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Everything posted by ACrowLeftOfTheMurder

  1. I just wanted to add that Lloyd made a very nice gesture and added $10 wager free to my account to compensate for the winnings I had confiscated. I appreciate the goodwill Lloyd, so thank you.
  2. Hi luckyloser and thanks for the warm welcome. Thanks for the comments also, and you are exactly spot on with your description. I'm not surprised you noticed it either, as I use to get many pm's from other members there telling me the same thing and offering their support, however due to the bullying from a select group, they all use to say the same thing to me, and that was they were too scared to support me publicly in fear that the bullies would turn on them. No one should feel like this at a forum. You are also quite right in the fact that anyone who asked questions that a select group didn't like, then you would be treated like a criminal and attacked, rather then politely being advised what can be done or what would have been a better way to ask. There are a number of extremely negative and rude people over there, and the last straw for me was when the people running the forum started joining in with the bullying and abuse when I had turned to them for support and help from the bullying. Anyway, I've put that all behind me now, and couldn't be happier that I found this forum. The difference is amazing! Not only have I received more support and kindness from everyone in the short time I've been here, but it's also such a pleasure to read the various other threads here and see how nice and pleasant everyone is to each other ALL THE TIME! I haven't seen one nasty or mean comment since I've been here! It's incredible and very refreshing. They say everything happens for a reason, so if going through what I did at CM meant I would be led to this safe haven, then I'd happily go through that torture again, lol. Very happy to be here!
  3. Just an update for all those interested. I received the following email from Lloyd the rep today: Hi, I hope this email finds you well. This is to update you that we are now formally sorting this out and that it is with EM already but it might still take some time. Thanks again for bringing this issue to our attention. We are fixing the system error. Kind regards, Lloyd I am extremely happy to receive this news from Lloyd, and the fact he has actually listened and put into action these changes, proves to me he does care, and thus he gains my respect. My response to Lloyd was that I would be more than happy to reciprocate that effort, and return to Casino Cruise as a regular player once those changes are complete. With the help of a responsive rep in Lloyd, this is a huge win for we players, and ensures no player will ever have legitimate winnings confiscated through no fault of their own. The power of mediums such as this forum, and the collective voice of we players shouldn't be underestimated, and this is a perfect example of how we can protect each other and force change by speaking out. I commend everyone who contributed to this thread, in particular ValDes for the support, and Lloyd the rep for caring enough to make changes that actually protect his players winnings. Just as we can be critical of reps when we're unhappy, it is equally important to praise them when it's deserved. For this reason I thank you Lloyd, and look forward to rewarding you with my future business soon. Please keep us updated as to when these changes are Complete.
  4. Hi all, Just to let everyone know I have submitted two separate formal complaints here at AskGamblers regarding both Leo Vegas and 32red. Hopefully the friendly staff here can do their best to help, which is all I ask. Thanks again to everyone for your support and advice.
  5. What do you mean by that NextTimeWin? Sorry but I don't understand. Do you mean they will close my account permanently? I hope so, but they made it very clear they won't. Their exact words were: "It's not even physically possible for us to do so." I personally think this is a flat out lie, and whilst I've never had a problem with 32red, this whole experience has made me lose all respect for them. They claim to be all about the players satisfaction, so I'm really upset they would play these games and not comply with my simple request.
  6. Hi all, thanks for the response thus far. I just wanted to clarify as it seems some may be confused. The issue is that they refuse to close my account permanently. Both sites have closed my account temporarily, but I can reopen it at any time, hence it is very easy to be tempted to return. This is something I wish to avoid completely, hence I want my accounts closed PERMANENTLY. I hope that explains it better. Thanks again for the continued advice, it's much appreciated.
  7. Hi Leo Vegas, Can you please explain why you won't close a customers account permanently at their own request? I was told I need to have a gambling problem to do so, yet I don't, so do you think this is fair? If someone decides they no longer wish to give you their business, why should they not be allowed to make that decision permanent? Is it so they can simply be tempted to play again at your site immediately,thus making any closure that isn't permanent pointless? I'd really appreciate your response on this.
