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Greg last won the day on June 16 2012

Greg had the most liked content!


  • Member Title
    Senior Member

Greg's Achievements

Solid Gambler

Solid Gambler (3/8)



  1. I just had the same thought! Hopefully I can win something with one of them!
  2. wow, all games and 200% is a lot and i havent heard anything bad yet about this place, I gotta do some work but i will check this out later. thanks Luciana
  3. just took this bonus and did not hit much i should have switched games but that Hot Habanero game took all my money.
  4. looks like i need to start playing Ladies Nite! Wow....
  5. Greg


    Hi queensx good time to sign up, lots of freebie bonuses running right now lol. I have not been on in a few days and i'm just glad i decided to look at the bonus section!
  6. hi Orient, what casino are you from?
  7. Congrats scyan. let us know when you post the screenshot.
  8. I would love to withdraw a few hundred this month!
  9. thank you for doing that Val so i did not have to lol. i will try this because i havent seen any non payment issues but will not leave my balance in for long, maybe just €50 and see what happens
  10. Cool! I don't play here but will try this, nothing to lose lol. its been a long time since I played rtg so I hope it will be nice.
  11. Yeah this one claims to be worth more but the exclusive one is the better deal!!
  12. ahhh I can see where you are coming from... a lot of times I just play and do not look at the paytable...Lol.
  13. Good, you should be getting paid out quicker!! this whole thing is stupid IMO.
  14. HAHAHAH, that is too funny. I think its just going to be me and my gf at home this year
  15. You know i have won here a couple of times but i always forget about them, thx for the reminder at least. i still have not tried all their games, they take a long time to get used to lol
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