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Everything posted by ValDes

  1. Ouch, plot twist! Have just been informed by my colleagues from the AskGamblers Complaint Team that there isn't any valid evidence that you mentioned ANY problem gambling issues in the attached files. Not a word of it...
  2. And you were obviously given ALL the required options as seen on the screenshots attached to my responses above - choosing SE for UP to 5 years OR sending email for permanent SE. Since you claim your case falls under this part here - https://prnt.sc/103kloo, mind you, there isn't a concrete period of time in which the Operator must act accordingly. Therefore, this particular situation is open for different interpretations, therefore, from the MGA's competence to review and decide. Which is exactly what I intend to recommend for the AskGamblers Complaint Team to do while reviewing your AGCCS case. Again, I was totally straightforward and honest by saying out loud my opinion. And yes, I know this isn't exactly what you wanted to hear but hey, let's leave the part with who's right and who's wrong here for the only competent authority to decide - the MGA. Good luck and keep us posted! I'm really really eager to hear what they will rule.
  3. Shall I live the day when there will be a mega win in excess of that bloody 500x?! Not that I'm complaining of course but kinda irritating you know - got three mega wins so far on Maze Escape Megaways and guess what, all three in the region of x500-x510... Coincidence, right?
  4. The example you gave is quite different simply because the affected Operator was Curacao licensed. And we all know this particular license has a LOT MORE to do when it comes to setting better and MANDATORY requirements towards players protection and problem gambling. And that's the main reason why we are more liberal towards players when they come to us with RG related issues referring to Curacao licensed Operators. In your case we talk about MGA licensed Operator which as far as I can see from their RG page is following strictly ALL the relevant RG requirements set by the regulatory body. Let me repeat again - you had the opportunity to put your account under active SE for as long as UP TO 5 YEARS with a single click of your mouse and yet, you didn't do it. Instead, you asked for PERMANENT SE which is NOT stipulated as a MANDATORY option which MGA licensed Operators much have and that's why you had to send emails to specified email address. Sorry, but I just think you don't have a valid case.
  5. Yes, I'm afraid you are thinking completely wrong, simply because you don't know MGA RG stipulations in details. Should you've been completely honest about your problem gambling issues you could have easily used the SE tool and set your account under UP to 5 years SE without the option of being reopened as shown on the attached SS above. Something you obviously failed to do for reasons only you know... You could of course sent the permanent SE request afterwards but your account would have been closed and you would have been protected in the meantime. Anyway, since you are obviously having troubles with knowing how most recent MGA RG procedures work, please find attached the official paperwork which I'm sure will be of great use. https://www.mga.org.mt/wp-content/uploads/Directive-2-of-2018-Player-Protection-Directive.pdf
  6. Really?! Let me help you for the next time when you find yourself into same/similar situation then... Pay attention to the part underlined in blue.
  7. Okay, have just checked our AGCCS database in order to see the name of the Operator... Of course, it will be the AskGamblers Complaint Team who will review your case, tomorrow most probably, so they will let you know the outcome of your complaint. However, as explained in my previous post, you failed to explain why you didn't use any of the RG tools available? This is from the affected Operator's dedicated RG page:
  8. Hmm, something doesn't quite add up here to be honest... First of all, cannot recall any MGA licensed Operator who wouldn't provide Self-Exclusion (as well as the common set of other Responsible Gaming tools such as Deposit/Session/etc limits) tool while browsing My Account options, available for the players to use straight away, at any time and without the need to contact anyone. Furthermore, let's not forget that fighting problem gambling issues requires serious efforts from both the Player and the Operator. Why always the Operator should be pointed out as the usual suspect and/or guilty by default? The scenario described by the OP doesn't really match to the typical problem gambler behaviour but rather suggests clear intention of putting into the win-win scenario where if winning, player keeps low profile and silent, BUT if losing, then claiming problem gambling and Operator's irresponsible attitude towards problem gambler. Sorry @TimetobeUnited but I just don't buy your story UNLESS supported with rock solid proofs and of course, justified explanation of the fact WHY you didn't use any of the RG tools offered by the Operator instead of sending emails back and forth.
  9. Ouch, this is what I call a serious casino-closet-clean-up! Hope at least your local online casinos will be kinder with you.
  10. Same here... Reactoonz 2 has been nothing but brutally ruthless to me so far. Congrats @blondie and glad to see you around again.
