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    Casino Representative

MojoMatt's Achievements

Newbie Gambler

Newbie Gambler (1/8)



  1. The landing page looks amazing. Nice work you guys, super slick!
  2. Hi Coco, Thanks for reading! Yes, mobile is about to launch literally any day now. The final touches were added end of last week and we're excited to get it live and running in the next few days. I will post again the moment it goes live. Matt
  3. Runner, Runner was actually really good! Well as good as a film can be with Justin Timberlake in a lead role. Still though, cool plot... probably not all that far from the truth for some online poker rooms! Oh... classic.... have any of you seen 'The Cooler' with William H. Macy?!
  4. Interested to see what the community thoughts are on the best casino movie of the last 20 years. What do you think? Casino? The Ocean's movies? 21? The Hangover? My pick would have to be Casino. You get it all with that one. DeVito, DeNiro, the Mafia, glitz and glam..... soooo good! What do you guys think??
  5. Couple month gap here since the last post but I'll keep this train rolling along! Hey everyone, Matt here from Mojo who represent GR88. Just wanted to say hi to all and comment on an awesome forum. Had the opportunity to meet some of the Ask team in Amsterdam a couple weeks ago and they're an awesome group!
  6. Hi Coco, I'm one of the Reps for GR88.
  7. Using the term "investment" in a sentence that has anything to do with Binary Options is the definition of misleading. Even better is when they toss around the word "trading". Be careful with binary folks.
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