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Everything posted by raverbabe

  1. Did you hear about the explosion at the cheese factory? There was de brie everywhere.
  2. I have read that one too :-) my brother in law recently gave me lend of Maskerade and The Fifth Elephant, neither of which I have opened yet.. they are both on my ever-growing 'to-read' list! After I have finished 'The Bone Clocks' however, I intend to get stuck into a novel called The Miniaturist' which grabbed my attention via a Guardian Books review some months ago. :-)
  3. Oh trust me, when I go out in town nowadays, I feel like one of those people I used to look at when I was 18 and think 'she should be at home with her slippers on watching Miss Marple...!' However, some of the more underground places around here have way older clubbers than me still going strong, so maybe I ought to just stay out of mainstream clubs. Keep it real ;-)
  4. We should go rave together! I have numerous pairs of fluffy boots and neon face paint that I am willing to share! \o/
  5. A flying insect just came into my kitchen and literally exploded!! I think it was a Jihaddy Long Legs.
  6. So, I went into B&Q yesterday and an assistant came over to me and asked me if I wanted decking. Luckily, I got a few punches in first.
  7. YES!!! Cyanide and Happiness are my absolute favourite comic strip atm! Ive got my favourite one on my phone, ill dig it out and upload it ASAP. It's pretty brutal though!!
  8. Thanks pal, that made for interesting reading. Sorry for all the poor people who lost out through these rogues though.
  9. I see what you mean but if there are several conversations going on in the same thread it can get quite confusing (and frustrating) reading through the responses that aren't relevant to what you have posted about, as experience has shown me that some forum users have not (or will not) familiarise themselves with the 'quote' function button :-D
  10. Excellent choice! It took me most of my adult life to really get 'into' Pratchett's work but when I did... oh boy!! My personal favourite of the Discworld series is Carpe Jugulum. Simply because it is the first one of Pratchett's that I actually 'got' and which, in parts made me laugh out loud :-D
  11. Thanks. Yes, it is nice being in the 'well-read' club, but as degrees go, it is fairly useless in terms of job prospects unless I were to go for a full-time writing career option, which has the huge disadvantage of being massively oversaturated with competition. That being said, with my English Lit/writing experience I may be the first person to write several hundred reviews for you in a month without ***** it up!
  12. In what context does this apply? Because I have many..(!!) My favourite non-gambling guilty pleasure is squeezing my boyfriend's spots and blackheads. Yes, I know how disgusting this is but I don't care. It is incredibly satisfying and akin to my childhood bubble-wrap addiction.
  13. Therein lies the problem with films derived from novels. That, is a gamble in itself, whether or not it is going to do the novel any justice whatsoever. One exception to this, to my absolute surprise was Alex Garland's 'The Beach'. One of my all time favourite novels and I really love the film too.
  14. Hey there, Any chance of expanding the forum pages to cover topics other than gambling? Lets get a current affairs one on the go, so we can all chat about things that are going on, wherever in the world one happens to be! :-)
  15. Hahah my apologies, I tend to skip the first hundred and fifty or so pages on threads of this size (simply because they are mostly out of date by the time I get to them!) Thanks for humouring me though ;-) I personally am doing a Masters in English Lit so work-wise, i'm pretty much doing anything I can to get by (as I sadly, have to pay my own fees and living costs unlike Undergraduates) :-( My last contract was with Jet2.com - paying compensation to flight delay customers. Great pay but sadly, only a short term contract. I now have a week to decide what I am going to do next. Prostitution is looking tempting at this point haha
  16. Sorry if this is in the wrong place (or if this topic already exists, I did look but feel free to move if so...) I recently discovered my new favourite author - David Mitchell (not the David Mitchell of Peep Show fame..) who has so far written a ton of books. Cloud Atlas was the first of his that I read and it is a real mind-melter of a novel but really, really good. I think it was made into a film although I haven't seen it. I recently bought his new one 'The Bone Clocks' which has turned out to also be a mind-melter but the characterisation in this novel is just perfect. It is set over a lifetime of a single person and has multiple themes and motifs and I would recommend it to anyone!
  17. Oh man, some of those questions are killers!! Fingers as long as your legs, or legs as long as your fingers? hahaha
  18. I watched a film called 'The Kingsman' recently which was pretty darn good :-) TV shows are more my forte though, LOVED Breaking Bad, American Horror Story and a channel 4 show called Utopia which sadly only ran for two seasons.
  19. We have a fully black kitty named Elliott. Despite the masculine name, Elliott is female (I like to think that it empowers her little sense of kitty self to have a 'boys name' :-) Elliott is a rescue cat. I did not rescue her from a centre, but from a neighbor who burnt his flat down, and if it was not for the excellent work of West Yorkshire Fire Service, she would not be alive today. When I asked what would happen to her, since my neighbours flat was essentially gutted, I was told she would be put in a rescue centre. I know though that many black cats are not adopted due to idiots with superstitions so I immediately took her in. Helping her to overcome her ordeal and become a 'normal' cat again has been a true labour of love.
  20. May I make a suggestion? Having suffered bouts of depression myself over the years and refused the 'help' (read, medication) of many doctors, I found that a combination of 5HTP and St. John's Wort made a vast improvement to my condition. (both of these substances are natural and can be bought online or in most health food shops although avoid Holland & Barret as they are complete rip off merchants!!) IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are female and taking the contraceptive pill then please DO NOT try this because St. Johns Wort interferes with the Pill, effectively stopping it from working. This is my official disclaimer ;-) Oh and although I 'liked' the comment above about MDMA - this is also a bad idea because what goes up, must come down.
  21. How about some actual chit-chat in this thread? Non-gambling? I mean, what do you all do for a living? Or whats your ideal career?
  22. I am currently listening to Chumbawamba's 'Anarchy' album which was released circa 1992 - long before their 'Tubthumping' fame (which in my opinion is the worst single they ever released!) For those not in the know, Chumbawamba mainly made anarchistic 'protest' songs, with particular vitriol aimed toward Thatcherism and, well, just politics in general. Personal faves on this album are 'Give the Anarchist a Cigarette' (cos thats as close as he's ever gonna get) and 'Mouthful of *****' (which was alleged to have been written for/about Tony Blair. Make what you will but I love this stuff!
  23. I love playing Poker, I kind of got pushed towards it when I was constantly being invited to my boyfriends poker nights with his mates and got sick of just being ordered around to get everybody drinks or count stacks of chips here and there. Sod being the slave I figured I'd learn how to play and teach the boys a lesson. I don't think they are very happy about it either as I've taken the pot a few times now! Might be something to do with the fact I've also been playing on-line a lot as well though since then !! As for the World Series, I'd love to go play someday but the entry price is really just a little bit prohibitive. I guess thats intentional to stop it just getting too big and unmanageable, and it does already take a whole week to play out so I guess letting even more players join could be a bad idea. I do often wonder though just how much luck you need to make it through a tournament like that. I feel like I must have my own personal angel and god watching over me just to get through a 2000 player £10 entry tournament on iPoker and make it to the money!
  24. Oh wow is there a thread/ news article about the arrests ValDes? That sounds like the kind of gossip a girl just can't resist!
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