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Everything posted by ValDes

  1. Hehe, if you call this a strategy then it means I'm a huge fan of strategies either as I often plan a specific bet raise in a given amount of spins or amount won or a dozen of other 'triggers' which could be find only in my twisted gambling mind! Anyways, now as I know your so called strategy. I could confirm that there is absolutely NO way for a casino to consider this as some sort of an irregular betting pattern, let alone as some sort of a fraudulent playing strategy.
  2. Wow, 15000 ahead in about 10 days? Must have been your best 10 days I guess... Curious to know how you manage to achieve this incredible result though? Playing table games, slots?...
  3. Congrats biggy! First time I see a Jackpot 6000 winner screenshot here /as far as I remember at least/ and it is straight into the mega wins thread! Impressive!
  4. Have a save drive, enjoy your time whenever you go and... get back to us as soon as possible of course.
  5. bet TIME /for sleeping I mean, not for...:D/
  6. Deposited 100, withdrew 300 and left another 100 to play with... Next deposit? Don't know yet to be honest... Maybe it is the right time to check my email and see if there's a decent offer there.
  7. This is exactly what I should start do on a regular basis! I just had the odd feeling sometimes that I am not going to win more, but instead of withdrawing my initial deposit amount and go to another casino, I just played it all!
  8. All three of my latest withdrawals are due to Game Of Thrones mainly, so there is no other way for me but to like this game more and more! Besides, this game is after my beloved Song Of Fire And Ice, the book behind Game Of Thrones series... That's one more reason to love it I guess... Now add the gigantic win of 3000 x bet I had recently....
  9. I start to love Game Of Thrones game more and more with every single day... Got all these 100+ x bet wins in a single session, playing min bet. And what is more important, ALL my recent withdrawals are connected somehow with a good GoT session! Aaand, finally got a withdrawal yesterday! Yey!
  10. Remember that post? Well, I did, finally a withdrawal! Yey!
  11. Hmm, glad to see someone actually winning on this ultra stupid and stingy game. Congrats Faz! As for reversing withdrawals, you may find these topics rather interesting. How to resist on reversing a withdrawal? Reverse Withdrawal POLL
  12. You may play the game in AG though. I guess it won't be that hard to catch 5 wilds on Fiscicuffs. OR you may 'borrow' a recent screenshot from hajnrih in the 5 wilds topic. But be quiet and fast... and tell anyone, especially Sharon.
  13. Just saw the game name and it was you who popped up in mind the very next second. By the way, speaking of Ladies in Red, I do believe you will be in a big trouble mate if you don't post an appropriate screenshot as Sharon suggested. Her new hair colour is RED, remember?! And she is also a HOT head! So, hurry up, hurry up...
  14. Afi, look what I have just found within our games section! Any coincidence with Afi's most beloved Lady is totally intentional. http://www.askgamblers.com/game/slots/lady-in-red-g3257
  15. Yep, that's true actually!
  16. Made a $100 deposit at Betat today using their WINACRUISE100 bonus code. Hope I will finally manage to make a withdrawal later today or tomorrow.
  17. Thanks blondie. Personally, I hate the autumn, with all these dull and cloudy days... Makes me sad and already dreaming for the nest spring.
  18. With that kind of stress and workload, I doubt I will ever survive till retirement...
  19. Same here, unfortunately... Decent hits, sometimes a couple of them per session, but either cannot meet the remaining wagering requirements or simply cannot reach the desired withdrawal amount... Hope that's gonna change though, for all of us.
  20. Nothing special for me either... In fact, my boss has just surprised me an extra potion of tasks, so I guess it will be just the next working weekend for me. Eh, sigh...
  21. Hehe, nice to see you around biggy! And many thanks for reminding me about this awesome game! Supe It Up is one of my all time Microgaming favorites and I guess I will give it a goooood try this weekend thanks to biggy.
  22. Yes!!! Game Of Thrones has all the chances to turn into next Microgaming legendary video slot! Three gigantic wins in this thread for less than a month?! Who would think about it... Congratulations once again, Faz! And keep them coming!
  23. Congrats, Faz! Really awesome hit! This beauty though must definitely go the the Mega Wins topic imo. http://www.askgamblers.com/forum/topic/4709-mega-slot-wins-oh-yes-its-possible/
  24. Congrats, hajnrih! Just like Katerina, I guess you are ready with the gambling budget for the upcoming weekend. By the way, may be just a coincidence /or not/, but as soon as someone posts here reporting withdrawal delay and voila, the problem is getting resolved in just a day or two... Hmm...
  25. Let the force be with you this weekend!
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