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Everything posted by Icymod

  1. TEST TUBE (in science classes)
  2. I don't mind about what Johnny does but telling your kids that they will lose their PS3 for giving dad the keys to the safe sounds too much of a consequence.
  3. Valdes hasn't told you about what needs to happen? About my obession? The things needed to break a certain curse? Maybe I am sick.......of hearing nothing but silence! I just need to be healed by a certain girl so that wounded Icymod wouldn't be using crutches anymore
  4. Oh yeah! A beautiful fighter who's already charmed me! You ssssseeeeexxxxyyyy stallion, matrix me right now! Whatever that means and hoping it's a type of good punishment! (Emoticon for being turned on). Now, to lick my computer screen! (Yes my attachment to Luciana grows gradually per day unless she.........)
  5. What will you wish for Blondie? I wished for some punishment/whipping from the "Forum Heroine" but I don't know if that'll happen. Oh no! I said it aloud! For my next birthday, it would happen like this: "Luciana: Happy Birthday Icymod, now sl*p me hard on my forbidden surface (Her as*)!"
  6. This is just awful! I posted a link and I get close to zip while mrohacek gets a longer answer!? I must be Cocopop's disliked members around. Also, if I continue to be naughty towards Coco, do I get my just desserts? Yeeha! Let's keep this going! We'll start by posting links then see the feedback from the AG glam girls! Game on guys!
  7. It sounds like Stephen won a jackpot and the casino is investigating on whether the win is legit or not. Now he's waiting for a response from the casino if I'm correct
  8. Hmm....interesting, what about hitting a feature round on that one spin? It's likely possible as I've had that on BetVictor
  9. Your worst ever possible way to handle a member!!! From your absence, I don't think my icy wounds will heal except for.................... (Pictures below for your hint). Only then can my vampire-warlock curse (my obsession towards you) will be broken!
  10. Ahh black mail to it's extreme point. Have to add that good results can't be argued
  11. After you left the forum, don't celebrate just yet!
  12. Of course waiting for that notification box can be set aside for now............although.........there is something I urgently "need"
  13. Se Luciana incontrato un ragazzo italiano, allora sarò in un angolo buio di una casa bruciata giù durante la pioggia
  14. It's on there website in the promo section but you know I'll be wrecked for posting a link by Coco "Wrecking ball" Pop3011. Wish she were more creative with her editing
  15. The other stuff are top secret
  16. Your both crazy! Especially you my lovely feathered beauty (Katemak). Enjoying your comments is too refreshing for my ears! On another note, are witches afraid of water and do they melt on contact from a splash of it?
  17. I'm going to hit you sooo hard with.......( insert your favourite alcohol drink with a valued % )
  18. Now's not the time to kid around Valdes, your the Admin of the forum which means you have details about her whereabouts and are closest to her. Not return to this forum!?!?!? I think I'll go off topic on every thread now! Expect all expectations to be the complete opposite......ie. 100x screens will be 1x - 5x wins, gossips will be through PM, Katemak will be the new victim to replace Luciana until "she breaks the curse", post unnecessary yet disinterested threads for Valdes and post links to annoy Sharon etc. etc.
  19. Are you telling us timing in winnings are fixed? P.S. Out of topic here, I think sometimes that I want to open your numbered case and see what your all about Kate...........in terms of being lucky of course he he he From a normal witch to a famous witch! You should'nt of kept that secret otherwise I would be calling you something different instead of witch like (Can't think of anything I will get back to you)
  20. If my gut instinct is accurate, my guess is #2 and I might be able.......to help you out there Awena
  21. The past 3 posts made me laugh and liked. It could be that the Princess is "Too hot to handle" that I started to melt since I'm made of all ice Perhaps the lady has been captured in a secure location could be the result for her delayed return.........Valdes........is there something you would like to tell me?
  22. We're all ears.....and tongue
  23. Wednesdays 1:00 pm - 3:30 pm and on Birthdays!!! This day regardless of timing seems to be a sacred day for winnings!!! My advice to the celebrity witch would be to date all days of each month using your lucky times and see who comes on to you.....the most!!!
  24. I'm with Johnny for Avalon II. The toughest way to obtain the bonus round!!!
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