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Everything posted by Afi4wins

  1. Life works in the strangest ways darling! And I'd be very happy if you can carry on accepting small withdrawals for now...the big ones can come later...and it will!
  2. And today...I pressed my 'whoop whoop' belly button! Hahahaha.
  3. YIPPIEEEEE!!! And from my favourite Dracula-clone game too! Well done darling. I'm so happy you withdrew that 80 EUR!!!
  4. Anything for my Guru! Good luck and all the best now...because I think it's already time for Lady Luck to hop over to you...or to somebody else! My good luck streak is already at its end...4th month now...and no good wins in sight...sigh...
  5. Aaaaah...our Catwoman at play!
  6. Aaaaah...so Betat should be your secret valentine this year mate...but don't tell your girlfriend! Hehehehe.
  7. YAPPA-DAPPA-DOO Hooohoooohooo!!! Brilliant...fantastic...bombastic...elastic...plastic...oh geeees mate...I'm lost for words to say! Incredible...supple...gullible...apple...errrrrr....
  8. Sorry darling, but I'm saying it because I want you to change for the better! That is one bad habit you must throw away quickly!
  9. I certainly HOPE so darling! Or you'll never change forever!
  10. As in any competition...may the best person win! All our participating members here have HIDDEN TALENTS! Now...who would know that if not for this poem contest, right?!
  11. I'm getting old? Oh geees...doesn't everybody???!!! But never mind...old body young heart...that's me! Hahahaha.
  12. Aaaaah...one of my most favourite songs during my younger days...in times of being in love and its accompanying heartbreaks!
  13. A very dangerous hobby that...as you well know...yet we all do it at times. I do my chasing (yeah, me too!!! ) only with Jesse, All other games, I would accept my defeat graciously...so no chasing after my lost deposits. But with Jesse...hmmm...that's something like OCDOAD for me I guess...hahahaha.
  14. I know what your main problem is darling...insatiable GREED!!! You had no more money, but you had 117 EUR in your game, but yet you wanted more and ended up with nothing in the end. I've gone through similar experiences as you Katy darling, years ago when I'm dead broke, but just cannot stay away from my beloved slots. But I had better self-control. I cashed out whenever I made $20 or more...keeping the money for my next deposit with a good bonus offer. That's how I survived through those dying times. Learn how to force yourself to cash out darling! Or you'd forever be like this! Trust my words darling!
  15. Oh geeees! Hate it...but you're still playing the game mate??? Obsession huh? Might as well have OCDOAD or something like that (Bigdk's term) ...like I do! Hahahaha.
  16. Yep, I agree with our Guru. Always listen and rely on your instincts darling! I always do! Sometimes, a short break can do wonders. By the way, I take a few short breaks everyday...with Kit Kat! Hehehehe.
  17. Good moevening darling...again! Shouldn't we be good morning-ing in the chit chat thread? Hahahaha.
  18. Good morning darling...and everyone else too! Yes, you are right darling. At your place it was night time... At my place it was early morning time...but still my bedtime! Hahahaha.
  19. So I might as well go to bed cos I'm sleepy! Good night and see you all later folks!
  20. Oh darn! Wish I know what song tune to sing along with your beautiful lyrics Zeljko! Fantastic! Wonderful! Marvelous! Wunderbar! I love it ya!!!
  21. My darling Katy just confirm that for you, you forgetful Sharon darling! I cannot play at Betat nor at Slotty...so no account for me at any...so cannot win, not even a penny!
  22. Thank you very much for your very nice words Valentin! Treat gambling as seriously as your own business and success shall be yours mate! Wish you all the best!
  23. Oh shucks!!! Now I've got no where to run and hide! Hahahaha.
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