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Everything posted by marianna.laforgia.58

  1. My last withdrawal was this mornig 1144 euro!!!! Redbet casino
  2. I'm here ok the file is attached this is my result with 60 euro and one week of play!
  3. I's not work it says the upload failed.
  4. 2part expreriment doa After recovered 60 euro and reach a balance of 100 euro last week, i continued to play Sunday also alway with a limit a loss 20 euro per day. From sunday to Yesterday sucks total i lost 80 euro.This mornig i played with last 20 euro i took 200 spin before getting this 2° bonus feauture. Sorrry i can't attach image is says this upload failed.
  5. I play doa 4 times a week and if budget allow me, also on saturday. Sunday ever because i brings bad luck. I set loss limit 20-30euro a day so i Always play with bonus. Max 200 spin everyday bet exchange example 50 spin bet 27 50 36 ecc. My big win coming in the first 200 spin of that day . For unlock a bonus i take max 2 weeks. Sometimes bust out. And you valdes what is your strategy? Ah Yesterday at smartlive casino i took a 200% bonus on 30 euro deposit my starting balance it was 130euro i playing on doa now i have 180euros
  6. This is my win of doa since i started playing on may 2014 Doa reward loyalty! I hope that soon i insert other screenshots
  7. Thank Afi i will provide to insert image in the winner screenshot topic.
  8. There are some of my winnings on doa since i started playing on may 2014.Unfortunately, the two big win of 2300 and 1200 i could not save them.
  9. Afi altough i had takenthe, however , i had to unlock the bonus. I take good win when i get bonus.
  10. I don't know if it's a coincidence but i get more satisfaction with the autoplay.Yesterday i increased my balance over 40 euro i have a good session. For a breath, dit not take 5 scatter to 72 cent that bad lcuk the first three stopped the for and 5 it went under my nose
  11. From thuesday,i started an experiment on doa investing 20 euro everyday for three concecutive days. Since in this three days, i won 20 euro more, i played today 200 spin on 27 cent and i recovered 60 euro more payout of 40 euro. Now they reinvested and the next week,i change my bet 200 spin everyday. So far stillno extraspin with wildline but i have patience! I will continue to keep you update!
  12. Yes doa alone next thusday will try a new experiment.
  13. Afi how much have you deposit everyday and ho much spin you do?
  14. This is my win of the last week. Different casino.
  15. You play play stop button? If i playi that way, my finger falls asleep.
  16. Than you very much for your help. You guys have a strategy for doa?Doy you play with bonus or not?How much deposit? I play Always in autoplay.
  17. I hit 5 scatter in autoplay bet 36cent. I want to insert screenshot but i don't knoe how to do it.
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