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Posts posted by TheAverageGuy

  1. 8 hours ago, pinnit2015 said:

    Am happy to wait for Lucho to send me my 5k? - the pigeon's due here on November 25th. 

    Waiting on the results of their multiple personality KYC. 

    I dunno.. If it's a race to see which reward arrives first...

    Pre-post Leo was the hands down favourite to win. The slow start out the gate was surprising, but no cause for alarm. With some fine jockeying coming out of the first turn  all those in the stand sI'm sure expected the race would already be over..

    Instead there's a complete the lack of giddee'up down the back stretch..  It's rumored he may even have been spotted pausing for a couple fan photos and a sugar cube or 3..

    The million to one longshot  could seven uddenly begin to look like  the miracle of the century if they'd ever left the paddock,  but t it is indeed a one horse race.. so those holding a winning ticket  still have reason to smile.. as perhaps does the dog food factory down the road.. 




  2. 11 minutes ago, pinnit2015 said:

    Good job Lucho's sending you that 5k for your post, eh?

    Good chance we're willing participants in Money Laundering in accepting it but, in these dark days, I can live with that. 

    I understand the question, but if forced to be 100% completely honest.. under oath, if you will, I can only offer the truth as I know it and that is quite simply, that I do not recall...



  3. OMG!

    The Day is almost half pver and not a sign of the absolutely free money that I did very little at all to earn while being given no guarantee or reason to expect that I would recieve said effortless free money before the day was half over... or... in sweden ALMOST ALL THE WAY OVER!!!! 


    But I can still complain abour it right? 



  4. /me files away his 3 newly introduced forum characters, before returning to his preferred forum aliases and their routine of replying to new forum psots, pointing out how clever, humerous and/or completely correct each pseudonym was in the preceding post, planning week long fishing trips to hunt the elusive 1/10000000000 jamming jars screenshot  that will still never hold a candle to Supe It Up and generally being awesome.

    Cut to AskGamblers' Awards 2035 as Sacha Baron Cohen recieved a lifetime achievement award for the 1200+ unique characters crafted and immortalized in his 850,000 page, one man  screenplay CoCo TAG -Starring Borat Valbruno PinnAfideen.




  5. 24 minutes ago, N1 Group said:

    Hi Shawn, 

    I'm Joo casino representative.  Thanks for sharing your experience with us.  I have spoken with our support and VIP team about the live chat session you had regarding this offer.  
    As was mentioned before, this offer was available on the second deposit* without bonuses during a day, on May 16.
    My apologies that it's not worked out as you would have liked.

    Since we take care of each player in our casino a goodwill bonus has been credited to your balance. 
    Thank you for understanding. 

    Good luck and have a great week!

    Kind regards, 
    Joo Casino


    hmm.. if this is the goodwill addition mentioned, This may well be the best politically correct gfys I've ever received.. 



  6. 16 minutes ago, Afi4wins said:

    Honestly speaking, I too had received a number of cashback promotions from various different casinos...mostly on the eleventh hour, or had passed its validity period. So I would purely blame this on the marketing team of each casino...for late sending of their promotional emails, for one reason or another.

    Inclined to agree, likely why such details are more and more commonly found under every email offer sent by more and more casinos (I would assume also has become regulation in certain jurisdictions) funny how I have often found myself on whatever end of the timezone is least favourable for my balance though 🙂


  7. So clearly the point that the entire issue for me was instantly being given the run around didn't hit home. 

    Stop telling me to contact support for help, as this is what started this in the first place, following the email instructions and contacting support for my bonus...

    At best one could argue that the "rules" on this offer were .  Hazy.. perhaps not clearly laid out..  but I'm getting a tad irritated with being told that I should pay closer attention .. or ask for help if I'm confused. .

    I read the wording quite clearly, been speaking/reading English for 40 years. To me there is no confusion.. and if there is a miscommunocation.. it sure as heck ain't down to my comprehension abilities   

    Seems a lot more a case of just refusing to admit fault or accept blame .. but as the fella who feels ripped off and injured, I'm just not vibing on the blame the victim tone here  

  8. It just rubbed me wrong from the get go, despite being a regular player at many of the direx/N1 sites for years, Joo is one the I've probably only played ar under 20 times, without ever having a single cashout or anything of note to encourage me playing there more, so it has always been the random decent bonus email at the right time that gets my deposit dollars sent in their direction 

    From the get go it felt like I was an imposition and clearly was wrong for . Taking them up on their offer. Take note the 3 times I supplied "Proof*of being worthy of their "gift^ that I'd already bought and paid for 

    Note, the email came to me shortly after 10pm.  So already the next day in casino land..  yet it was too late  to use the bonus that had no expiry date listed.

    That alone along with the general dismissal/tone  of the nearly 30 minute "just contact Live chat so we can make you happy" was enough to irritate,, let's bear in mind I'd just dropped $70 with the expectation of a "second chance parachute* if it should go poorly,  the ONLY reason for my deposits, to be treated as though I was clearly wrong to not know I was wrong to even ask for it.

    For the VIP manager to then pick another reason why the piss poor customer service was my fault and I should certainly be  more careful next time (a reason  not discussed or written anywhere   AND FACTIALLY untrue   ) just got under my skin even more   

    So . My experience in screenies and memes to vent a smidge, make light of my own negative mood and perhaps make a little point about the "service" point of customer service, especially when you essentially pull a bait and switch , but instead of a lesser product, you chastise and blame them while holding their money in your hand.


    0/10 would not recommend 

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