  8. I just tried closing my account at 32red permanently also, and was told the exact same thing as Leo Vegas! This is ridiculous! If a player wishes to have their OWN account closed permanently, they shouldn't have to have a gambling problem to do so. What's the point of having your account closed if you can just reopen it immediately at your own request? I have closed accounts at other sites permanently, and they have done so. Most recently I closed my account at Guts, and the rep there asked if I wanted it closed permanently and I said no, yet the offer was still made. I am absolutely disgusted by this to be honest. If I choose to open an account, I should equally have the right to close it permanently for what ever reason. What if I no longer trusted the site with my financial information? It seems like the players have no rights in this matter at all. Very disappointing.
  9. Thanks ValDes. Do you know who I need to lodge the complaint with? Do you guys have a rep you deal with here? Grateful for the response.
  10. Sorry mods, it seems I accidently posted my topic twice, so can you please delete one of them. Very sorry for the inconvenience.
  11. Hi all, I just needed some advice please. I asked a casino to close my account permanently but was refused as I didn't have a gambling problem. They advised I could only inactivate my account and not close it permanently. Is this allowed? The casino is Leo Vegas, and I no longer wanted to play there as I didn't feel very appreciated given my history and very loyal business, so I decided to close my account permanently. I play at numerous other sites where I do feel very appreciated whilst giving them half the business I was giving Leo Vegas, hence I decided I would start giving those sites more of my business and leave Leo Vegas permanently. The reason I wanted it closed permanently is so I wasn't tempted to reopen it, which we all know is very easy to do, so I'm struggling to see how they can refuse? Is this even legal? I don't see why I have to have a gambling problem to close an account permanently. Any help and advice is appreciated. Thanks.
  12. And just to clarify, Lloyd unfortunately missed out on addressing the actual flaw my original op was about. If any last spin you place with a bonus leaves your total balance below 0.80, then the bonus automatically forfeits and confiscates your remaining balance, including the funds used to place the last spin, and any winnings derived from it after the fact. There was my original example in the op, but to offer another example: I have $10.79 remaining in my account. I've been playing slots at $10.00 per spin. I take my final spin at $10.00 and hit a free spins feature. I win $1,000. Once the feature ends, my total balance is $0.00! Why? Because when I made my final spin at $10.00 my balance was left at $0.79 (Under 0.80). Meaning that even though I hit a feature and won $1,000, before the free spins even started, my bonus was automatically forfeited, along with any proceeds derived from that final spin. Is everyone understanding this? This is what happen to me, although my example was at 0.80 per spin stakes, and my balance was at 0.84 prior to my last spin and feature win. Lloyd, as you didn't address this original flaw I raised, would you mind explaining again how this bonus system is in place to benefit the players? Hopefully you now understand why I harshly described your explaination as ridiculous. Anyone who plays at Cruise with a bonus, is doing so at their own risk, and better prayer they don't hit a win on their final spin. Good luck.
  13. Hi Lloyd, Thanks for the response. I did receive it, however I decided not to follow it up for a couple reasons. One being that I think it is completely unreasonable, definitely not in the best interest of the players, and nothing at all like the standard system most other casinos use. Another reason being that it seems no one other than I can see the potential damage the current system could cause, and if others aren't interested in rallying for change, I saw little point in attempting to help anyone from any future problems that may arise. Instead I chose to vote with my wallet, and unfortunately won't play at your site again whilst this system is in place. Unfortunately that means that at some point in the future (and it will happen), someone at your site will hit a massive win on their last spin only to have it confiscated due to this ridiculous system. I was trying to save someone that pain, but I'm sure we'll all hear about it here once it happens. I respect you as a rep Lloyd, but I'm afraid your explanation was ludicrous. Given you use the same platform as many other reputable sites, yet are the only casino to have this last spin forfeit in place, says to me you in fact don't have the players best interest at heart. Maybe you should research how other EM sites such as Luck,Next, and Guts operate their bonus system, as you'll never see any of these sites forfeit winnings from a players last spin due to a bonus, nor will they then claim it was due to having the players best interest at heart. Surely you can see how ridiculous that even sounds. I wish you all the best for the future, but my warning still stands. Unless anyone wants to be at risk of losing ANY winnings from their last spin, I advise anyone playing at Casino Cruise to never play with a bonus in place. Thank you.