  11. Yey, happy to hear the good news! Now all that's left to do is to wish you ... Happy Spinning and Good Luck!
  12. Hey there A really detailed info concerning the COVID-19 impact over the British gambling industry alongside other useful info you can find here - https://www.gamblingcommission.gov.uk/news-action-and-statistics/news/news.aspx?searchKeywords=covid&categories=&page=0#main Not a rocket science to claim that this is pretty much the situation will any other major gambling market.
  13. Hi there and welcome to AskGamblers. Considering the nature of the described issue, strongly encourage you to consider the idea of using AGCCS /AskGamblers Casino complaints Service/. More about how to use it here. Also, don't forget to read carefully all the AGCCS Guidelines and make sure to adhere to them. For more information how to use AGCCS, please visit our Knowledge Base. Using AskGamblers Casino Complaints Service Let us know in case you need further assistance.
  14. Hi Afi, First of all, really sorry to hear about your troubles with the aforementioned Operator. Two days (and counting) without a response from their Support Team is way too slow indeed. Unfortunately, I'm not able to ping any of our Account Managers right now and check with them cause it's a national holiday today and tomorrow in Serbia. So, basically, you have two choices, either submit a complaint and let me know so that we can process it asap OR wait for two more days until the AMs are back. Pls let me know.
  15. Man, I have some theories none of which you would really like to hear, I bet on that!
  16. Hey there @millyee1 and welcome to the AskGamblers Forum Afraid there's nothing you could do right now but waiting patiently for the investigation to finish. Keep in mind such software issue might take some time to be properly addressed and investigated. Keep us updated. Thanks.
  17. Excellent idea actually so feel free to start and organize one, I'm all for it!
  18. Oh, another fan of Maze Escape Megaways, nice! Seems like that 500x is the common max win seen across forums. Fantazma is advertising a much much bigger max win but the reality shows sth totally different obviously. Anyway, congrats mate and yeah, keep them coming!
  19. Hi @chowpappy and welcome to the AskGamblers Forum You will be surprised to hear perhaps that there are lots and lots of online casinos out there which fit perfectly to your modest criteria. It is a matter of searching and choosing carefully, that's all. Depending on your country of residence we may help you further with decent suggestions so feel free to let us know.
  20. I prefer my shooting license.... Served me well so far!
  21. Hi there @HZCRM0543500191 and welcome to the AskGamblers Forum Afraid we do not support your language at the moment, so feel free to use English instead. Thanks. PS. All your attachments have been removed , reason - containing sensitive personal information.
  22. When democracy came to Bulgaria 31 years ago and all these gigantic changes began, the politicians back then decided to adopt the UK health care system as a model. Now, was that decision made because of their absolute incompetence or simply cause of their frantic attempts to copy everything associated with the so called 'West' and use use it our country without taking into account the specifics of the population, the legacy, the mentality and so on will remain for the history to decide. What we witnessed in the last 2 decades is a brutal reality which resulted into the harsh truth showed here https://prnt.sc/yxzmne!
  23. Yeah, that's the logic behind the announced vaccination plans and phases adopted across most/all countries so far. Eldest ones and/or those from the 'front line' coming first and then all the rest, of course segregated into groups depending on the vulnerability to COVID infection and the risk of getting into a serious conditions while infected or not.
  24. These are the intentions as announced by the Government... What's going to happen is a totally different matter thou which usually seriously (sometimes absolutely) contradicts with the reality. TBH, I don't believe a word coming from the officials until I see some/any real actions.
  25. Few restrictions 'lifted' here as well last week: - malls and gyms opened with certain restrictions of course like no persons under 18 allowed without older companion, gyms working at 50% capacity max; - schools have been opened for 1 to 4 grade since January 4th, now opened for for 7, 8 and 12 grade for two weeks, after that opened for 6 and 10 and finally for 5 and 9... - restaurants reopening on March 1st. After the good results and positive trends of decreasing significantly all important COVID-19 values we are not slowly but surely returning to path to hell which we saw last November. Why the politicians are allowing it to happen again is beyond me, but most probably due to the fact they don't give a **** about the common folk, after all they have access to the best possible medical services and treatment while we, the ordinary people, are left to wait for hours and hours for an ambulance when things go south or even to get a proper medical examination and tests. So much with the pseudo-democracy which is suffocating my beautiful and amazing Bulgaria! On the flip side, the percentage of people who are willing to get vaccinated is ridiculously low, even among the most educated parts of the society as doctors, teachers, etc... Which means that soon, probably mid March, me and my family can finally receive a vaccine and start to breath normal again.
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