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Everything posted by Afi4wins

  1. Aaaah?! But I was talking about that hot sizzling blue-haired blue-eyed Ocean Queen game... Ah well...I know what's in the mind of this 'lion-eyeing-that-sweet-lioness' king of the jungle...which makes us 2 of a feather!
  2. I've just won this from Casumo's 5 free Super Spins on Hot Sync... Now...all I have to do...is to get past this huge 6187.50 EUR wagering thing...just to earn something!
  3. I'd give that blue-haired blue-eyed Ocean Queen a good bash first...the game...the game!
  4. A newbie? so...hi there ElvyHoff...and welcome to the forum! Any tips? Well...bring me a big mug of strong coffee with some doughnuts, or pretzels, or whatever, and I'll give you a tip! Not that kind of tips? Oh geees...sorry...then you need to know the forum rules first. Have a read and get yourself acquainted with them. Next...as our friendly dinosaur member Raptor has suggested, you can introduce yourself to let other members get acquainted with you. After that...you can do what you want, ask what you want, or post what you want...only...don't ask "how to win on a slot game?" please... because it needs the same 'gradual progress' before you can start winning on any game...just as you need to 'progress' here in this forum before you can become a 'We Adore You' hot new member! Or you can even choose to be like me...a rambler!!!
  5. I was also informed by Yahoo that my account got hacked too but thankfully no harm done. Millions of accounts were hacked, so god knows what important info those blardy hackers got from them!
  6. Damn! This is yet another 'common' case with players here at Askgamblers, Jhowes...players having a duplicate account and getting their winnings confiscated! If there wasn't a duplicate account, then the casino has to prove it to you. Lets hope they won't say 'you excluded yourself at another casino' next!
  7. Eh?! It's not a weekend yet mate...but you're winning?! Congrats anyway...weekend or not!
  8. Hi there Jhowes and welcome to Askgamblers Forum. It is sad to hear of your situation, having your winnings confiscated by the casino, but this is rather a very common occurrence amongst new gamblers who are not really aware of such casino rulings. Yes, it s stated that the casino has the right to confiscate ALL WINNINGS, meaning, not only to the winnings of each individual bet than were above the allowed maximum bet size, but may include all the total amount in your balance, at the casino management's discretion. There are casinos that refunded the players deposit amount but confiscated all the rest, but there are also casinos that took everything, including the players deposited amount, rightly or wrongly. Here in Askgamblers, there have been numerous such cases of winnings being confiscated by casinos, simply due to playing with bets higher than the allowed maximum bet size, and in most cases, it's a losing case against the casinos, because the rules have already been laid out for each and every player to see, to read, and to abide. But...most new players do not read these rules, or failed to take notice of them, so their cases become almost impossible to win. Since you have referred this case to eCOGRA, then it's best to wait for their response first. Anyhow, I wish you all the best and all the luck!
  9. Playing with $1000 bets per spin with real money? Only when this Playtech Master has got 1 million EUR in his Neteller! For now...it's only in my daydreams.
  10. Hmmm...I know what you mean Frosty mate. A gentleman outside...a gambling devil inside...but only your wife knows! Sounds like me too...but nobody knows! Hahahaha.
  11. Fantastic! Maybe that new car should have the winning casino's emblem somewhere...to remind you where the car came from!
  12. And of course my dear. He's the only person who can decide to move the Forum Rules topic as necessary.
  13. Without any doubt, a lot of new members have been posting external links within their posts in the forum section. In most cases, these new members are unaware of the Forum Rules. They have not read them simply because these Rules are located way back down in the list, which most members, new or old, hardly ever scroll down to. The few top sections and topics are the most frequented by all. So, it only makes sense that all new members should see this Forum Rules FIRST, before attempting to make any posts. Hence, no more excuses of not knowing the rules! Hehehe.
  14. The real Neteller WILL NEVER ASK for your password or answers to your security questions. These are secrets that only you know. These answers are all encrypted in Neteller's data bank, so Neteller staff themselves don't know what the answers are! Any requests for such answers are absolutely a SCAM...so please keep a watchout for these scammers everybody!
  15. That is wonderful Dvsax! Keep tracking on it and let me know if the time changes, which I know it will, in time. You seem to have a long-wave luck pattern, just like mine too, so be careful when the wave starts going down mate! Believe me, it will happen!!!
  16. Aaaah! That win reminds me of my only time I won that 500EUR jackpot on Cosmic Fortune.
  17. Hehehe...when the Master practices...he practices out-of-this-worldly...like playing with $1000 bets per spin, with fun money of course!!!
  18. Lilian darling, where progress in modern technology goes, nothing is impossible...well, almost. Look at time travel...nobody believed that it would be possible...but science has done this...although it took the specimen back in time to just a few milliseconds, or something like that. Then there are also lots of pictures and videos of people appearing in times when they shouldn't be...the time travellers. And there are also people claiming that the US government has been hiding secrets about their time travelling machine that had successfully sent people back in time...like in the videos I mentioned earlier. One member of the secret government team made an exposure of this time travelling machine on video...believe it or not! So...a pill to take away the gambling addiction may indeed be possible one day! But then again, as modern medication goes, there'll come a time when those cured gambling addicts may need another pill to cure the no-gambling pill addiction! Hahaha. In modern-day medication, you take 1 pill to cure 1 illness...but that pill would create 1 new strain...so you'll need another 1 new pill to cure that new strain...and this vicious circle goes around and around...keeping the pharmaceutical companies very much in good profit and getting more prosperous year by year!!! Think about this! Hehehe. Makes you wonder if all these medication is really to cure people of their sickness...or more for the prosperity of the pharmaceutical companies! A good example...Viagra for Erectile Dysfunction...works wonderfully for sufferers...but can kill the users too! Pain Killers that are so strong, even many times more stronger than heroin itself (the strongest pain killer from natural plant), that can remove even the strongest pain, but killed the legendary singer Prince! Would you want to live the rest of your life depending on 'medication' to lead a normal life? Not for me, thank you!
  19. Holes in my pockets? Well...errr...yes...there are holes in my pockets...big ones too...but no needle and thread to sew them up. But put a million Euros in them and they'll even have vault-type combination keys to open them!
  20. Free money? Nope, not free money...just fun money. But I know what you meant there mate!
  21. Your highest single win was around 65K? Hmmm...that's very good Frosty...but still can't beat mine...250K in one spin... but of course, I cannot cash it out!
  22. Asking for your password and the answer to your security question??? That alone is a dead giveaway that this is a scam!
  23. And I doubt if I can ever stay away from slots if I win 1 million EUR! Heck, I even doubt if I can stay away if I win 10 million EUR...I'd be bored to death not paying slots!!! Hmm...go travel around the world, you say? Why, yes...that would be great, then I can start looking for the nearest casino in every city... Nope...I'm not an addict...the addict told me so. All I wanna do is to have lots of fun!
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