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Everything posted by Afi4wins

  1. Talking about goals...that's ahella lot of goals you've got there Dikkie mate! It's like asking Arsenal to score 11 goals against any world-class soccer team!!! Okay...okay...one at a time...not 11 at a time! Hahaha.
  2. One last review for this month. Ghost Rider http://www.askgamblers.com/video-slots/ghost-rider-playtech-game-review/ P.s. My Fruit Zen screenshot accidentally got uploaded into this review section. Can you please delete it mate?
  3. Ah-hah! I have a fiery red Lamborghini...and 2 darlings are already with me...how nice! Hehehe. So Katerina Helena darling...your turn next with 'Would you rather have or do or whatever...'
  4. Yes, I can say so for Playtech. Our friend Hajnrih here knows more on Novomatic than me.
  5. Hi Nicole! Maybe the time has come for you to open your eyes AND open your heart...and accept the fact that NetEnt games DO NOT PAY GOOD on big bets!!! I know for sure, because I got really BURNT trying it out on Dead Or Alive! Don't try it on MIcrogaming games either...they are just as bad too! Yeah, I got burnt there as well.
  6. Sorry to say Angel, but the Casino has decided to refund you your 2 Euro bet... but as for the winnings, I'm afraid all that has gone with the wind, as in 'any mulfunction voids all wins'. I don't think the casino can or will reimburse any more than your lost bet amount in that malfunction. It is stipulated in ALL casinos T&C, so no two ways about it. But look at the brighter side of things...I have lost my HUGE potential winnings playing Jack and the Beanstalk, getting the 3rd harp appearing on the reel, then it goes kaput, with a message 'this game is currently not available'! WTF!!! After reloading the game, the two harps came back but the third didn't...and didn't pay anything more all the way to the end of the free spins! Wouldn't you think this is blardy ODD?! Yeah, that's NetEnt for you! This same thing had happened to me THREE BLARDY TIMES on the same game over a period of some days! That is NOT NATURAL!!! Say and think what you want, but I have stopped playing Jack and his blardy beanstalk for over 6 months now. Won't be playing it either again!
  7. Would you rather a Ferrari or a Lamborghini? Oh geeees...can I take BOTH???!!! Both are super duper cars, not like Ferrari or Chrysler... Okay, okay, I'll take...hmmm...I'll prefer...oh geees...I'd rather...dang...close one eye and say LAMBORGHINI! That was a tough one! Hahaha. Would you rather have it FIERY RED or SUNNY YELLOW?
  8. All's well that ends well! Great news that Sharon darling! As for Skrill, they still need more lessons on proper communications with their customers!!! Imagine returning your lost money and NOT INFORMING YOU about it? Geees!
  9. Hi Gary! If I have those transcripts of the Live Chat, I would certainly like to post it up here in the forum for others to read. How to go about this isn't that difficult at all. Firstly, you said you already have those chat transcripts. Good. Now, copy those relevant messages from the transcripts and paste them into a new Word document. Include the relevant dates and time too. Save that document in Word format. Secondly, open and start a new thread (if you want to) or simply click on 'Reply' here in this thread, then copy from your Word document and paste it in here. If the transcripts are very long, I would suggest opening a new thread instead. You'd probably need to copy and paste in stages too, if it is really long, or there are many transcripts to copy and paste. Give it a try, or come back for more help!
