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Everything posted by valentin68

  1. I never ever won big while playing IR. But maybe this slot does not like my character. :p
  2. 99% of Rival casinos don't accept players from my country. That's why I find it hard to even make one good review for these Rival slots.
  3. I tried a few times in the past to play sports betting. I didn't understand much, just that one can easily lose money, much more easily then when playing casinos. But will continue to try. I heard about some technique named Match Betting (online) that I need to continue to read about. It seems this was one can win easily.
  4. Here that Rakjia is named Tuica. (Tzuica). It is made out of plumes. I presonally prefer the Beer named Valentine which is a brown unfiltered beer. Thank you all for the Easter wishes.To you all, the same same wishes from me.
  5. You just need to arrive at the bonus. Which means to light up all 5 lasers. If you have a NDB of 10 USD from Microgaming you might try to enter the bonus. With some luck it will not take more than 10-15 USD to do this. This is the game that i play always in Microgaming when I receive a bonus. I was once at a difference of just 3 spins from entering it and winning these thousands of dollars.
  6. I played it and it is awesome. Like a Twin Spin on steroids! When there is a new game on AskGamblers that i cannot be payed directly from AskGamblers pages (this one was available here, however), I just google "Where i can play ....". and I always find that casino to offer me a free ride.
  7. Yes indeed today is Easter here in Romania. Thank you.
  8. Up until last week I had two favorite game bonuses. First one was the bonus from Tomb Raider 2 (Secret of the Sword) where I won thousands of euros each time when playing on virtual money (one needs to light up all 5 lasers to enter this bonus round, but after entering this bonus the winnings are awesome). The second favorite feature were the Free Games from Scrooge. Another thousands of euros for each Free Games, but less than in Tomb Raider 2. Last week I discovered Spinata Grande Free Games which I am playing now each evening.
  9. if you ask if at a poker table (having usually 9 people) everybody needs to bet of fold, the answer is yes, with the exception when one or more persons are in sit out for that round. If one person is in sit out, cards are not given to him, and when he returns at the table he is obliged to make a big blind first time to receive cards.
  10. I will tell you which is the best ever classic slot where to go and play. In fact there are two of them (belonging to Microgaming) and they are No 1 and No 2 in my top 10 ever. They are "Jamaican-a-Fortune" and "Bundle in the Jungle". They can be found here in the AskGamblers pages. Go ahead, give them a try (on virtual money) and you will be very satisfied.
  11. Firestar is another iSoftBet classic slot. Just that here at AskGamblers the iSoftBet calssic slots are bundled in the video slots category. That is why you can't find them.
  12. Which is why in about all Casinos T&C is specified that the use of any helping software by the player is strictly forbidden and the player winnings are voided if the casino has such suspicions on player activity. But don't you think that is better to have some help, and play fool from time to time, than to loose more than you win?
  13. It was just an idea to keep my tablet handy next to my computer and input the wins for each spin. Than I could write a program to search into this wins for the periodicity and predictability. Which I think I will do this summer, when I will take 1-3 months of vacation from usual activities.
  14. Not only I've been part of UBISOFT (yes indeed that famous UBISOFT) but the guys that own this company (all they are brothers, from France) meet once or twice in my apartment here in Bucharest. (I throw away their direct home phone number just about two years ago). It was the beginning period of this company when they said that is better to hire Romanian programers and sell their games in France. They were paying us like 30-50 bucks/month, which was a good salary in 1991 in Romania (and I guess also in Bulgaria). My game can be found even today on the web. Just do a google search for Celtic Legends, Amiga, or Celtic Legends, Atari.
  15. Ok. So I've played Rabbit in the Hat and I liked when the fisrt Hat has appeared on the top of the slot. What follows is a question for AFI. 25 years ago, after I just finished my physics masters, I was hired as a programmer for UBISOFT (many people know then as the best Europe software game makes). That time computers had 1 MB of memory and first 16 bits CPUs. I had written for them (during 6 moths) a game named Celtic Legends (that they sold quite succesfully in all the world). I learned then the basics or RNGs (random number generators). Imagine you have a digital counter, counting modulo 64k, 100 times a second. This means that each second it makes 6.4M steps. You press a button on the keyboard and stop the counter. Of course you will have a random number generated (but with a periodicity of 64K). If you take 3 similar counters, you will have 3 variables that can combine in a function and thus have a better randomness. But the essnstial remains: your function will remain periodic. So when you told about times when the slots pay and when they do not pay I remembered what I learned 25 years ago. I was saying about Spinata Grande. It is the perfect example of periodicity. It has smaller periods of about 2 spins, medium periods of about 4-6 spins, and larger periods of about 13 spins. I will continue to try to be better than it. Maybe all I am saying about this slot is bull *****, but who knows, one day I will be rich indeed.
  16. I just saw you new pic here dear Afi. :p And I must admit that you look more like a Guru than the real Guru here! :o I followed your advice regarding the fact that some slots have time periods when then pay nice and time periods when they do not pay at all. I discovered "Spinata Grande" one week ago here and since then I am playing every day. Well each day i won something following your advice. But indeed I was playing it just for fun. So do you have some other advices I could use?
  17. I am just about to try it in the next 30 minutes. I have not played a slot since two days ago.I just hope to find a good game. Last game I payed was Spinata Grande, the best slot of NetEnt in years. Excellent slot.
  18. There are some good classic slots in iSoftBet that have a very good return. Yes indeed, your post just reminded me of them.
  19. That's what i was talking about! We're in business now!!!
  20. Of course I wold love to have a light plane. As a matter of fact I was saving money 2 years ago to buy a parachute (a paraglider) but after i had these money I decided to buy something else. Nice question Awena. I think think that everybody here wold love to fly! Wow, I'm on the mobile now!
  21. I was googling exactly "paying contest". At that time the writing contest "We are giving you 5 dollars for writing a casino review" was on the first page. And yes, I remember that AskGamblers was on the page 50... (not 30..) and I was just about to click to close that window of this site. But something told me to place a bookmark on the last moment. I revisited AskGamblers site after two months. I almost forgotten it. But from time to time I am revisiting my bookmarks.... And now... there are 4 years from then! Happy birthday indeed!!!
  22. The price of a light plane on the web is about 1-2K so is not so much.
  23. Usually it is about the same value as the real money. And just to repeat again my proposal. Blondie was saying that the only plane one could get as a prize is a toy (paper) plane. But nowadays there are light planes about the price of a used car. certainly AskGamblers is paying its review writers 2-3 times more that this every month. Wouldn't be a good advertisment for AskGamblers to come up with a contest giving as prize a light plane? Just a thought....
  24. Wow!! I missed one day from here and already so many answers to my post about the mobile site. Well, well, I have bought myself a nice 10 inch tablet one month ago and the very first day when I tried to click on Games or on other link from the above (casinos, complaints, bonuses, ...) it did not work. Not even when I enlarged the scree, which was done with great difficulty. Please excuse for being so critical, I usually am a good guy. Then I siad myself, since I have a new tablet it is time to play the games from AskGamblers pages on mobile. Again, none of these games was workin. I was browsing with Google Chrome.... Thr third time I tried to write a post here in the forum. It took me like ages. This time was not the fault of the site by my fault not being used to my new tablet. But again, on my tablet the links are working with difficulty and I can not play any game. Again please excuse for these observation. Maybe I am just an exceptil. After all I love you all here! :wub:
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