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Everything posted by Afi4wins

  1. Nope, I don't use BTC at all, I don't intend to use it at all either, but I do play at casinos that has them along with other currencies.
  2. After a very long break, I can now post up some winning screenshots here again, but this Hot Sync game from Quickspin started very well for me, but after my third play on it last night, it's beginning to wither away. The Bonus games are now paying more peanuts than before, with very disappointing payouts and game performance! Hot Sync was one hot cake that cooled off very quickly! 4 reels of Hot Sync for a 122x win: A 219x win: A higher 346x win, with 4 Hot Sync reels, from initial winnings after playing another free 5 Super Spins from Casumo last night that paid 70 EUR on Twin Spin: Not a single withdrawable win so far though...
  3. We've had this joke a few times already, Oshi, but thanks anyway.
  4. This damn lucky lion seems to be getting all the 200 free spins offers!!!
  5. Wow! 2 early birds here...usually I'd be the first to post up my reviews! ROAR! Well done Lion mate. GRRRR! Well done Lilian darling! Am I seeing you closer now than before??? Your avatar I mean!
  6. Super well done Casino Tournaments Master! Congrats!
  7. Well, Frosty mate, I know you are winning lots for now...but such silly greedy mistakes may be very very costly one day! Don't ever let this 'devil' get you over. Fight it all the time. Withdraw whatever winnings you have made...don't let the devil tell you there's 10K more that you can win!
  8. Well Sharon darling, some things are best not said...because it is almost impossible to prove anything. Just as with any casino management goes, no one can know for sure who is 'backing up' the casino/s. And to say that all games are 100% fair to players, I can give my foot to that! Hehehe. To say that any rules have not been compromised, I'll give my foot too. Where big money is concerned, nobody gives a damn about anybody!!! Now...that is 100% true!!!
  9. Hope it's not going down under the table!
  10. Well mate, my laptop always get a nice sleep whenever I go to sleep! I've never let it run for 24 hours without switching it off. Whatever happened to my laptop then, as far as I am concerned right now, is not something normal to me. I've seen all kinds of glitches and hang-ups, but never like this recent one. It's like a very brief EMP (Electronic-Magnetic Pulse) burse was sent to my system, to stun it, without causing any other errors! Sounds like a futuristic movie doesn't it? But EMP weapons and facilities have long existed and have been used! But Casumo being my top favourite casino, I'm not saying anything for now. Quickspin is not my favourite, but I'm gonna give Hot Sync some blardy long plays in the fun mode, just to track and see if anything similar can happen as to what had happened to me.
  11. That's good for you there mate. For me, it was the strangest thing that can ever happen to me, or to my laptop...a total system hang???!!! Never had this sort of technical glitch for years! At most, it would only be a website hang...not the whole computer system! And I did a thorough check of my laptop after that...not one single error found!!! How more strange can this get???!!!
  12. That's the strangest part, isn't it? Why only you, and no one else is getting those free spins. But anyway, let's just see how things go from here. And just for you Leodubbed mate...I can bet on my empty wallet that those 100 free spins would stop soon!!!
  13. That is the wonder of the 'internet'!!! When it is so very convenient and so much fun to use, who cares where this 'internet' thing resides. right? For the very SAME reason, Bitcoin cryptocurrency is becoming more and more convenient to use, that one day soon, the public just cannot do without it...just like with the 'internet' thing. So who cares where this Bitcoin resides right? Wrong! I do!!! Because I have a good inkling of where it came from, where it resides, and where the profits go...and I don't like it at all!
  14. Ah...good...good! A win is a win, even if it's only 10 EUR. But a 100 EUR? That's blardy good mate!!!
  15. Well, that's one more 'casual' player now hooked to Betchan! Once you're hooked...no more 100 free spins...you can count on that, mate! Casino Plex did the same thing to me many months ago...because I haven't played there for several years. So they kept on sending me no-deposit $20 free chip...just to get me playing at their casino for free. After several months, and out of 'self-obligatory feelings' I finally made a deposit and played at Casino Plex. Henceforth...No more no-deposit $20 free chips until now!
  16. DAMN! I could have easily got 1 free ticket for that raffle! And who knows, with just 1 ticket, I may even win that trip to Aussie-tralia, like I won in Askgamblers contest with just 1 screenshot!
  17. And...voila! So...did the voila end in your wallet...on in the lion's mouth?
  18. You WHAAAAAT???!!! You didn't cash out with a 4000 EUR win in hand???!!! Oh myyyy gaaaaaaaawd!!!
  19. 3 Screenshots from the game Hot Sync... A 58x bet win... A 122x bet win, with 4 Wild Reels...where's the 5th Reel? ARGH!!! A 219x bet win...a few minutes before that pop-up message came and blew it all away! With almost 500 EUR in hand...and just 2200 EUR more to wager...I was quite sure I could win this time around...but...
  20. That is the most painful part of it all...I'm running in 1st place, the finishing line is just ahead of me...and suddenly, one of my spiked sprinting shoes flew right off my feet and got me tumbling down! Sheessh! Now...I don't know if I'll play Hot Sync again...not after that disastrous and totally unexpected 'turn around' in the game.
  21. Hmm...that's not 'not bad at all' mate...that was damn good! Yes way!!! 5 Super Spins at 2.50 EUR each spin...and I Bonus game that paid almost that much. The 3 other Super Spins were blanks. So, how did I do with the humongous 6187.50 EUR wagering? Well, Hot Sync went on to play very nicely, with many Bonus games coming along...and I was playing with 1 EUR and 2 EUR bets. Along the way, I checked the wagering balance...about 2246 EUR left to completion... So I carried on playing. Just then a message popped up, reminding me that I had played for 2 hrs and won so much... I clicked on 'Continue'...and the blardy website got stuck!!! For one reason or another! I couldn't get anything going, so I had to reboot my laptop to continue playing the game... From thereon, everything went DOWNHILL!!! All the way to zero balance! Over 400 spins and not one single Bonus game came...a complete reversal of my earlier game! Can you believe that?! Can anyone believe that?! I had only 1220+ EUR more wagering to go...and I couldn't make it...after completing 4900+ EUR of wagering! That 'system hang' broke all my good luck!!!
  22. Wow! Back to the Geishas, hah mate? Can never get enough of them, hah mate? They're simply irresistible aren't they, hah mate? Hmmm...wish I can have them too! But I already knew that Lady Luck was gonna see you again soon... So...did you make a nice big withdrawal from those wins? Don't tell me you didn't...or I'm gonna bash you good!
  23. Congrats Fiekie...nice wins there on Sunset Delight and Divine Fortune.
  24. Can Askgamblers badges do? I've got quite a lot of them!
  25. Yeah, I've read about them, about how each transaction is chained to one another in a chain reaction, all in the mysterious realm of the dark web. Everything is literally 'in the air' traversing the realm through fibre optics and the atmosphere. It's a whole new world out there, like the realm where ghosts and spirits exist! Hehehe.
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