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Everything posted by Afi4wins

  1. Aaaah yes...thank you for the clarification mate. But basically, it comes to the same thing...I can play on other games with my deposit money, but they won't be contributing to the wagering requirement, so it would all be in vain, really. This is really a stupid idea, just my thoughts of course...similarly with those bonus money that can only be played on GamesOS games. I have stopped playing at these GamesOS casinos too.
  2. Thank you Guru-san. Thank you too Shafiek bro. Well, as time has proven, many times over...nothing lasts forever... so my winning streak on GOTM cannot go on indefinitely, that's for sure! But for now...I'm loving my darling Lady Luck for staying around for a looooong time!
  3. And a very good Monday morning to everyone from me too... the last few days have been very quiet days for me... not much of gaming activity...more of watching on 'Trinity'... Oh maan...those 3 Neo movies have very deep meanings...which I'm grasping more of with each rewatching.
  4. Yeah, you're so damn right my dear... these slots will only remember you, remember me, or remember anyone else, all for the wrong reasons! Wrong reasons to us...damn blardy right reasons for them games!
  5. Yes, of course mate...that's what they want to happen anyway... I would say maybe 80% or more of the public are already 'into their system'...once you're in, you won't be logged out.
  6. That rings a bell...hmmm...better make that rings a DONG!
  7. Thank you Sharon darling. Thank you Zenekk mate...your time to win will come one day soon...so keep your screenshots coming!
  8. Well, whether you're on a bonus hunt or on free money hunt, or looking for an aunt...I wish you all the luck mate. I have stopped playing at Casino Room simply because I do not like my deposit money being confined to their bonus games. I wouldn't mind it so much if only the bonus money has to be played on the bonus games, but my deposit money should never be confined to those terms as well.
  9. The 1st screenshot: bet is $10.00 (10 coins x 0.10 per line x 10 lines). Win is 7150, or 71x. The next 3 screenshots are all at $1.00 bets (5 coins x 0.02 x 10 lines) = $1 bet per spin. Wins are 54x, 30x and 49x, so the last 2 screenies do not qualify. Sorry Zenekk...less than 50x wins do not qualify.
  10. Very simply put...does a slot game have a brain? Nope. Can anything without a brain have or keep memories? Nope. So...can a slot game remember what you have won? Nope. The game doesn't and cannot remember anything...but the game mechanism does! It keeps all plays in its records. Nonetheless, it doesn't recognise any of you as any single player...the game simply runs by its algorithms. Nonetheless, algorithms are man-designed, so they are never perfect and cannot be perfect. So, when it isn't perfect, anything becomes possible.
  11. Sorry...but more of my same old routine winnings here... it's the only game I play nowadays...so it's only to be expected, right? Missed another Mega Win by just a little bit...damn!
  12. Okaaaay...here's another one of my 'very tiny small win' contribution to this thread... 5 Yellow cars during the free spins game...luckily I played enough lines to catch it...hahaha. (missed getting that particular screenie though...)
  13. Hello fya and welcome to Askgamblers forum. I'm not sure what you are actually asking here...do you mean Match Deposit Bonuses for your deposits...or Sports Betting on Sports Matches? I'm not into Sports Betting at all, so I'm not familiar with all the jazz, hehehe. Hopefully one of the Canadian members here can enlighten you on this.
  14. Yep...they say that if you don't make mistakes in your life, then you'll never learn anything new, and you'll never be a better person either. However, I must admit, there have been many mistakes in my life that I would like to go back and put right...if I can... and yes, my life would never be the same again either. Hahaha. But then again...everything that has happened in our life has deeper meanings in them, which we couldn't see in the present, which could only be realised when we're much older and wiser, and only then can we begin to understand why it happened. "Que Sera Sera"...whatever will be, will be...it's all been written...but sometimes, I still would like to rewrite the book! Hahaha.
  15. Heeey...I didn't know you like playing Fruit Zen Zenekk. And made it into August's contest in the nick of time, hehehe.
  16. OOOOOOH MYYYYYY LADY LUCKKKKKKK!!! That is one blardy big huge pot of luck! First take your family for some nice roast duck... then you can play away the nights in the dark... Maybe Lady luck has more for you hidden in the dark...hehehe. FANTASTIC unbelievable win that Guru-san! Congrats!
  17. Afi4wins


    That is good news from the casino...so don't do anything foolish to spoil it...please! Just be patient...play at another casino if you need to...but don't touch 24Bettle...it could be poison ivy!
  18. Okaaay...so I don't know where Kalithea is...so I Googled it... Hmmm...so close to Turkey, yet is still in Greece... Geeees...the only Greece I've had or seen is g-r-e-a-s-e... Come back and tell your story dear...with pics and whatnots... In the meantime, enjoy the grease...
  19. Okaaaay...so...coming up from the rear...speeding forward like mad... and overtaking the leader Fiekie...in terms of total number of reviews that is. 7 Spins Casino https://www.askgamblers.com/casino/7-spins-casino-review-r4256#review-598eb2597528f760d08b4a59 BoVegas Casino https://www.askgamblers.com/online-casinos/bovegas-casino-review/ Dealers Casino https://www.askgamblers.com/online-casinos/dealerscasino-review/#review-59a6a6d17528f78f908b460f Dream Jackpot Casino https://www.askgamblers.com/online-casinos/dream-jackpot-casino-review/#review-59a271097528f7b3a18b490e Eclipse Casino https://www.askgamblers.com/online-casinos/eclipse-casino-review/#review-599fe2f87528f7616d8b48e1 Gossip Slots Casino https://www.askgamblers.com/casino/gossip-slots-casino-review-r4526#review-599a99467528f71a198b4eb0 Lanadas Casino https://www.askgamblers.com/online-casinos/lanadas-casino-review/#review-599ab4f97528f776498b456b Magical Spin Casino https://www.askgamblers.com/online-casinos/magical-spin-casino-review/#review-599feb7a7528f7b9c08b4633 PlayCasinoGames https://www.askgamblers.com/online-casinos/playcasinogames-review/#review-59a3bc467528f74fdd8b4ef5 Rich Casino https://www.askgamblers.com/casino/rich-casino-review-r3589#review-598f07ef7528f73bbd8b5382 StayBet Casino https://www.askgamblers.com/online-casinos/staybet-casino-review/#review-59a69a157528f7115d8b4569 Thebes Casino https://www.askgamblers.com/casino/thebes-casino-review-r3159#review-598ecc357528f7750e8b45ed VIP Room Casino https://www.askgamblers.com/casino/vip-room-casino-review-r4550#review-59a2d57b7528f749408b4569
  20. Afi4wins


    Damn! Having a second account within the same address is as good as having a duplicate account, where the casino is concerned. The only exception which would allow a second account within the same address would be if PRIOR written permission has been granted by the casino management - meaning, you need to get their approval first. In your case, you can write in to the casino manager, explain how the second account was opened by your brother without your knowledge, and without his knowledge either, but that second account has never been used. Hopefully the casino can accept this, but it's very unlikely though. I guess you just have to wait until one of the admin here gives you some better advice on what to do next.
  21. Hahahaha...and that's a nice surprise for me...for a change!
  22. No need to remove mate, Sharon would just disqualify those screenies not above 50x.
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