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Everything posted by Toiletseat

  1. I cannot share your Go Wild enthousiasm. Especially on the roulettegames I find them very poor, there a far better roulettecasinos to find. Besides that, I registered at Go Wild because a no deposit bonus was promissed. I didn't get anything.
  2. It depends on the situation, sometimes I like to persuade other players that I don't have a stronge hand at all, and the at I smash 'em with a big raise. Going all in after AA is dealt can make many players fold.
  3. What?? Sharon, you are a Brit, football was invented in your home country ! Shame on you.
  4. Bring the tips on
  5. Bigdk is truly a pokerexpert, he probably can give you a much better answer. I am not a regular player. The chances of winning your hand with 2 & 7 are extremely poor, unless offcourse you can show your pokerface, how good can you bluff? With 2&7 dealt you practically only can hope for pairs or full house, but you'd have the weakest (lowest) pair. Same goes for full house.
  6. It is hard not to comment on this . Oh Sharon dear, you are really quiet a character
  7. Dear Elica :yahoo: , this is totally unbelievable. I hit the major jackpot yesterday. I've won over 1.5 million euros :yahoo: !!!! This is so incredibly unreal. And the best part: it is allready on my bankaccount. It is true what you were saying about this casino. Just fabulous, my withdrawelrequest was handled within 5 minutes. Thank you so very much dear Elica, I am so thrilled and excited, so happy and since today obviously unemployed I would feel bad if I did not reward you in some way, since it was you who persuaded me to make another deposit. Indeed darling, thanks to you ! Thank you again so so much. I am willing to share 10% of my winnings with you. If you decide to marry me so you could share it all with me, sorry ! I am married
  8. Weren't you on your holidays posing on a tiger? The tiger must have sensed it, do not mess with she werewolves.... Innocent from the outside, deadly from the inside.
  9. Should I make some fresh popcorn now ? Time for my favorite AG activity
  10. Wow , this is the kind of feedback I was hoping for. Thanks Bigdk, this is very usefull information for me. I'll keep your advice in mind for my next bets. Again, thanks a lot !!
  11. hahahaha Luciana, so far being angelic . Tell me, you beautiful summerflower, wich Serbian footballclub is topdog, and has the pressure of becoming leaguechampion over and over again? I really could use some inside information
  12. Hi Johnny, but sure it is possible. Your profits are 20x your bankroll you started with. (and I am guessing you made a typo error, 15000 k). Very common and normal, I can verify this by my own experience. But turning 490 into 100000 ?? I'd quit my job immediately.
  13. Now I am very curious, are you willing to share how he/she did that?
  14. Dear AG Members, Since about 2 months I've started playing the sportsbooks, so yould could say I am a rookie. I was wondering if any of you also is placing bets on sportsevents, and I was hoping if you could give me some advice of how to play. For example: Do you need to study the past results, do you preferable pick out the lower odds instead of the high odds, are value bets really so important etc etc? Please, don't hesitate and feel free to comment on my questions. Thanks, & best regards, Seat
  15. something wich the guru "hates" ..... going off topic ?
  16. It's a bit of comedy to see these kind of posts 'poluting' AG. Most of the time I recognize 'm immediatelly. A short and very unclear question is asked, and after that we never see anything from the poster again.
  17. Hi Elica, just yesterday someone posted a very positive report on Prism Casino. Because of this report I allready deposited 1000 euro yesterday.. Their live chat support is really fantastic. Never have I been helped by such great and customerfriendly professionals before. They really made me feel like a valued customer. Tears came in my eyes because I thought such customersupport was distincted. Oops, and I forgot to mention the astonishing layout and graphics. Prism is definetelly my new nr.1 casino. I'll make another deposit now, again 1000 euro. Wish me luck now. It's the last piece of my vacationreserves.
  18. Congrats BigDK , (and it is better not to use torrents . )
  19. Excellent and good to hear. I'll make a deposit right away and try my luck. Thanks for attending us.
  20. I sense a hormonal issue here, Sharon? /runaway/. No worries, I understand the physical condition you are in right now, and you have all my sympathie. I wouldn't dare to mess around with a pregnant Hot Head /scared/. We understand each other on the subject perfectally.. I don't blame only the casino, I am saying that it would be an idealistic situation if a player is to be verified before any first deposit.
  21. Disagreeing with what ? It would be an ideal situation if you first have to send proper ID to a casino, before you can deposite and play. Many casinos verify the player after a first withdrawelrequest has been made. If then turns out the player is underaged, the casino would confiscate the winnings, and if it is a respectable casino refund all deposits. Unfortunatelly not all, if not most, casinos won't issue a complete and total refund. And this is unfair, since the casino is then in breach of its own T/C.
  22. Thanks for the nice words ValDes, but it is allright I never felt unappreciated , and I still will keep answering roulettequestions. And I still like Ask Gamblers a lot
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