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Everything posted by ValDes

  1. Almost the same here, Lord. Skrill, Neteller, Bank Transfers and Visa credit card, just for any case...more than enough for me. All of them available for both depositing and withdrawing. All of them accepted across 99% of online operators...
  2. Hi bristimgoo and welcome to the AskGamblers forum! I am afraid that no one here (unless we have some tax officer undercover around ) is able to give you 100% correct answer to your question as it depends on your place of residence mainly. Don't know how it is with the United States, but in the European Union for example, we do not pay taxes over gambling related incomes. Or at least this is the case with Bulgaria... Perhaps some of our members could advice you better upon this.
  3. Thanks mate. To be honest, sometimes i lost the way through all these countless deposit methods... If only the withdrawal ones were at least equal in numbers...
  4. Hi Mpasa and welcome to the AskGamblers forum! I think it would be a good idea to start with reading some of these guides: How to choose an online casino safely? Withdrawing from a casino - the whole truth! Casino licensing, regulation and certification – are they really so important? SOS, I got troubles with my casino, what to do? Let me know if you have any other questions or simply need further assistance.
  5. Breath, man! Just breath! And I think you'd better try to lower somehow your incredible expressiveness as I am really concerned whether your gentle and soft heart could bare all this vast ocean of emotions, constantly flowing in and out from it!
  6. Isn't that method offered by most of the mobile casinos nowadays?
  7. Hello, hello...Hоuston, we have a problem...Hоuston, do you read me ?! Welcome to the forum by the way
  8. I would appreciate if someone of you guys pay some attention to slots...
  9. After a brief discussion with Jay, the BetAT rep here, we have decided to make a slight change into the contest's rules. We will accept screenshots of winning combinations including the first number after the decimal point! For example if the dice combination is 1 and 3 (which is at the moment) then a winning screenshot of 1.30 would also qualify, as long as the trivial 13, 130, 213 and so on, of course. We hope it will make the race even more affordable to everyone's taste here...even for the Sharon's one!
  10. Ladies and gents, Our beloved Sharon is running at full speed right now! Sounds really interesting, coco. I'll be there...on Feb the 7th!
  11. Haha, actually I can imagine...pretty well! I started here two years ago... as a writer, and then the AskGamblers team offered me to join the team!
  12. Wow! Don't make me feel so embarrassed, mate! We are only trying to show the world that it is actually possible to build a community from online gamblers with friendly, cheerful and peaceful atmosphere! It is so easy being rude and arrogant with the new members or newbie gamblers (or both), constantly saying 'Oh, how can you be so stupid, how it is possible to not know this or that...' you know what I mean. But let me ask you something. When was the last time when you were met somewhere for the first time, like you were met here, at AskGamblers? Personally, I am on a mission and my title is not a coincidence at all. My mission is to help as many online gamblers as possible by educating them how to survive in the tricky world of online gambling! Think I'm doing pretty good job with that so far, but my mission is doomed without all of you, my fellow askgamblers! You are the those, who create and maintain this awesome and lovely atmosphere here! You are those, who are always ready to give a hand to a gambler in troubles! You are those, who support our team all time! And for all that, we love you all!
  13. See, it is simply impossible for one not to like you, my dear Finnish friend!
  14. I keep reading them all the time. Otherwise, it won't be possible to do all that huge pile of work for only a couple of days. And that is why, I always remind our writers to avoid post editing.
