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Everything posted by sencize

  1. Hello friends here is my 10 slot rewievs for May : 1.Book of Ra: http://www.askgamblers.com/game/slots/book-of-ra-g3402#review-5388def270a0f814258b4568 2.Green light: http://www.askgamblers.com/game/slots/green-light-g2361#review-5388df6070a0f8883b8b4567 3.Coyote cash: http://www.askgamblers.com/game/slots/coyote-cash-g2577#review-5388dfc270a0f832258b456b 4.Achilles: http://www.askgamblers.com/game/slots/achilles-g955#review-5388e01b70a0f8a93b8b4567 5.Field of green :http://www.askgamblers.com/game/slots/field-of-green-g2636#review-5388e06670a0f888248b4567 6.Crazy Vegas :http://www.askgamblers.com/game/slots/crazy-vegas-g1119#review-5388e0ea70a0f872248b456d 7.Basketbull:http://www.askgamblers.com/game/slots/basketbull-g4615#review-5388e1d770a0f861258b4568 8.T-Rex: http://www.askgamblers.com/game/slots/t-rex-g2641#review-5388e22f70a0f8913b8b4567 9.Hidden riches: http://www.askgamblers.com/game/slots/hidden-riches-g2657#review-5388e29a70a0f88b248b4568 10.Derby dollars: http://www.askgamblers.com/classic-slots/derby-dollars-custom-software-game-review/#review-5388e30470a0f80e3c8b4567
  2. Yes it will it is offical email of the Serbian government
  3. Like Jelena said its very bad in my Bosnia also,big floods created landslides whole vilages disapeared into the ground,many lost their homes and all they had.Good thing is that all region is again united to help those in need,help is coming from all parts of balkans and world.Thanks to all who is helping us in this hard times Here is also link to make paypal donations to Bosnia and Herzegovina you klick on donate buton on top,thanks in advance http://www.mvp.gov.ba/aktuelnosti/top_news/default.aspx?id=27286&pageIndex=1
  4. Well in many ways,but like i said it is just a feeling that i have,does not mean you will notice it.Just be carefull and set your limits then invest real money
  5. Not bad for a first bonus hunting session .Just be carefull with real money i always have feeling that payout is diferent when I play my own instead of bonus money
  6. In some RTG casinos you can request withdrawal without verifing account and they ask for documents later by email
  7. Hi two casino reviews from me : 1.BGO casino: http://www.askgamblers.com/casino/bgo-casino-review-r4421#review-53600d1370a0f8b90f8b4567 2.Platin casino: http://www.askgamblers.com/casino/platin-casino-review-r4507#review-53600dc270a0f8890f8b4567
  8. Hello dear friends.Only four game reviews from me this month because i was very busy in rl.Thank you for adding so many new games i will have a lot of stories for you in future. 1.Aztec Treasure Feature Guarantee:http://www.askgamblers.com/game/slots/aztec-treasure-feature-guarantee-g4614#review-53600bd870a0f8c30f8b4567 2.Aladdins wishes: http://www.askgamblers.com/game/slots/aladdins-wishes-g2629#review-53600b3970a0f8eb0f8b4567 3.Fruit Frenzy: http://www.askgamblers.com/classic-slots/fruit-frenzy-custom-software-game-review#review-53600a7970a0f8760f8b4567 4.Cleopatra's gold: http://www.askgamblers.com/game/slots/cleopatras-gold-g1093#review-536009ee70a0f8d90f8b4567
  9. I received mine and i love it.Thank you askgamblers team and special thanks to my awesome neighbour Jelena .It is still waiting to be tested tough since i had flu which prevented me to paaaaaarrrttttyyy P.S You are all invited to Bosnia so i can offer you some homemade šljivovica rakia from my brand new drinking roulette
  10. Thank you for image Valdes i did not notice that arow thingie there
  11. I like the new website very much it looks great,but it is loading pretty slow for me.I don't know is it a server issue or website but images take a long time to be displayed.Also i could not find the button to filter games by software maker like on old site.Anyways great work askgamblers team
  12. Belated Happy Birthday dear neighbour :drinks: I know how you feel i am 30 also its just weird if it counts for something i would not give you more than 25
  13. Yep i am Gunner to the bone thanks Sharon and good luck P.S i liked Jelenas and Katerinas also
  14. My first name is Senad i liked yours
  15. Happy birthday askgamblers keep up the good work and stay best community ever
  16. I love rtg games i had my biggest wins playing rtg casinos.I think that rtg software is not as problematic as some rogue casinos that draged rtg*s reputation trough the mud.
  17. Then you are in the right place because askgamblers site provides best casino offers on the internet
  18. Thank you Sharon you can all call me senci that is my nick name in rl offcourse i wont bite i am good puppy
  19. I do when i play it smart and quit on time.If i am too greedy i loose all
  20. Voted!!I am big BlackJack fan i just love the adrenaline rush when i play it but i also enjoy all sorts of pokers
  21. Well i have neteller and skrill that is mostly enough for most casinos and poker rooms i play. BGO casino dont accept them dont know why but only ukash and credit cards are offered deposit methods
  22. Nope in deposit options i can see only ukash and credit/debit cards
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