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Everything posted by Afi4wins

  1. Well, I'm not against your suggestion bro, and I'm willing to post only 100x and above winning screenshots. Since we are both quite safely ahead of all the other contestants, there would be very little chance of any of them suddenly catching up on us! Furthermore, my blardy crawling 2G connection is wasting loads of my hours, so the less screenshots I have to post, the less stress on me, hahaha.
  2. I will delay posting my screenshots for today until Cocopop can update the leaderboard. Lets give Cocopop some breathing space for a while guys.
  3. Have uploaded again 1 Buffalo Blitz and 3 Heavenly Ruler screenshots. All should appear now.
  4. Panther Moon : 50.8x, 67.6x, 69.4x, 71x, 75.8x, Panther Moon : 79x, 83.2x, 331.8x. (17,855 points)
  5. Yes, that should be the theory, but who knows what the RNG and RTP can do...they could vary each win, + or -, according to what the resultant RTP would be like. One way to find out is to actually test out this theory...playing the same game at different casinos...and see if one mega win is duplicated at the other casinos as well. It takes lots of time and money, but you seem to be interested in such thing, so may want to do it, hehehe.
  6. Maybe you're missing the point that all games are played from the provider's server, NOT the casino's...hence all the 5 same games played and paid at about the same rate. If played at different times, then the results would be different!
  7. Buffalo Blitz : 201.75x. Heavenly Ruler : 76.16x, 270.03x, 585.36x. (17,024 points)
  8. Panther Moon : 50.26x, 56.4x, 62.6x, 67.33x, 70.4x, Panther Moon : 75x, 97.8x, 103.2x, 128.26x, 137.4x, Panther Moon : 145.6x, 153.2x, 173.4x. (15,888 points)
  9. Hello kot and welcome to the forum. I think you need to adjust the font size of the translated text...it's appearing way too big in your posts!
  10. Well bro, all I can say is it's yet one more bitter lesson to learn. Bonanza is a shiiiit game to everybody whose name doesn't start with a 'P'!
  11. Thai Paradise : 50.66x, 62.33x, 91.33x, 112.66x, 117.66x, Thai Paradise : 133.66x, 134x, 179.33x, 246x, 248.33x.
  12. Buffalo Blitz : 63x, 80x, 100x. Dolphin Reef : 50.15x, 109.75x. Panther Moon : 57.33x, 66.66x, 210.2x, 279.2x, 410.4x.
  13. Buffalo Blitz : 63x, 80x, 100x. Oh damn! Kick the bug (is that the Emu Casino bug?)...and get well soon!
  14. Safari Heat : 51.6x, 68x, 77.4x, 91.2x, 335.4x. Thai Paradise : 52x, 120x, 128.33x, 138.66x, 246.33x.
  15. Holiday Season...I can't play it anymore at my Asian casino!
  16. You can write in your language first, then use Google translator, copy the translated text, then post it into the forum. You need to make comments (posts) in any of the various topic threads, but not in Chit Chat topic, and not in the Screenshot contest topic either. Make comments in the games (slots) topics, for a start.
  17. kot2018, are you reading the rules of this contest? Firstly, you still do not qualify to enter because you don't have 10 posts in the forum yet. Secondly, all screenshots MUST SHOW the date and time it was taken. Thirdly, ALL LINES must be active...your screenshot above plays with only 5 lines, so it doesn't qualify.
  18. Bad news on the way...I'd better get on my way! Panther Moon : 100.53x, 114.6x, 165.8x, 312.4x. Thai Paradise : 56.66x, 96.66x, 110.66x, 138.33x, 169.33x. Thai Paradise : 189.33x, 189x.
  19. Another one of 1700x win? Now that is BAD NEWS for me!
  20. Yes, I was aware of that...but I had wanted to get 2 t-shirts in one go...one for me...one for myself.
  21. There was a typo on my side for Dolphin Reef screenshot...I typed in 80.0x when it is actually 80.8x...so that's where the 1 extra point comes in. Cocopop got it right though.
  22. My calculations showed my points to be 3850, not 3830...so maybe there's a typo somewhere...can you recheck this please my dear?
  23. Yeah...ask that blondie guy who set up that party! Another lockdown this xmas? OH MY CRON!!!
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