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Everything posted by pinnit2015

  1. Broader note i think the distinction between countries and their regulatory systems, or lack thereof, is important. Offering to UK when no licence is a no no for me - primarily because, for all it's faults, they have a system for offering services. Sign up, commit to a certain (albeit overly harsh )level of standard and you're good to go. Australia and the USA are just examples of Big Govt restricting folks' choice - particularly Australia. On that basis i'd rather see 'good' casino's offering services to the last 2 than some charlatans. So i'm always a bit meh when someone says i'm from Aussie and can play here - be glad it's not a Gametech casino etc.
  2. How is Bitstarz's site identical to AG's? Because there's a bit of white and black? You expect each live chat across various sites and operators to be wholly distinct - I could line up 20 chat transcripts across 20, OR just the one, casino and i doubt you'd be able to differentiate. No, they are not one and same.
  3. Devil's advocate. I'm geo blocked from the UK so can't even hit the registration page, so why not the US as well if they aren't accepted?
  4. pinnit2015


    Along those lines but more if w/d request put through, one of the better 'rules' by the UKGC regarding additional information
  5. People will say, re weather, ah but the Norwegians cope/the Germans cope but it's a bit of an unfair comparison - some are countries that have a history of this so they are more prepared-up til recently we've been a place of mildness, in general. Having said that it only takes a bit now before our infrastructure grinds to a halt - and, knowing the cuts being made, wouldn't surprise me if they're wholly underfunded by Whitehall. I know Council's continually have their money slashed so where do you think they shave it off from? Yep - the areas where they historically haven't had many issues...
  6. Also.... It'll take absolutely ages for insurance companies to even get the loss adjusters out to homes and, even after that, some may not insure again: something on the other week about taking up to 8 months to payout.
  7. Given the generally c"ap reviews about them i wouldn't be in a rush to test live chat's words
  8. This is how the Scots deal with bad weather
  9. I didn't do anything! Big thing as well will be how dry the summer is - we're now getting huge amounts of rain in the Summer so risk that it wont have a chance to recover before being hit again. Need to check the stats because i'm pretty sure the UK's budget has been cut regarding flood prevention which, when the Minister spoke in York, makes a mockery of their words. Country's been on standstill since Brexit so wouldn't surprise me.
  10. We're on relative high ground here but i know there was a lot of work done on the River Clyde defences in recent years to combat it - seems to be holding up relatively OK.
  11. I used to go out with a lass from Abergavenny, think that was the last time i was in Wales many moons ago. What gets me is always, seemingly, how under prepared we are despite having (well the SE of England especially) this happen quite often - not sure there's much you can do right enough apart from respond to what happens.
  12. Nah, not as bad here.... Glad i'll be long dead before Noah's Ark has to rock up for another failed attempt at giving humanity another shot RIP Someone's blue bin
  13. You're not missing much with VS - Forerunners in reduced RTP's (albeit the rest are following) - Reduced rewards but with increased wagering - Withdrawals now taking 8hrs if you do at certain times - Very little, or no offers
  14. Warning: bad language/words in the game. Beats having a epileptic fit from playing Joker Troupe
  15. New NLC slot - Punk Rocker; not played too much but had quite a few 250x's; yet another good release from them. https://www.nolimitcity.com/games/punk-rocker/
  16. Probably the same as what happened to those who watched what they eat and enjoyed a sugary treat now and again and the individual who doesn’t drink himself into a coma Unfortunately it doesn’t have the same impact as the person who appears on a TV programme, sad music playing in the background and proceeding to lecture folk on the evils of the world.
  17. A mouldy one at that with fruit flies around it
  18. May as well become a sheep then and bow to our Uber lords Anyone used to playing at bet sizes bigger than that won’t adjust but go outwith the U.K: someone used to rolling on five quids won’t suddenly be content with 40ps IMO; and why should they. Personal choice is gradually being eroded across all aspects of life but ho hum
  19. And, yet, we'll still see the following ad nauseam... - Oh, i gambled more than i should have and you never stopped me - money back please - Oh, i opened up another account despite being SE, can i have my money back please So thanks to over zealous politicians, those charged with agenda's and player fraud in the UK, you've nearly achieved what you wanted - just a few more nails and the coffin will be sealed
  20. If i was a casino i'd be, legally, challenging it - from purely a slotting (sportsbook excluded) POV, you're (if the high rollers abandon ship), wiping out a revenue stream of well above 50% (going to find the report about high rollers contribution to profits). In many ways whether folk bet above that now and again is a red herring - i don't go above it either that much but when on a run, like the other night when Bonanza played OK, i was on 4 quids for about 100 spins, it's my choice. Just another fable of choice being whipped away from both players and casino's. And yeah, it'll drive players into the arms of less scrupulous casinos - safer gambling., er nope. Makes absolutely no sense, whatsoever. The government came for my beloved cocopops (not Sharon) and Irn Bru when they imposed the sugar tax and now it's the things we do when eating and drinking those.
  21. Still not decided.... I imagine if they do it they’ll end up with a fiver as the limit to stay in tow with land based. Dont think they’ll need to amend the GA though I know it’s been looked at, atm. Prepare for a lot more complaints of U.K. non pays or allowed to register at Curacao etc.
  22. https://www.theguardian.com/society/2020/feb/13/shares-in-betting-firms-plunge-suggested-cap-in-online-casinos Riding on a sea of anti gambling populism. If this comes it there will be a mass exodus of casinos from the UK - it's not scaremongering, it's basic economics - low rolling cannot sustain a casino. I hope if it does the casino's find a way around it, albeit temporarily. And, for medium/high rollers, a mass rush to other operators who may or may not be that great. Good job UKGC if you put this through.
  23. See below - yep And , blurghhh
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