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Everything posted by Afi4wins

  1. @cocopop3011 Back in the days when our Guru was in charge of the reviews, he had always reminded members to post their reviews early to avoid delays. Don't know if there was a rule or not, but I only posted already approved reviews. Pending reviews would be posted the following month once they got the approval, or if already posted but not yet approved, they would be considered as next month's submission. This was to prevent delays in checking the reviews and payment processing. Maybe you should do this also? Imagine if those pending reviews still require another week to get approved, then all payments would be unnecessarily delayed! Don't know why but a few members here (no names need mentioning) are consistently last minute submitters! Time to change guys!
  2. Cocopop may have made a mistake, who knows. Last contests all had a pot of $200, last month's was $175, a reduction, so that's why I'm asking which is the correct pot amount. Of course I would want the $250 one.
  3. From the way the prizes are laid out, there would be 3 pots...$100, $125, and $25...for a total of $250, which is MORE than any other contests so far. Unless that Week 2 contest has only 1 winner of $25 for the highest multiplier, but the most screenshots contest carries on into the 2nd week, then the total pot would be $150 only. Soooo...is the total pot $250 or $150? $250 pot would be SUPER DUPER!
  4. I don't know why but many players, especially newbies and less-experienced ones, do not realise or know that a player may not get any chance of a good win or a withdrawal for many deposits consecutively, regardless of playing on only 1 slot game on on several. I've had many periods when I've made over 25 deposits without making any single withdrawal. The worse one went to almost 40 deposits without a single withdrawal! In your screenshot above, you have deposited 535 GBP over a 25 days period, which is 21.4 GBP deposit per day, but is certainly not the case. Most likely, you've made 10 - 20 deposits in that period of time, so you've reached 20 deposits without a single withdrawal. As I've said, this bad streak could go beyond 30 or more deposits before you can actually get a taste of a win withdrawal! Is this uncommon? Nope. It can happen anywhere, at any casino, or on any slot game. It's how all games are designed to run, to bring in profits for the provider. What can you do? As far as I can see, you may just need to RIDE OUT the bad streak with minimal spins, or PLAY AT ANOTHER CASINO altogether, which would start you off on a new and different standing. Will that guarantee you won't suffer a repeat of many deposits with no withdrawal? NOPE, it won't! I never even bother about RTPs...they are just useless percentages that don't tell you anything, except to show you are losing or winning. It doesn't mean that if you are now at 80% RTP, so you are due for a huge big win very soon, to catch up to that 94% or 96% RTP nonsense...NOPE! Chase that win and you'd end in deeper troubles!
  5. @cocopop3011 This one puzzles me! What if the person has the highest multiplier but very low in screenshots? Or, what if the person has the most screenshots but not the highest multiplier? How or what is the deciding factor in this Week 2 contest then?
  6. I'm wondering Laylak, you're playing only 1 line on those games. If you get all Explorer symbols, for example, the win is only 1/10th of 5000x, which is a 500x win. So how did you get that 1700 GBP win anyway? Must have been won over many bonus games?
  7. Is he a streamer? If so, then I'm not surprised at all. Only those people would ever get the bigger prizes!
  8. Maybe, maybe, who knows, hahaha, but this 1/2/3 lines per spin concept can really work for certain games that still allow selectable lines. Not only some PlaynGo games but games by a few other providers too. Fruit Zen (Betsoft) is one of them.
  9. That is so wonderful Laylak! Congrats! I usually play Holiday Season, Pimped and Legacy Of Dead on 1, 2 or 3 lines as well, but haven't got such a big win as yours as yet!
  10. AHAH! A proof at last! That Pragmatic Play lives on LIES!!!
  11. @taratata OMG! It's a really sad story to read from you...first the cancer, then the rip-off by the casinos. I find it really strange that the casinos in question do not have such 'self-exclusion' or 'time off' facilities, which all casinos are required to have, but I do know for sure that some casinos do not offer to close your account...they would ask you to use the time-off or self exclusion facility instead, which I don't like at all. I still have some accounts at such casinos, alive and not dead, but totally unused till now of course. Those accounts would only go dead when the concerned casinos go dead! Askgamblers would certainly help you out in every way possible. Just wait for @cocopop3011 to reply to your post here.
