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Everything posted by Afi4wins

  1. You're welcome Alvis. I'm sure the casino will get that win sorted out for you. Good luck!
  2. Hi there Alvis, welcome to Askgamblers forum. By the look of it, yes of course it should be a big win...so what's the problem then...no win was credited into your account? Could have been a malfunction or something...just send the screenshot to the casino's support team for clarification and verification. Hopefully they can sort it out for you soon enough.
  3. Looks like Playtech is now for you mate. Congrats and enjoy it.
  4. Hi Dohped, and welcome to Askgamblers forum. Your case, if it is due to any sort of malfunction, either on the casino's side, or on your computer's side, then there can be absolutely no chance at all of getting paid for an erroneous win due to a malfunction. A 'malfunction voids all wins' clause exists within all casino's Terms and Conditions. All you can get back would be your last bet amount and the balance left in your account before the computer crashed. If your win was a legitimate one, meaning, that 12k win came from a winning combination from that slot game, then you have a chance of getting it all paid out to you. That win wasn't due to a malfunction, so your win is not voided.
  5. Naaah...my hopes with Playtech games have seen the last of it! Not even my favourite Safari Heat could pay with big bets nowadays...for me that is...those free spins game kept eluding me time and time again..coming only when I play with small bets...and that really got on my nerves! The same goes for Dolphin Reef too. Say what you like mate, but I think I'm on Playtech blacklist at all Playtech casinos! So "goodbye Playtech" from me!
  6. No problems with that Sharon darling. No one believes in the same thing anyway. Just goes to show how bizarre our world and our universe can be, with endless mind boggling facts or fiction which have yet to be proven or debunked. That easy way I was talking about was "get the answers from the Martians!"...hahaha. Only they would know all the facts about their planet, and with all that info at hand, NASA only has to focus on getting to Mars and getting back to Earth. Saves a lot of data searching, saves a lot of guesswork for the onboard computer, and making that trip more safe and feasible. The biggest problem is...can the Martians ever trust us humans!!!
  7. Yep...you've got your points correct mate. I'm glad! Human nature is the biggest worry Aliens have about us! We are Jekyll and Hyde in one body! We can be good one minute and turn evil the next! The bad in humans can destroy our mother Earth if nobody is keeping an eye on us...on what we do...and on what we aim to do. Just like that manned mission to Mars. The astronauts would be damn lucky if they can eventually land on Mars...without getting any intervention from the Martians! Aliens aren't like humans...they are either Hyde or Jekyll...not both in one like us! Hahaha. We shoot first and ask questions later. If we see a UFO in our skies, the army would shoot them down first, then ask questions later. So how can Aliens ever believe in the human nature? So how on earth can we ever get any help from the more advanced Aliens when we are like what we are? The way I see it, their first reaction would be to prevent human colonisation of Mars! Just as we would prevent any Aliens from taking over our Earth! You want to visit...sure...no problems...you want to stay...over our dead bodies!!!
  8. Hmmmm...you really wanna know Sharon darling?...even if just for a good laugh? Hahaha. Okay...I'll give you a very simple clue...believe it or not...Mars is already inhabited by aliens...they live underground!
  9. Just a word of advice mate...do not believe everything you see or watch in Youtube! Some are meant to disorientate the public...for very specific reasons...like saying that the world is FLAT...and having videos to prove it too! You may even tend to believe in their argumentations! Hahaha. There have been many critics, proving with videos, that Neil Armstrong never went to the moon...much less making that first step on the moon. And you're saying Neil wasn't the first man on the moon, mate? Hmm...
  10. Hello there Cheiftech and welcome to Askgamblers forum. I have been playing at Rival casinos since donkey years ago, but back then, Superior Casino was my favourite Casino amongst all Rival Casinos, simply because they pay much faster than any of the others. I once received my payment in a record 1 day period...never before seen or heard of from any Rival casino! But that was some years ago...and everything has probably changed so much by now. I am absolutely not surprised by all that you have said so far. I personally have got the same bad experiences at a few newer Rival casinos, and not even getting close to completing 1/4 of the wagering requirements! Not even once! Each of my deposit and bonus money would just go down the drain with the water flow...with no backflow at all. Not even once I could get above my starting balance, and that is simply ridiculous, to say the very least! Needless to say, I have stopped totally playing at any Rival casinos by now - no more wasting my money on impossible missions! Might as well use them at other casinos where there would still be reasonable chances of making wins.
