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Everything posted by Afi4wins

  1. Hehehe...you can certainly say that again and again Katerina my dear! I haven't seen you winning so much ever before and over a longer stretch of time too! Keep Lady Luck happy always and she'll keep you happy too! Oooops...forgot...CONGRATULATIONS!!!
  2. NIce going there mum-mod and daddy-valley! Today I'm not that well but still damn jolly!
  3. HOLLY MOLLY Jelena kemolly What a weekend that surely must be On the pavement you found 200 Euros Maybe I dropped it from my wallet...who knows!!!
  4. CONGRATULATIONS Toiletseat carseat whateverseat maaaaaan! You've been gone missing in action for decades maaaan...that's way way too looooong! Glad you made it back safely! (Sorry for the loooong delay...I was missing in action too often too...hehehe)
  5. That is good news to hear Hajnrih. Lets hope peace can prevail for much longer periods of time. There's way too much of violence going around everywhere nowadays...such a dreadful scenario!
  6. Hello Jelena darling! Long time no see you around! Yeah...I guess I'm the one who's always missing hah?! Hehehehe. Have I seen the doctor? Yes...I did...in a way... Dr Love said I'll be just fine in a matter of days! And he also said "get plenty of rest for your leg...and NO jumping about on the bed now!"
  7. Aaaaah...thank you so much Awena darling! I must tell you too darling, we all love you too...but I guess you already know that! Hehehe.
  8. Hey hey heeeeey! Hope you had a beautiful time at the wedding, enjoyed yourself and enjoyed the weekend. Blondie is finally married!!! Whaaaat...not you Blondie darling? Oh...I know that...I was talking about the other blondie who got married! Hehehehe.
  9. Oh geeees...that was a real bang on my head Katerina my dear! Exactly what they are doing! Hehehhe.
  10. Tons of admirers? Really? Geeeees...I only know a few of them...my darlings...my mates...so where have all the other tons gone to? Hahahaha.
  11. Eh?! Frankly speaking Katerina my dear, I miss most of you...our chit chatting group...our Guru...our heroine...our mum-mod (hope you know who you are...hehehe)...my darlings...my mates...
  12. Aaah...thank you mate! Yes, I'm recovering quite well, thank you. I don't have to limp so badly as yesterday now but I still have to limp, the pain is still in the joints. My knee tendons must have been stretched too much by the fall, so need a few days to recover fully. Definitely nothing fractured, thank God! As for them outlaws, no limping leg is gonna stop me from hunting them down! Hahahaha. Had many close shaves with them...all 4 of them...but one keeps eluding me! GRRRRRR! I'll get him soon....all 5 of them...real soon! Hehehe.
  13. Till the next sudden stroke of Thor's magical hammer shall Afi appear again...bye bye everyone...hehehhe
  14. Aaaah, thank you my dear! Eh? What's that's on your left shoulder Katerina dear? Looks like a big spider! Whoooosh...I'm outa here...
  15. As Doris Day sang in her very old song..."what will be, will be..." Afi missing in action again is what will be, will be...hehehe. Nowadays, I prefer to play hide and seek...hiding most of the time...and popping up in AG when you least expect it, hahahaha. Well....I've got nothing better to do...so don't look at me like that! Hehehe.
  16. Hmmmm...2 different topics going on here. One I like, one I don't like...but it's all just chit chatting anyway. Yeah...nothing wrong with that...it's not gossiping. Well...I can't move my butt right now...it is staying right where it is...infront of my laptop! Hahahaha. As for the loud thinking...thank god I didn't hear it, hehehe. What? You think I've gone missing again my dear? Well...not yet...but soon will be...hehehe.
  17. OMG...and here we are finding all these wars so cruel and loathsome! I simply hate wars... ...but I guess it has a different meaning to you darling.
  18. Yeah...right...you did...but like it's as easy as buying Kentucky Fried Chicken???!
  19. Awena darling...only God can help you and assist you in whatever you want and need. The superpower countries won't even lift a finger to help you out...but I know you were not referring to those superpower countries.
  20. Well...I never like going to hospitals or clinics...and my leg is getting better hour by hour...so I don't think there's any fractured...much less broken. I'll be okay my dear. The only thing I cook at home is...errrr...plain water? I don't even like eating instant noodles and such junk food, so I prefer buying restaurant food instead...every night...and I have to drive 10 minutes to get there but I love their cooking. That's the main problem when you don't have a mamacita at home with you!
  21. Hola, hello and Hi everyone! Is everyone having a great weekend? Not me! DAMN...NOT ME!!! Why? Because last night, I went out to buy dinner as usual, but on the way back, I made a wrong step, landed my right foot into the fairly deep drain...and I fell flat on my face! Shiiiiit! I cut my lips, got bruises on my hands, and my right calf felt like its' broken! I then struggled out of the drain, nearly passing out just after that and found myself seated on the road, barely conscious! No one saw me because I was hidden between parked cars. Luckily my car was just nearby. made it inside, and I then drank some water which I had just bought earlier elsewhere. I had to rest for several minutes to recover from the faintness, then slowly LIMPED back to the shop to wash up the mess on my legs...to the shock of the shop's waiters there! Back home, I almost fainted again in the kitchen, just before I could wash up the wounds. My right calf was swollen and bruised and felt like I may have fractured the calf bone...but I hope not. Still, I could hardly walk back to my room even! What a blardy unlucky night it was yesterday for me. Today, I'm resting as much as I can, eating whatever snacks I had bought yesterday and I can't go out to buy dinner tonight. I'll probably go hungry but what the heck. Luckily I can still have my coffee and biscuits. Well...when you hear news from me nowadays...it's either happy news...or a sad one like this. Hope no one else is having a day like mine...
  22. MUAHAHAHAHAHA...thank you very much mate! I put on my earphones, turn the sound up loud, and played the video... And what do you know?! My fingers and toes were all 'shaking off' 'shaking off' too to the beat and to the cop's antics! Have seen it again...and still loving it! Hahahaahha.
  23. Aaaaah...I didn't know you started playing DOA darling! Or...I simply forgot...hehehe. One of these days, those 5 outlaws are gonna come to you on a payline, Awena darling! And I'd love to see how you would jump up and start dancing around like mad...hehehehe.
  24. I quite like this song...but I'm never a fan of techno beat. To me. this song can be an even greater hit if done in metal genre...just my opinion.
  25. Okaaaay...so I'm miles behind in this topic for not following it up...but I love this song just the same. I also LOOOOVE the short video clip submitted by somebody some time ago...showing a cop patrolling in his car, alone, with 'Shake it off' blasting loud on the radio...and this marvelous cop was lip synching and doing some great hilarious moves IN THE CAR while patrolling! Hahahaha. And I just love how he would suddenly stop all his jiving and shaking to raise his hand and wave to his friends in the neighbood as he passes them by. The second they are out of sight...he goes back to his jiving and shaking and lip synching...OMG...I just couldn't stop laughing and enjoying all his antics! Hope some of you had seen this short video on the internet somewhere! If anyone can find it, please post it up here...I would love to see it again and again and again! Hehehe. Bravo American cop...whoever you are! You know who you are...and I LOVE your moves!
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