to keep the body slim. Once you stop smoking, body weight will increase, due to better eating appetite. But...I'd prefer to stay slim...and healthy, inspite of the smoking!
  13. Thank you mate, but don't worry. I won't be chasing big wins when I know it isn't very possible. Not with Fruit Warp, not with Sunny Scoops either. In fact, none of Thunderkick's games have that huge win potential, but they are really fun to play...with possible small winning treats too. That's why I still like the game.
  14. That was meant in the most favorable meaning mate, if you catch my drift!
  15. That's a good height. No wonder you're not light! Hahahaha. As for winter, yes, I still can remember those winters I had while still studying in London. So happened London had it's worst winter and heavy snowfall in one of those years, but the temperature didn't go below -20C. I had lots of fun playing with the snow too. Ahhh, good old days...
  16. Sadly, no...not yet anyway Sharon darling. Those feature games haven't been paying big yet. Got 1 Golden Honey feature game on $0.50 bet but it paid out only about 70x. Not good enough for me! That's why I like Fruit Warp more, it is performing much better for me, so far.
  17. If I'm your wife, mate, I'll make sure you weigh no more than 80 kilos, but your wallet can weigh 100 kilos! Hahahahaha.
  18. Thank you Lilian. Anyway, I wasn't on holiday though...haven't gone for any holiday for ages...that was on work call away from home.
  19. Thank you mate! Sigh...the going has been real tough lately. No good wins so far, but hopefully something nice will come by soon...or I'll be looking like a pitaya again!
  20. Yeah...add in his wallet and together they weigh 120 kilos!!!
  21. You eat those only in winter or cold season mate? Any special reason for that? We don't practice that in Malaysia of course...we don't have winter, so we eat them any time we like.
  22. Yes, it's good isn't it Awena darling...but not as good as eating the real cones of ice-cream...yum, yum!
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