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Everything posted by helenakp

  1. Slotobank Casino for depositors! Continue Easter Hunting with Slotobank! Our special Easter Bonus Week in full swing! We have already presented a lot of wonderful presents, such as free spins, great bonuses and more intresting offers. Don't forget, that you can find our Easter Bonuses on special page! And..... Today we're giving you real No Deposit Bonus! Just use promo code HOT5 and grab your 5 EUR
  2. yes i thought the same,it brings me sooo lovely memories
  3. I place 2000 euros in my bank account for vacation in Greece for this summer,bought my son the newest Xbox 36 kinect ,bought a lot shows,sandals and boots ,clothes for me and hubby and of course my son
  4. hahaaa i already spend them ,well left something
  5. Hey Awena good afternoon hun,how are you? Well i dont sleep a lot too,only 5-6 hours a day ,but i am use to it and feel great
  6. I am sooo happy for you Awena,i guess your Lady Luck has arrived
  7. Jelena Happy birthday hun i wish you all your dreams come true (Srecan ti rodjendan ,ziva i zdrava 100 godina )
  8. I was kidding hun ,really,whats the matter with all of you today ??
  9. .Well i wanted something for today,not in the near future
  10. Ahh Awena you ruined my party ,hehe well its Valdes fault after all
  11. ohhh reeeeeally ,i can see where is this going to,ok fellas ,bring it on
  12. I know ,but its only 50% match,not the same well make it exclusively for AG
  13. Believe me Afi,if i say oone word about Truck driver,he is exciting too much
  14. And how about reload bonus of 100% match ,maybe
  15. If you make jokes about Truck Driver ,then its ok,but if i make one ,then i should hide somewhere,because our "nice" beloved Guru will hunt me!
  16. Hmmm..dont push it Valdes or i could find some "nice " nickname for you
  17. Received the same messages too
  18. Well.. i want have it all and one remark on all of you ,stop calling me Katy ,my name is KATERINA
  19. I know that Sarah hates my guts
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