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Everything posted by ValDes

  1. Haha, my reaction at first was absolutely the same, I even told him to stop with April Fools jokes, but he was deadly serious and explained he got very fast the way up to the max multiplier level and then got a dozen huge wins there. When I see the game history I'll be able to tell you what happened exactly, at least I hope so.
  2. I can try to help you, but only if you return your previous avatar. I don't like to see you in black, you are such a sunny person. Kidding, I'll check what's going on asap.
  3. Was sharing your observations and opinion regarding Steam Tower.... till couple of days ago when an old gambling comrade from German sent me a winning screenshot from this game! Man, the guy hit over 4900 x bet feature! Asked him to post that beauty here but he had already posted it in some German gambling forum and refused me. But promised to send me the complete game history and see how the feature produce such gigantic win!
  4. My dear Afi, what you said above is EXACTLY what I've done after the huge fiasco with my previously described attempt to predict a totally unpredictable video slot. Now I am feeling way happier relying on my bare instincts and forget completely my match education.
  5. Well, I have graduated a math school here in Bulgaria with an excellent mark, then IT in university... I guess that makes me a man who knows a bit about mathematics and how mathematical algorithms could be implemented into a software. Back in 2009-2010 I used almost 1,1 million spins I have recorded from my play sessions at Bet365 /mostly Fantastic Four and Electra/ and tried to build some model to predict when a good hit could and should be expected. There was even a moment when I almost done it...before losing a fortune and ended up with a single conclusion in my head - it is impossible to predict that! However, what Guru failed to do does not necessarily mean that Afi, Valentin or anyone else with enough expertise and knowledge could not do it successfully. And to be honest, I would be soooo happy if any of you guys manage to do that, even hope to benefit from it.
  6. Now will keep my fingers crossed for you to hit under 100 euro next time.
  7. Which means we have in our forum a 90's star in among programmers and coders then. Don't you think that the companies producing gambling software have already predicted that someone could try to 'decrypt' their algorithm?
  8. Now all we have to do is to find a way to ''read' this PREDICTABILITY correctly and there we go, happy millionaires!
  9. Didn't even heard of it yet, let alone trying it..Hope that some of our members has already played on that game. Thanks for sharing though.
  10. Glad to see another one of our writers being active across the forum. Didn't even play this game, hate SkillOnNet games to be honest. Did you ever manage to hit big with some their video slots?
  11. You've been part of Ubisoft?! The company which made my most beloved Heroes Of Might and Magic?!
  12. Hehe, good to see DOA Master in "flesh and blood" although I've seen the real you long before.
  13. Katerina, I have edited your screenshot a bit and cropped your surname. Hope you don't mind. Congrats though.
  14. Well done, slotking! Glad to see you back here with such a glorious post! Congratulations!
  15. Then we are in a serious trouble... Most online casinos are struggling to stay above the water and constantly cutting costs at the expense of staff, trying to operate with less people as possible and that applies to all departments - financials, support, IT.. The results are obvious, since a reputable casino like Slotty could be hit for hours and blackmailed afterwards then just try to imagine what these hackers could do with the other brands if they want to.
  16. Why I have the odd feeling that this would be a serious part of our future... I mean, cyber technologies are growing rapidly in the last decade, but so do the hackers capabilities and organizations. And providing the fact that a huge part of the online casino industry is still way behind when it comes to implementation of all latest and top notch security measures, maybe we are at the beginning of a series of such terrible events. Hope to be proved totally wrong though.
  17. I wouldn't recommend playing with them anyways. Their complaints history here is a mile long and features all possible tricks of how a casino could avoid and delay paying customers in a timely and hassle free manner.
  18. So as mine, at least until this terrible situation happened. Definitely not anymore... Wish they did, but unfortunately could not confirm that.
  19. Nah, my account review had nothing to do with the attacks which happened weeks after my account was finally reviewed and reopened. Anyways, hope the bad experience is now behind my back and from now on I will have only sunny days ahead when using e-wallets.
  20. Oh dear.... I made 7 phone calls, sent 31 emails to 3 different departments, submitted 2 complaints... All the replies I got were from Support Team, but they were totally helpless as the account review was made only by Members Inquiries Department, etc etc
  21. Man, this was the post I was expecting to see for over ten days!!! Now, after getting the well deserved kudos from the DOA Master himself, I am feeling in a total harmony and my incredible win and DOA victory are now somehow complete.
  22. Don't know about their fees, but Neteller kept my account "closed under review" /whatever that means!/ for .... 47 days without telling me zero, nada, 0 info why! Then, all of a sudden my account was reopened just like that, again no word, no explanation, nothing... I was a loyal and happy customer of Neteller for a long time, but after this terrible experience all I could say about them is bye, bye...
  23. It's not very often to see a mega hit from Game Of Thrones slot, so big kudos for you Adebisi! I'm really curious to know more details about this hit though.
  24. Wow, that's an amazing streak man! Bravooo! And even more congrats for finding the Withdraw button just on time!
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