  14. Hi MacdoniS, I'm not saying the casino is not trustworthy by any means, rather that their bonus system is just simply flawed to benefit the casino should someone hit a large win on their final spin regardless of the stake. This is not an isolated incident, rather the bonus system rules apply to everyone. If your balance drops below $0.80c at ANY point, the bonus and any winnings derived from future spins are automatically forfeited and loss. Would you be happy to lose any winnings because of this?
  15. Just to clarify ValDes, these are not accusations, rather a copy and paste word for word version of events. I don't lie or make things up, and definitely wouldn't attack a casino over $5.00. This is about the bigger picture, and the fact any player 'could' lose a large amount of winnings with this bonus system in place. A system you can see that support confirmed is indeed in place. Regarding the rep Lloyd. I had CC'd him into all my emails to support regarding this matter, so he is already aware of the issue. Last we spoke he said the matter was with management which is great. However, after 7 days no changes have been made, and none of their customers have been notified of this anamoly in their bonus system. Hence it's clear they are happy for players to continue depositing and taking bonuses whilst this danger exists. I made it clear to Lloyd and Cruise that I would notify other players of this risk if they did not within a reasonable time frame. For me 7 days is far too long considering the amount of deposits that could occur in that time. A reasonable course of action would have been to suspend all bonuses until the matter was investigated. This would have been in the best interest of the players. They chose not to do anything, so I decided to make this announcement.
  16. Yes I agree. This is also a few spins on some 9 line slots like Spring Break. The issue is bigger than this though, as it can effect high rollers also. As I said in my example, any last spin that takes your balance below 80c automatically forfeits that last spin and any winnings made from it. Eg. A player could be making $100 spins, and if their last spin takes the total balance below 80c, then any winnings from that last spin become dead and forfeited. Imagine high rolling and hitting free spins or 5 scatters on DOA at $100 spin, only for the feature to end and your winnings confiscated! As I said it's rogue behavior and must change if this casino is serious about player rights. I'm no longer a member at Casinomeister, but I ask anyone who is, that they please notify the players there of this. There are some good people at CM, so I'd hate to see anyone unfairly deprived of their winnings due to this ridiculous bonus rule. I only lost $5, and honestly don't care about it, but I just have this sick feeling that soon someone will lose a very big sum because of this bonus system. Please let any friends you know play online at Cruise not to take their bonuses.
  17. Hi all, Last week I discovered a major flaw in Casino Cruise's bonus system that could result in unsuspecting players having large winnings forfeited through no fault of their own. I raised my concerns with casino support and management 7 days ago, and have not received a satisfactory resolution as yet, and given how serious the issue is, this isn't good enough, hence I felt that all players should now be warned. I recommend no one play at this casino until the bonus system is fixed, as some poor player could lose thousands with the current system. The best way to explain what happens is by posting my original email to support and their response. My email: Hi, A little while ago I spoke to support about my balance suddenly disappearing mid play when I still had approximately $0.60c in my account. I was told that this happened because the bonus is canceled once the bonus balance drops below 0.80c. I thought this was very unfair, as anything can still happen in a few spins at a min bet, and 0.80c is still enough for a few last spins. I was told nothing could be done and this was the rules. Well, this process has just ripped me off $5.59. I know it's not much, but on principle this rule is highly flawed, and all your customers need to be informed. I'll explain what just occurred : I was playing Tornado Farm when on my last spin at 0.80c stake, I hit the feature and won $5.55. Great right? Wrong, because at the time of my last spin my balance was only $0.84. Meaning, when the feature ended and returned to the base game, my balance was showing as $0.04c, and to the right of this my 'Won' balance was showing as $5.55, however the winnings were not credited to my total balance. At first I thought the game had froze so I reloaded it, and this time my winnings from the feature had disappeared all together. I tried loading another slot, but the winnings still weren't in my balance. So what happen to the feature winnings of $5.55? We're they canceled out because of your flawed bonus system? If so, this isn't right, as it highlights a massive flaw in the system if you hit a feature on your last spin like I have. Please investigate. Casino Cruise Response: We hope this email finds you well. I'm happy to inform you that we received an answer from our technical