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Everything posted by ValDes

  1. I'll pretend I never heard that... Forget the movie, although it is the best one coming out from ages. Just start the book - A Song Of Fire And Ice. And then come back here again after the first 3-4 chapters...I'll be extremely curious to know if you have changed your mind.
  2. Excuse me, tut tut! And where's that sucker, the father, in all this lovely chit-chat?! Or a woman becomes a mother only with the God's help?
  3. ...And this is how the big and fantastic AG family was born... Please, don't let it melt! Icy will need it whole, not in pieces!
  4. Thank you, my dear Lu! Yeah, I'm cheking...everything...especially when any doubts occur in my sensitive soul...
  5. Which reminds me...that we may try to show'em who's the best when it comes to family wars, right! You just pick the topic and I'll be there for you, my eternal forum love!
  6. Well, if it's gonna make you feel better... I've used myself at least 6 or 7 of these codes you and Sharon are regularly posting here.
  7. Yeah, I know what are you talking about, Kate. I used to love their slot games so much before.. Go casino was still alive and I made one of my most incredible sessions there, playing 6 hours in a row my beloved The $5 Million Touchdown game, winning all the time and ending with almost 2000 from just a $35 deposit! Sweet, sweet memories...
  8. Yeah, all right then. I'll take the ''political responsibility'' and go away for a week!
  9. You are so wrong about that. Just check the number of views...
  10. Tut tut! So, what you were saying about the Afi's interview?
  11. and if you allow me ... (3rd p.s. Don't forget who's gonna join the party in here soon... Yeah, you are right! Luciana....)
  12. Jesus Christ! Could someone tell me how we manage to derail off topic all possible discussions in here?!
  13. panel STATION
  14. Good Lord! So glad, I'm off for some time now...Who knows what some of you were about to do with me?!
  15. Sincerely wish it to be a wild one, Kate! Really! I was laughing so much with all yours and Afi's and Sharon's comments today...
  16. It's coming... Just a few more decades and I'll be ready!
  17. Well, if only I could know what's in his head, even for a sec...
  18. And I was already a bit worried you missed it somehow!
  19. Just don't forget that whenever you spot a new or an old casino, which is paying in less than 24 hours (including the ending period of course), you are most welcome to report it here.
  20. Well, actually you can use 'emotions' on all possible browsers out there. The troubles start when trying to add an "emoticons". Seriously, I'll check with the developers why is that happening.
  21. Well done, mate! Don't forget to post it here as well - Show time - let's see your winner screenshots!
  22. Well, you know me... Let's make it a whole lemonade then, half for you and half for the baby. ..And of course a pint for my fellow valleys as well.
  23. Of course you can. The problem is that I cannot think of a decent answer to your challenge.
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