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Everything posted by helenakp

  1. Your little son will be,but you nooot
  2. Yeees the snow is coming to Bulgaria ,specially in Plovdiv
  3. Me jealous at you ,yeah sure
  4. Yes,it was 0.18 euros,if i was playing with 0.90 like i always play ,i would lost all the money
  5. I know that hun,but to give me only 2 free spins in 800 spins,isnt that weird
  6. Calling DOA Masters have question for you 2 !!! Is it normal to play 800 spins in your DOA game and catch ONLY 2 times free spins 1.68 and 2.01 euros
  7. Well,well The Bluz Brothers are together and back again
  8. Ok then 1.Trada Casino deposits 950 euros withdraw 6400 euros 2.Thrills Casino deposits 100 euros withdraw 1200 euros 3.Next Casino deposited 40 euros withdraw 300 euros 4.Next Casino deposit 50 euros withdraw 1000 euros 5.Guts Casino deposit 100 euros withdraw 1000 euros 6.Guts deposit 150 euros withdraw 500 euros
  9. Hold your panties Guru they are on fire again and again
  10. No Awena i was out for coffee with my hubby and my son had match yesterday this time !
  11. In Guts i made 2 deposit X 50 euros and Next Casino only one deposit of 50 euros
  12. Heyyy stranger ,i am so happy to see you again Today Icy i withdraw 2000 euros and for 20-25 days i withdraw 7500 euros .lovely jubbly
  13. noo hun,I made cashout this morning from Guts 1000 euros,then played at Next casino and won 2000 euros on Wolfie but i continue to play and lost 1000 euros so i was left with 1000 euros and made the withdraw,so i didnt lose anything
  14. Happy Birthday Askgamblers wishing you another 90 years success
  15. And now i bankrupt Next Casino with another 1000 euros,actually they were 2000 ,but lost 1000 and left with 1000,well not bad at all I guess !
  16. Blondie i am shocked my self really !!! Well about 7500 euros and almost everything from Wolfie,something from IR and Twin spin !
  17. Second part This Wolfie adooores me as much i LOOOVE him and Lady Luck ,thank you
  18. Nooo this morning i bankrupt Guts for 1000 euros on Wolfie
  19. and no,as i have read for all giveaways from casinos it clearly say,no can do,you cant or not allowed to changed it for cash,sorry guys !
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