department about your case. They say that your last win was considered a "Bonus Late Win". Even though you won the last round, until the round was settled, the balance was already forfeited. Therefore even if you won the round, the winning from that round were forfeited as well. This is how the system is setup and how the Bonus late win system works. Thank you for your patience and understanding on this matter! Feel free to contact us at any time for any question that you might have. Our Casino Hosts will be more than happy to assist. We look forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely, Casino Host CasinoCruise Support My final response: Thanks for getting back to me Rachel. I'm sorry, but I consider this ridiculous, and regardless of how your system works, this is essentially stealing a players winnings when you really have no right to. I have been playing at sites such as Betat and Guts for a long time, and I have never ever experienced anything like this regarding your 'bonus system', whereby a players winnings can be stolen when they still had funds in their account. This is what rogue casinos do. I'm sorry, but I can't play at site where funds and winnings go missing, and the reason given is simply, 'it's just how the bonus system works'. Please close my account, as I'll be focusing on the more trusted sites I frequent, where my funds or winnings have never just disappeared. Also, your players deserve to know this system is in place, and potential winnings could be seized as a result. In my case the stake and winnings were small, but what if my last spin was at $20.00 and I hit a feature and won $20,000.00? Would you honestly expect the customer to just except your explanation and lose $20,000.00 even though they did nothing wrong what so ever? You need to either change your bonus system immediately, or notify all customers that they can have winnings confiscated through no fault of their own when a bonus is in play. As I said, this is rogue behavior, and in the interest of fair play, I'll be notifying everyone I know of this anomaly via various forums I frequent. Sooner or later this will effect someone else, and involve a larger sum of winnings. No one deserves to lose their winnings for no good reason, especially on their last spin. Good luck, but I'm definitely out. Just to clarify, I don't believe this casino is intentionally being rogue, however the bonus system clearly is, and you can see from my example how a player could lose a large win because of it. It needs to change. I have not heard from this casino since last Friday when they advised that management was looking into it, however this doesn't change the fact that players could be ripped off in the meantime. This casino is currently doing a BOF process at Casinomeister, however I doubt anyone there is aware of this bonus flaw. If they were, they would not pass the test there. Again, I recommend not playing at this site until this bonus system is changed. I've given them ample time to rectify the problem, however it seems player safety is not high on their agenda, hence I thought it was time to publicly announce this warning. Crow Boy
  18. Thanks ValDes. I did look at the list from your first post, unfortunately it wasn't any help. Most of the trusted sites don't accept Australian players, and the ones that do (eg. Slotsmagic group) don't allow Aussies to play the WMS slots. It's lose/lose unfortunately. Sorry ValDes but I did some research and don't trust the other sites listed enough to deposit there. I don't know why, but some sites let Aussies play WMS, and some don't. Looks like I'll have to stick to Leo Vegas for now until hopefully Casumo get AUD in the future. I appreciate the help all the same .
  19. Hi Tobias, and thanks for the welcome also. Regarding CM, you have nothing to worry about, as the reps there are treated very well, and rightly so. Casumo is great, so congratulations on all your efforts. I can honestly say that if not for the currency issue, I would definitely be a frequent regular there due to my love of WMS slots, and the great first impression you gave me there. However yesterday just confirmed for me why I can't be a regular until AUD becomes an option. I made two consecutive deposits of $120 each, and unfortunately lost them rather quickly with little play time. This doesn't bother me, as its happen to me many times before, and I know it's no one's fault but mine, However it hurt a little more when I realized both deposits actually cost me $170 each, meaning I basically threw away am extra $100AUD just to play there. I guess we can call it the admission fee, lol. I know this isn't your fault at all, so please don't take my comments as such. I'm just explaining why its hard for Australian players to play anywhere that doesn't offer AUD In the grand scheme of things $100 isn't a huge amount of money, but it is when it becomes dead money, as at another casino that's another full deposit and session for me. I'd love for you to let me know if you do ever introduce AUD as I'll certainly come back as a regular, however until then I'm afraid Leo Vegas' limited selection of WMS will have to do. I'll still happily recommend you to other players in Euro land. Thanks again.