  15. Here I go again on my own Goin' down the only road I've ever known... Yeah, good old days, when the best chicks in the hood used to love Whitesnake instead of Lady B***H (oops, I mean Gaga)... and when i was not tortured to read all that reviews day and night... Haha, just kidding, my fellow AskGamblers writers! I'm totally, absolutely and happily amazed by your fantastic games reviews! Kudos to all of you! Here's everyone's contribution this month: ******************************** Adebisi213 - 62 reviews ******************************** aemakgol - 20 reviews ******************************** Afi4wins - 10 reviews ******************************** Awena - 1 review ******************************** bogdangy - 15 reviews ******************************** bohemasoso - 11 reviews ******************************** Icymod - 90 reviews ($450 this month?! Not bad at all, probably even enough to make you swallow those two disqualified reviews. ) ******************************** IrineTropic - 3 reviews ******************************** katemak - 13 reviews ******************************** kruno1414 - 3 reviews ******************************** LordCronal - 1 review ******************************** mpane80 - 41 reviews ******************************** spoton - 6 reviews ******************************** szirtisas - 3 reviews ******************************** zbjeles - 4 reviews ******************************** @Adebisi213, @Icymod - Your reviews are great, guys! In fact, they are a perfect example of what we were actually seeking for when started this awesome contest! Just wanted to thank you personally for the amazing job! @ Afi4wins - Reading your reviews, my friend, was an absolute delight for all my gambling senses! You are a great writer, a great online gambler, but also a great person with fantastic sense of humor! Would like to thank you personally for being such a dedicated member of our community and to encourage you to write as much as possible! You are born for that! Thank you!
  16. And the special academy award goes to .... Wake up, man! Oscars are now gone! You are in AskGamblers already... Haha, time for the monthly summary, my fellow AskGamblers! And here we go ... ************************** Afi4wins - 30 reviews (You know it, don't ya?! ... That you are writing some of the greatest casino reviews, I have ever read! In my humble opinion, there is only one person here, who can challenge you when it comes to writing and this is ... Sharon, of course! ) ************************** Awena - 5 reviews (not a bad start as a rookie 'writer' I must say Just be sure to pay more attention to your personal experience) ************************** Bamabam - 1 review ************************** bogdangy - 9 reviews ************************** bohemasoso - 9 reviews ************************** IrineTropic - 13 reviews (Irine, you are now close to the 300 mark of online casinos where you have played (or at least according to your reviews here), but we are totally surprised by the fact that you did not help with this experience in any other thread, unless the paid ones?! . Sincerely hope you will prove me wrong in the next couple of months, right. ) ************************** katemak - 27 reviews (there were 5 casinos, which you have double-reviewed, so they are out of the equation ) ************************** kruno1414 - 13 reviews (we will expect your next reviews to contain more of your personal experience rather than mostly some general stuff ) ************************** Lolbibo - 21 reviews ************************** LordCronal - 2 reviews (Lordy, I promise to buy you a bottle of the finest Finnish or Russian vodka if you make at least ten reviews in February! ) ************************** paquito76 - 7 reviews ************************** sencize - 6 reviews ************************** valentine68 - 10 reviews ************************** zbjeles - 5 reviews **************************
  17. The number of likes you may give per 24h is 10 as far as I remember. SO, in your case, better save them all for Sharon's posts.
  18. Deuce Club Casino prepared amazing landing pages for our members, with our logo, but even more amazing double promotion! EXCLUSIVE: 150% up to €1500 + 10 Free Spins on your 1st Deposit!! In order to receive the bonus: Register your account via our very special link HERE Use the code: ASK10 Contact casino's Chat Support (24/7 available) Quote
  19. Yeah, LordCronal is facing the same problem all the time. And my advice would be exactly the same as I gave to him. Just be careful when pressing the ''Like' button.
  20. Excellent idea Sharon! We were thinking about that long time ago, but it never came to a final resolution... Until now, I suppose. Let me consider the idea as a whole and I'll propose something, ok. :
  21. It's just some stupid error. Our tech team is already taking care of it.
  22. With great pleasure, my lady! I know you are the right person for that.
  23. Don't mess with the Master's job, you little cutie!
  24. Kate, have you checked already the very first post of this thread? There are some quite an interesting suggestions of how to distract yourself while waiting for the money to arrive.
  25. Seems that I am the only one around, who is not that exalted from all these new slots popping out lately... or in the future. Am I already getting old or it's more like some stupid reaction, coming from an old and stubborn donkey like me, situated right in the middle of a bridge over a wild river?!
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