  10. The great rush will be on very soon tonight So I had better post my reviews fast, right? Cherry Love http://www.askgamblers.com/video-slots/cherry-love-playtech-game-review/ Cat Queen http://www.askgamblers.com/video-slots/cat-queen-playtech-game-review/ Vacation Station Deluxe http://www.askgamblers.com/video-slots/vacation-station-deluxe-playtech-game-review/ Elektra http://www.askgamblers.com/video-slots/elektra-playtech-game-review/ Gladiator Jackpot http://www.askgamblers.com/game/slots/gladiator-jackpot-g4231 Esmeralda http://www.askgamblers.com/progressive-slots/esmeralda-game-review/
  11. Hi Casperito! Hahaha...like my former boss once said to me..."NEVER ASSUME...it is dangerous!" What you have read above, my previous old post, is a very very very short summary! Hahaha. But since you are new, this isn't surprising at all to me mate! Dead Or Alive, as our Guru said, is a LEGENDARY game! It is so effective, it can get anyone addicted for life, and eat up everything you have too! For lucky ones, they'll cherish those SUPER MEGA WINS for life! Yes, I'm one of this kind too, until it ate back everything that I had ever won from it...and I learned a very painful lesson! GREED AND JESSE JAMES DO NOT GO ALONG WITH ONE ANOTHER!!! Gonzo is an explorer, not an outlaw...so he is MORE FORGIVING AND FRIENDLIER! Amber and Troy will eat you without you knowing it! The songs and the music is like black magic! They'll hypnotise you! The charm that Amber throws at you each time you see her doing her thing on your screen...gets you addicted! You'll simply love the game day after day after day! Keep a proper ledger of all your deposits and withdrawals on Immortal Romance...then you'll see if it pays!
  12. Oh geeees! My darling here has already forgotten what 'withdrawing from a casino' is. The truth is, I've nearly forgotten about it too...so lets refresh our memory, shall we? You are facing the road ahead of you. You can see hundreds of cars nicely parked. You take your first step forward. You are now withdrawing from a casino! You are leaving the casino behind you, one step at a time. Ah well, that was the time when I did it at a brick and mortar casino many many years ago, hehehe. Nowadays, I do it to my laptop! Muahahaha.
  13. Just to let you know, in a few hours on the road I'll be... if I'm back late, don't wait up and wait for me!
  14. Aah...I need to catch some sleep now...I'll be on the road again in about 5 hours time! But before that, I must do what I must do. What's that? Go to the loo? Naaah! Post 2 more reviews that are new! Archer http://www.askgamblers.com/video-slots/archer-playtech-game-review/ Desert Treasure 2 http://www.askgamblers.com/game/slots/desert-treasure-2-g4019
  15. And for the fourth time too, hehehe. Vegas Paradise Casino: 100% up to $200 http://www.askgamblers.com/bonus/welcome/vegas-paradise-usd200/ ParkLane Casino: 10Euros Free + 200% up to 2000Euros http://www.askgamblers.com/bonus/welcome/parklane-casino-eur10-free-upon-registration/ DrueckGlueck Casino: 10 Free Spins upon Registration http://www.askgamblers.com/bonus/free-spins/drueckglueck-casino-10-free-spins-upon-registration-2/ Flamantis Casino: 110% up to $220 + 50 Free Spins http://www.askgamblers.com/bonus/welcome/flamantis-casino-110percent-up-to-gbp-usd-eur-220/ Lucks Casino: $5 Free No Deposit Welcome Bonus http://www.askgamblers.com/bonus/no-deposit/lucks-casino-gbp5-free-no-deposit-welcome-bonus/ 21 Casino: 21 Free Spins upon Registration on Starburst http://www.askgamblers.com/bonus/free-spins/twenty-one-casino-21-free-spins-upon-registration/
  16. Errr...never mind Sharon darling...just boys talk! Hehehe.
  17. "Que sera sera...what ever will be, will be The future's not ours to see...que sera sera" Don't ever lose hope darling! Have faith! Stay strong! And you can't go wrong! Lady Luck is currently away, but it wont be for long, so keep singing that song! I am...plus many many other songs too...I just can't shake it off!
  18. Ooooh maaaan...I cant play 2 things at a time...I might lose both! Hahaha
  19. DANG!!! I want it all too...I want it all 5 years ago!
  20. HEEEEY...waaaaaait a minute! You wanna watch some racing...or you wanna watch some other thing???
  21. My Lady in Red is always up and running...and she always keep me waiting... but when my Lady Luck darling comes back, I hope she lands not on my shoulder but in my lap!
  22. Whaaaaat? For 1Euro fee? Dang! I always get them for FREEEEE!!!
  23. Ooooooh maaaaan...congrats...that's some good luck you're having there mate! My darling Lady Luck said "I'll be very very late, so don't stay up and wait!" Ooooooh myyyyy.....
  24. OouuuJJJJJJJ! That hurts! Wish you had won something at least... but never mind Blondie darling...hopefully the next time you wont miss.
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