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Everything posted by Afi4wins

  1. Hi Zelmil and welcome to the forum. Oh-boooy...it took you 2 years to reach in here?...so, you brought in your pet snail along did you?! Hahahaha. Just joking as usual mate!
  2. OMG! Betting at $45 - $90...no wonder your balance go up and down so rapidly mate! Luck was obviously on your side when you got those huge wins...for a while...until Lady Luck went out for a stroll...hehehehe. Geeees...I would have quickly followed her out of the casino when it was at $36,000! Try and get screenshots of the actual game next time mate. Seeing numbers on the screen ain't much fun! Hahahaha. Congrats and well done again 'Profoundly Insane Gambler of 2014'!
  3. Aaaah...so?! So 'SE RODI' means 'IS BORN' ! Clever boy! Hahahaha.
  4. Yeah, that goes for me too! I insanely don't wanna know how you can go profoundly insane in a game...but I do wanna know how you make $30,000 insanely out of $50!
  5. When I first looked at the paytable...and saw that stupid 0.002 value per line...I already gave Electric Sam "WTF"!!!. Then after playing it for just 5 or 10 minutes...I knew no one can ever win on the blardy game...and I quit. That will be the last time I play Electric Sam. The game ELECTROCUTES players, just as in Birds on a Wire...which makes the players go dumb when the brain go haywire! Hahahaha.
  6. What does the words actually mean darling?
  7. Have a good morning sleep Awena darling...and sweet dreams!
  8. Aaaah...yes! You have mentioned it before but I forgot all about it! MERRY CHRISTMAS to all of you in Bosnia, Macedonia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Latvia...and everywhere else too!
  9. Aaaand...'The Most Profoundly Insane Gambler of 2014 Golden Award' goes to... (*drums rolling*...*thousands of coins on the floor too*)...Gambler140...woohooo.
  10. Shouldn't that be Happy New Year 2015 Awena darliiiiiing???!!! Merry Christmas was last year...but I guess no one would bother...hahahahaha. Aaaand..."where have you been Awena dear?"..."it's been ages since I last saw you here!"
  11. Aaaah...my wintry icy friend...I do not condone any dark, black, or satanic society...I am like THOR...I am like the light...enlightening most of the time...dangerously electrifying in storms...hahahaha. So no worries there mate! Do something that I haven't done before? Hmmmm...interesting idea there mate...but none of those 'new things' have anything to do with casinos!!! Muahahahaha.
  12. You're right there darling! No more money from me to any Winner group casino...including Casino Del Rio (which I like playing at actually...sigh). Put them in my freezer? Geeees darling...the money will become frozen...become hard and brittle...and breaks easily! Hehehe. On the other hand, if I put them in somebody else's care...the money might do disappearing tricks all the time...now you see it...now you don't! Hahahaha. The best thing to do...taa-daa...is for me to sit on them myself...so they stay under my butt until I need them! Muahahahaha.
  13. Won too much from them, mate?! Naaaah! If you must know, it has always been very difficult for me to win at any Winner Group casino! Reason for this? Go figure! Their casinos have TIGHT slots...their services at most times are INCOMPETENT...typical of Asian-based casinos...and totally UNLIKE Omni and Fly for example!!! That's why these casinos don't get the FREEZER treatment from me. They get the AXE straight away! And Winner Group has the most axed casinos from me so far!!! Ah, don't worry buddy...with casinos like these...I am RAMBO...woohoooo!
  14. Today...I must have been in a very MEAN mood...cos I couldn't tolerate stupid responses from casino's Live Chat! Earlier on in the day, I was pis-sed off at 7 Regal Casino regarding my cash back money. They asked me for a screenshot of their own blardy offer. Yeah...I gave them that screenshot. I gave them my blardy axe too! Only just now, another casino from the Winner Group asked me to do the same thing...send them a screenshot of their own blardy bonus offer. Why don't they have a record of their own bonus offers??? Must customers ALWAYS send a screenshot back to the casino just to prove that the casino's own bonus offer was valid? What a blardy stupid thing to ask customers to do! No...this Winner group casino DID NOT GET a screenshot from me...what they got was my axe! 7 Regal Casino axed! Magic Red Casino axed! Which Winner casino shall be next?
  15. Wow! What a tough lady yours is! Hehehehe. Just shows how much she cares for you mate..."no other woman but me darliiiiiing, understood?!"
  16. Aaaah?! Oh geees...sorry darling...didn't mean it that way. You...looking like a witch? Geees...like Samantha in the tv series 'Bewitched' yes...sweet, sexy, pretty, young...she can twitched her lips on me any time! Hahahaha.
  17. Oh geees! I may need your assistance then darliiing...borrow me your flying broom pleeease!
  18. Sorry darling...for not telling you...because Guru already did tell you earlier, so I thought it was your own personal way of spelling it! Hahahaha. Anyway, I think Awena darling is spelling the same way too? I can't be sure now...until Awena darling comes over and give me a knock on my head! Hahahahaha.
  19. Well...I was thinking 'give me a shout'...which is almost the same as saying "hi". I know all along that you are mispelling your 'heeheehee' as 'hihihi'...and your 'he' as 'hi' as well... but you could be laughing "haihaihai" all along...who knows?! Hahahaha.
  20. HOLA is "hi"? Ah well...you an always say "hi" to me!
  21. Aaaaah...good...very good darling! If you need assistance...just "HOLA"!
  22. Play Dead or Alive at 0.09 bets darliiing! Who knows, your itchy hand may be lucky for you too?!
  23. Well darling...you can always go bounty hunting on a very small scale. Who knows...your itchy hand might just catch all those outlaws for a super nice reward for you! Good luck darling!
  24. Gossiping you darliiiing? Naaah...it's just our wintry friend here day-dreaming as always...hehehehe.
  25. Oh geees! I'm glad that he's okay for now...but he needs to be cautious from now on. And someone has got to keep an eye on him. Take good care of your dad mate! There isn't going to be any replacement for him. I miss my dad too...he's been gone for over 2 years now...sigh.
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