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Everything posted by ValDes

  1. Hmm, beware what you're wishing mate! Just imagine her switching to some of her 'dry' sessions...
  2. Hahah! No surprise she's cruel with ya - it's either your rear not so attractive or she's simply having some other preferences...
  3. Have some serious doubts to be honest... UKGC has already announced Gamstop functioning and MGA is about to launch similar product by the end of this year as far as I am in aware.
  4. I remember a guy who was once totally convinced there was some dramatic change between old and new, HTML5 DOA versions... Well, he's not so sure anymore I guess. Give it some more time and spins, that's all that any slot game needs before switching between payment cycles and pray you'll be there when that happens!
  5. Could confirm the above from personal experience too.
  6. Hello there and welcome to AskGamblers. Well, must be your luck I guess since the aforementioned provider is duly licensed by MGA. https://www.authorisation.mga.org.mt/verification.aspx?lang=EN&company=847309ce-34f5-49cc-ab97-7ea337bdfa82&details=1
  7. Ha, forgot to answer to the "What are reasonable Casino fees?" question... In my humble opinion, the only reasonable casino fees are the No Fees at all when it comes to deposits and withdrawals. Any other excuses you might here or read from casinos is a pathetic attempt on their behalf to justify poor business decisions and blatant disregard of their players! Conversion fees on the other hand are still a pretty tricky moment which depends on so many different factors which makes it literally impossible for a common online gambler to find the truth behind the myths. Always refer to your bank and/or e-wallet support team just to be sure you won't lose half of your skin transferring money to some casino.
  8. Thanks for sharing, mate. My personal opinion is that the aforementioned product/service wouldn't help anyone here due to the simple fact they are still not working with any of the major regulatory bodies except New Jersey DGE - https://prnt.sc/k8r3ce
  9. Nice try, but advertising is forbidden at the forum, so please stick to the Forum Rules! Other than this, you may find lots of great winner videos following the topic below: Show time - let's see your winner videos!
  10. A question which has been bothering me for almost a decade... Still haven't found an adequate and/or reasonable answer though, but what might sound as a decent explanation at least is the chemical reaction produced by gambler's brain upon seeing big bonus numbers such as 300, 400 and even 500%. Irresistible...
  11. A terrifying example of a daylight robbery! Welcome to AskGamblers though.
  12. Hey there and welcome to AskGamblers. Hmm, removing most played games from your portfolio? Must have been quite a tough decision to make I guess... Let me ping their AG Account Manager and see if we could get some details. Will update as soon as we got any.
  13. Would gladly take this one either... Congrats though, Mr PinniT! You seem to be the only person among our forum community who's having some luck with this blardy game lately!
  14. Hello there and welcome to AskGamblers. I'm afraid you are about to experience a serious disappointment considering the fact this brand has been blacklisted ages ago due to their appealing history of complaints. Crazy Luck Casino AGCCS History
  15. I'm afraid that posting external links without the explicit permission from the forum management is considered a direct breach of the Forum Rules. Please make sure to comply and stick to our rules from now on. Thanks.
  16. Hi Fiekie, Have no information of any interruptions or down-time of our website yesterday. Been online almost 14 hours straight and didn't experience any lag or errors in browsing as well. Will check with our IT anyway. Thank you for reporting.
  17. You may add ''choosing bad business model set on the foundations of one of the worst modern society characteristics called greed rather than counting on long-term commitment to players'' as well to the list of reasons... Totally agree with Afi-san regarding Direx N.V. operators, seems like most of their brands are paying our really fast, especially when we talk about withdrawals under 500 bucks. I guess the main reason is that they have the ability to do cross-checks within the Direx players database which I have all the grounds to believe is among the biggest one at the moment, catering probably hundreds of thousands of players. So, if a player with pending withdrawal is 'clean' at the main database, the system could allow and process the payment in seconds, literally. Don't have an official confirmation of the above of course, but somehow feel my assumptions are really close to the actual situation.
  18. Shared almost the same experience with them last year... And took the same decision as yours eventually. Still consider them as one of the top-notched casino operators ever, however their games portfolio, speed of payments and especially bonus scheme is now not even close to what so many other great brands could offer for your loyalty. Sigh...
  19. Hello there and welcome to AskGamblers. Unfortunately, there isn't much you could do in this situation. Bovada has been blacklisted here at AskGamblers long time ago for operating without a valid license and if you had done some due diligence prior joining and depositing at Ignition you would have noticed the whole Bovada group was swimming into the rogue sea.... You'd better use the occasion and learn your lesson, accept the loss and move on knowing what to do next time PRIOR joining any online casino brand.
  20. See, there's always some catch along the lines with most of these free spins offers. Seriously, free spins offer worth only when it comes wager and max cashout free. My personal opinion of course.
  21. Personally, I'm not using free spin offers from ages. It's just not worth all the troubles...
  22. Thanks, appreciate that. And good luck with your complaint in front of MGA. They are certainly not as fast as we are when it comes to complaints handling and resolution though...
  23. Hi there and welcome back to AG after a whole year of absence. Feel free to send me PM with all your questions regarding AG Paid Contests and I'll make sure to assist asap.
  24. Nah, not in a million years... You must follow only 'proven system-inventors' and/or 'football experts'. Seriously, was kinda disappointed yesterday for not following my inner voice and placing that bet even prior the start of the World Cup, was so bloody sure France would win the title...
  25. Thanks, Afi-san! Not exactly 1000 EUR, but 965 USD but who cares after winning my first ever sports bet from ages.
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