  12. Congrats bro! After all those wheel buys and wheel spins, at least you got a 10EUR cash prize. Luckily it wasn't 5EUR, hahaha. But honestly speaking, I don't think the wheel would ever stop on anything above $25.
  13. Your Asus lasted for 10 years? Hmmm...that may mean I have just 2 more years with my darling in red, then I need to replace her with another new darling. Same thing with a mouse also. My HP mouse lasted not even 2 months with heavy daily use on it...Logitech mouse, on the other hand, lasted over 2 years! Now that's one more brand I would always go for. Totally reliable products, unlike most other branded names.
  14. Fred94a3, you have posted this same question over 4 different threads, and still asking the same question. Did you not read the replies given to you in the other threads? Without more info, no one can give you any good advice. https://www.askgamblers.com/forum/topic/13282-should-i-get-money-back/?tab=comments#comment-149592 Did you activate a 'self-exclusion' function at the casinos that you said you banned yourself?
  15. @cocopop3011 To be very very honest, I'm currently not looking forward for May to come, simply because there won't be a screenshot contest, and I'm not an eager participant in any other type of contest, except for memes. If I'm not participating, I'd have to start writing reviews again, which is a bore to me really!
  16. What would I do? I'm a man of my rights...if I'm in the right, I'd fight all out for what's mine. If I'm doubtful, I'd take whatever I can get. In your case, if I'm 100% sure of getting that max win RIGHTFULLY, with screenshots and video as proof, then I would fight for that 5000 GBP!
  17. You haven't contacted the casino yet? Oh boy! The casino could then say you have accepted the payment and may even refused to reconsider paying the extra 1000GBP. Then you may need to get Askgambler's AGCCS to file a complaint...which could drag the matter further.
  18. Hope it wasn't a malfunction but a MISfunction. If the screenshot or replay video can show that all the winning symbols are there to award that max win, then there shouldn't be any worries...unless the sneaky Pragmatic guys wish to use delaying tactics or payment refusal! A malfunction would cause the game to hang, or give the max win when the winning symbols are not there...or something like that.
  19. OMG! This contest has been going on for many months and you should have been here back then, then you may have won some prizes! No kidding my dear! Unfortunately, our Cocopop is already thinking of NOT HAVING a screenshot contest in May, due to the poor responses by regular members, but with you around, I can whisper to Cocopop's ears to still have it next month, I want that contest to go on as well, hehehe. @cocopop3011 Our old friend Katy Kate has suddenly reappeared back in the forum and is eager to take part in a screenshot contest...but you're not intending to have one in May...so...can you reconsider and still have it please? Yep, I would want it too!
  20. What are your chances of getting that 1000GBP? Well, I would say 100%, hahaha, but I'm not the casino, and I don't know if there are other unforeseen circumstances that may affect the payment. Hope there's none though, so good luck!
  21. Hey Laylak, welcome to the forum. Yes, the stated max win in the game's paytable is indeed 5000x. Once your total win reaches 5000, all remaining free spins would be forfeited, hence you got to play only 13 spins. The final total win should show 5000GBP, not 4000GBP. Hope you have taken a screenshot of that final spin. Go to their Live Chat, attach the screenshot, and ask why the payout was only 4000 and not 5000. The matter would then be escalated to the casino management for checking.
  22. Most streamers play with fake money (as opposed to fun mode money), purely for entertainment purposes for watchers, but ignorant watchers may sign up and play with real money, and so these streamers get their referral commissions from those 'suckers'! If you can play and show off your fake big wins, attract new customers to the casino, and get paid for it, wouldn't that be fun? Streamers are NOT gambling...they are FAKING!!!
  23. Well, well, well, look who finally took my earlier advice...entered and won...just when I had closed and left...hahaha. Congrats bro! That's also a double win for you...one from the game, one from this contest. Oh, btw bro...you FORGOT to include the game review link with your screenshot. Too excited hah?!
  24. You don't ban yourself from casinos, you 'self-exclude' yourself from casinos, permanently or on a time basis. As for getting your money back because you had self-excluded yourself from the other sister casinos, well, honestly speaking, depending on your situations and conditions when you self-excluded, there may be a chance to get your deposits back, or there may not be...it also depends on the discretion of the casino involved. Without much of any info on your situation, it is impossible for any of us to give more advice on this matter. Perhaps you would like to elaborate more, and why you should get your deposits back?
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