  20. Hi cocopop and thanks for the warm welcome. I mainly stick to sites I know are safe, have an honest and reliable rep, a good selection of games on pc and mobile, and offer AUD with minimal fees to deposit and withdraw. My favorite sites were Betat and Guts, however I haven't been able to access the Betat site since their recent hack issue, and I sadly closed my account at Guts because I signed up via CM originally, and after the lack of support I received at CM, I decided to retract my financial support of their site by closing all my accounts whereby I signed up via CM's affiliate links. For me it was a matter of principle, so I made this decision with a heavy heart, but will stand by it. I was a VIP at Guts also. Besides those two, my other favorite sites are: Leo Vegas (on a great winning streak here at the moment, including a huge double 5 wild line win on Mega Fortune Dreams yesterday that won me $2,100 on a $4.00 spin. Nearly double the amount of the Rapid Jackpot lol!). Luck Casino Next Casino Cruise Casino (I noticed the rep Lloyd is a member here, and I can honestly say he is one of the best reps I've dealt with. Excellent and efficient service from him). I also use to love playing at Thrills Casino, however I had major issues there when they tried changing the currency on my account from USD to AUD, so haven't been able to log back into my account since, but they are a great site with a great rep in Erik. Most recently I have tried Casumo and Betspin. Both very good sites and support, however Betspin are still very new and don't have a huge selection of slots, and I love Casumo for the wide selection of WMS, but unfortunately I don't think I'll be able to play there often due to not having AUD as a currency option. I also tend to like playing without bonuses, and would label myself a frequent but medium roller. Usually $150 - $250 deposits at a time and vary my spins between $1.50 - $4.00. So that's me in a nutshell! And if a crow flies to the outer left of the pack (a group of crows is called a murder of crows) then you could say it's a little different from the rest.
  21. Thanks for the warm welcome and helpful advice.
  22. Hi all, I'm new to the forum, however a long time reader. I use to be a regular poster at casinomeister, however after feeling constantly bullied publicly and privately by a select group of members there, I decided to close my account and move on. Unfortunately the members who regularly attacked me were long time members and close friends with the mods, so my complaints of bullying were always ignored, and this gave everyone free licence to continue attacking me without punishment every time I posted. Instead I was constantly banned and abused for defending myself. I've been much happier since leaving In saying that, I did meet some very normal and nice members there who I do respect and did support me, however the constant attacks became too much in the end, and when the mods joined in, I decided to move on. I found there to be a massive double standard at CM, whereby the long time members and personal friends of the admin could say and do as they please, so new members really never stand a chance, that is unless you are willing to never disagree with the long time members there, lol. Way too many sheriffs in that town . One good thing to come from my time at CM, was I met some very nice reps who I still keep in contact with privately, so that's something at least, lol. I also did learn a lot about various casinos there, so it is a good resource tool, however I learnt that being a member has no actual benefits as all the information can be read without joining anyway. I am a long time online player who believes players and casinos alike should both adhere to fair and honest practices, and I use to enjoy stimulating and civil conversation based on total transparency around these practices, however due to my experiences at CM, I now just keep my thoughts to myself. I am a little sad about this, as I use to believe that such conversations can actually help the masses to better understand certain practices. Oh well, lol. Due to my experiences there, I no longer feel safe or comfortable to contribute to any forum regularly, however from what I've read here, you seem like a much more rational, non-judgmental and accepting group of members, so I thought I'd say hi, and may drop in for advice from time to time. I also know some of the members at CM who bullied me are members here, so for that reason I'll generally keep to myself out of fear the same thing may happen here. Hopefully I will get more confident with time. I have never had an issue with a casino that I couldn't resolve on my own, and I am very knowledgeable regarding which casinos are safe to play at and fair, so for this reason I am happy to share my advice with anyone who may need help, but will only do so if I receive a pm. Anyway, thanks for having me I'd also like to ask for some advice whilst I'm here if possible? I'm from Australia and just started getting into WMS slots, however only one site I play at (Leo Vegas) offer these games and AUD currency as a deposit option. Problem is they don't have my favorite Raging Rhino on their mobile platform, and this is what I use most. On top of this, they also don't have many WMS slots on PC either. So this brings me to my question: Does anyone know of any other casinos who offer both WMS slots and AUD as a depositing currency? I ask because at the moment I have to play at Casumo to play my favorite WMS games, however I'm already losing a lot of money before playing due to having to deposit in Euros there, and the weak conversion rate to AUD. Anyway, thanks for reading and having me here. Crow Boy
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