  11. I have just read some interesting articles and I would like to share some of it's highlights...amazing but true facts...no bulling around like some casinos and some customer support teams do, hehehe. No such thing as "money on the way..." here, just modern technology on its way into the future. How many of you had seen the live or delayed telecast of Astronaut Neil Armstrong making his 'one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind' historical landing on the moon? That was way back in July 1969, a time when my parent's TV was still in black and white! So I only saw Neil in shades of grey and white, with his white spacesuit gleaming as he bounces on the surface of the moon. Aaah...that was interesting indeed. The interesting fact about that landing on the moon was even unbelievable. Did you know that for that first landing on the moon, the space capsule carried an onboard computer that was no more complicated than a simple modern-day calculator?!!! But of course, at that time, whoever has even heard of computers! Even Nintendo games have not emerged yet...I think, hahaha. So, after landing on the moon, mankind's next step is now to land on Mars...yes, the red planet Mars, to make yet another giant leap for mankind...targeted to happen around the year 2030...but this time around, even one billion 'calculators' just cannot do the same kind of work one 'calculator' did for landing on the moon!!! 'Calculator' in this sense refers to the state of computer technology. That simply blows my mind away! Why isn't that possible? Why is landing on Mars so much more different than landing on the moon? Firstly, Mars is so far away from earth that communications would require 20-light-minutes to reach! That is the equivalent of 20 minutes at the speed of light! Communications travelling within laser beams would take 20 minutes to reach the space capsule...and that would be totally unacceptable...because any response needed to be taken upon reaching Mars' atmosphere needs instant answers to unknown circumstances! That's really mind boggling! So...what kind of an onboard computer should the space capsule be carrying? The space and computers experts have this to say..."it needs to be the size of a huge building, connected directly to a nuclear power plant for its power supply!" Ooooh my god! Secondly, whatever info that NASA has about Mars is chicken feed, so to speak. The Rover may have sent back billions and trillions of info bytes about Mars, but all that is really chicken feed. Nothing much is known about being in the space above the planet, critical to know before any safe landing can be attempted, and to make it back to Earth...so everything is really really daunting! HP has recently announced its latest computer...a real innovation...purely for this Mars project...a Super Intelligent Computer that works on Memory (Memory Driven) instead of the usual storage+memory current technology. It currently has 160 Terabytes (TB) of memory...that's 40,000x more than the current 4GB RAM of modern day computers! But all that 160 Terabytes is still only a small fraction of what is needed! So HP plans to reach 4096 Yottabytes (YT) of memory before it can even be considered as 'sufficient' for that Mars landing! Another mind boggling fact! 4096 Yottabytes is equivalent to just over 1 billion times more than today's 4GB memory!!! Can HP actually achieve this incredible feat in just 13 years from now? It has to! Because the space program cannot stop. It won't stop. Well...so now you know the incredible tasks those space people are facing before a manned trip to Mars can be possible. I know an easier way, but perhaps quite an impossible way, of getting all those critical info that they need, and I'm sure they know it too...but everyone of you will probably laugh at me if I tell you the way! Hahahahahaha.
  12. Congrats Johnny... Buffalo Blitz has never been kind to me...it treats me like I'm a matador with my back turn to it... rumble...rumble...rumble..head meets butts...and up in the air I go!
  13. Well mate...there can always be a case for an exception to the rule...maybe this could be one of them. You won't know if you don't try mate!
  14. Damn! I thought you'd be here again after a long break... anyway, how about asking our Guru for a Grand Pardon...a second chance...who knows, you might get lucky!
  15. Heeeeey...welcome back Eminemtherapking...yep it's been a long time since I last saw you here... does this mean India is no longer banned? Hope so mate!
  16. Oh dear me...you had asked for a Mega Jackpot from our darling Lady Luck... hmmm...maybe that's why she's 'upset' with you mate...but only maybe... or maybe you should have asked for a jackfruit first...followed by a jackpot...hehehe.
  17. Thank you Guru-san. I've always been wondering why the others are not taking part in this monthly contest... Is it because the prize money is too small...they want $100 instead maybe... or is it because they are scared of losing to Afi-san...hahaha... Maybe they forgot how 1 screenshot won this contest 3 times already... once by our Prince...once by our Tournament Master...and once by our Playtech Master too. So submitting only one screenshot is no guarantee that it cannot win! So come on all you other guys and gals...join in and make this contest even more rewarding... your one screenshot may just make it the fourth time 1-screenshot-win!
  18. Yep, I agree with you mate...Space Lilly is a good casino to play at, especially for their wager-free free spins... however, I am restricted from joining that Lady in Space, so I can't enjoy those benefits... however...hehehe...I am enjoying the same wager-free free spins at their sister casino, Lucky Star... so that's still blardy damn good for me! Hehehe.
  19. Playing at casinos is just like having your meals... everyday you tend to eat more or less the same food... but once in awhile, you'd like to eat burger, or fish and chips, or noodles, or whatever. If there's a new casino with a good deposit bonus offer, or giving lots of free spins, I'd be really silly just to let it go! Provided of course that new casino is legit and is listed with Askgamblers... but then again, some of the new ones that I have joined aren't in Askgamblers list... yet I do take them up just for the huge bonuses or free spins... relying more on my instincts whether to take them up or not. Sticking to just one can be boriiiiiing...so must have a bit of variety...more fun that way... but don't you go and do it for everything else...you're looking for trouble...do it only for casinos and food please!
  20. Thanks for the info mate. That offer isn't good enough for me yet, so I'll just have to wait for something better to come before signing up.
  21. Pity EuroCasino doesn't have any good offers for new players...or am I wrong?
  22. But what if Lady Luck doesn't have a smartphone and uses only her smart ears???
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