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Everything posted by Afi4wins

  1. My entry for Day 12: https://www.askgamblers.com/forum/topic/13648-taking-control-over-tougher-times/
  2. Of late, I have been facing a tough time, and expecting this to carry on for many more months. Why? What's the problem? You may be asking. When I was playing my games on my crawling 2G internet connection, most other games were inaccessible to me, because the games simply couldn't be loaded up! Now, on my 4G connection, all games have opened up once again and can be played whenever I want to play them. This is BAD for me, particularly for my very small monthly gambling budget...I could bust it within just a few days, instead of making it last for a whole month! Thankfully though, I am still very much in control of my gambling expenditures, but the last few days have seen me dishing out a little bit more money to casinos than usual, so I really need to ignore those dopamine calls, those urges for new games and casinos, and whatever else, or I would suffer the consequences. What consequences? NO MONEY consequences! Controlling one's gambling urges is easier said than done, but we all already know that. Now I need to tighten up all my moves, for a better control, and to remain in my comfort zone. We all need to do this, but not everyone can!
  3. I would do something similar too, that is, play on games that allow just 9 or 10 cents per spin. As I'm almost entirely playing on Playtech games, like it or not, I still have to play with 10 - 15 cents bets, by reducing the number of lines as required. Generally, 9 and 10 liner games by Playtech give low payouts most of the times, very difficult to even get a 50x win, so I stick to my usual favourite games all the time.
  4. Dead Or Alive (179x) : https://www.askgamblers.com/casino-games/online-slots/reviews/dead-or-alive?gameCategory=video-slots Cannot upload screenshot to game review too...have used Suggest An Edit to inform the team.
  5. My 3 Safari Heat screenshots would not load up to the game review even after 100% loading completion!
  6. I've got a few today, but lets go slow... Safari Heat (211x, 248x, 269x) : https://www.askgamblers.com/casino-games/online-slots/reviews/safari-heat?gameCategory=video-slots
  7. Luck is a very elusive thing...but yours will come one day...that's for sure!
  8. Does the same previous meme rules apply here (gambling related memes)...or can memes be on any topic?
  9. Yesterday I signed up at one more casino by Winzon, Winzinator, made a 1st deposit, and realised that the payment processor is no longer Highweb. I guess all Winzon Group of casinos are now using their own in-house payment processor. And as before, only WinnerzOn remained with Highweb Ventures.
  10. Grey is silver...valuable! I have plenty of that too, hahaha.
  11. I wish I knew, but no further news was heard about the robbery after that.
  12. This is a true story, my own, that happened over 20 years ago. I was playing on my slot machine at one of my usual gaming arcades one night and there were a few others playing there too. Suddenly there was a commotion inside the arcade...a loud voice was heard asking to open the door. When I turned around to see what was going on, I saw 4 men armed with 'parang's...1 was banging on the cashier's door with his parang, another one was by his side, and 2 were right behind us players. "Don't turn around! Go back to playing!" he was telling us, so we turned back to our machines and continued playing. They were not wearing any masks, so they don't want us players to see their faces. I only caught a quick glimpse of them, but I know they were not locals. They robbed the place, took all the cash from the cashier, but thankfully, they did not even rob us players! Within a few minutes, they got their money from the cashier and quickly left the place, as quietly as they had entered. Luckily, no one was harmed by them. The male cashier was not harmed either. Oh maaan, had those men been the brutal and cruel kind, we players would have been robbed and probably been hurt too! That was my first and one time only being involved in an actual on-going robbery!
  13. Latest news: All Winzon casinos have reinstated SKRILL as a deposit and withdrawal option for my country, whoopieee! It's as if one Winzon guy had read this topic of mine, reported it back to management, and they decided to reinstate Skrill. If this was the case, THANK YOU VERY MUCH for taking notice and bringing back my favourite Winzon/Highweb casinos!
  14. I decided to do a quick topic for my Day 8 entry, so here's the link: https://www.askgamblers.com/forum/topic/13626-the-ghostbusters-naahthe-problembusters/ Now my bed is calling me! Hahaha.
  15. Thanks, but guess what? I decided to do a quick topic for my Day 8 entry, so here's the link: https://www.askgamblers.com/forum/topic/13626-the-ghostbusters-naahthe-problembusters/ Now my bed is calling me! Hahaha.
  16. When you have problems with ghouls and ghosts, who do you call? Yeah...the Ghostbusters. When you have problems with connecting to Askgamblers.com website, who do you call? VALDES & THE PROBLEMBUSTERS!!! For 4 straight days, I couldn't make a connection to Askgamblers.com website, all because of switching over from 2G to 4G...what the heck maaan!!! Who would ever expect to get into bad problems by upgrading an internet connection, right? Don't really know how or what had happened, but my same old ISP suddenly couldn't find Askgamblers.com DNS address any more!!! No address, so no connection. God knows how many things I have tried attempting to resolve this madness, but thanks to one brilliant guy, yet again, one more time, and this time it's JAN from AG's Tech Team, he finally gave me the right solution to get around that blardy missing DNS address problem, hehehe. That's a huge sigh of relief for me! So...if you ever get into any kind of login problems, or a website connection failure, you now know whom to call...VALDES! Thank you very much Guru-san Valdes, and thank you very much Jan from AG's Tech Team too...without whom, I wouldn't have been able to get back into Askgamblers ever again!
  17. It's already pass 4am and I'm just too tired after all the attempts I had to go through to get back here...now I just want to go to SLEEP!
  18. I can't wait to join back in these contests! My connection problem to Askgamblers.com has just been resolved, with the most useful help from Askgamblers Tech Team guy, JAN! Missed a few days of contests, but what the heck, being back is more important to me!
  19. A private Power Company would usually have such things happening within the company and directors. The Power Company in Malaysia, Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB), is partly owned by the government, but that doesn't mean there's no corruption going on!
  20. Doesn't matter to me bro. I don't use the drink bottle anyway.
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