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Everything posted by jwholland

  1. But even a potential of interest requires mentioning and providing the information for the public, if one claims to be independent and player driven. Is this a review site or extended marketing tool? Well I know they bought AG, but is not transparent.. I cannot find any disclosure on the site for conflict of interest, and the name Catena can only be found in the terms.. But since AG has strong connections with one of the N1 partners, its of interest. He can just say yes or no, why would this be a problem? If you follow the AG posting guidelines, it should be a 'no' . But you're all gone say I'm starting a crusade again, or I'm an idiot.. Well, if that is the case, it says all.
  2. @ValDes There are multiple screenshot in this topic that clearly show several violations: " While we could understand certain degree of evolution in your opinion regarding some online casino, we definitely cannot understand nor accept multiple comments on the same subject, for the same casino, posted within a short period of time. " >> see screenshots posted last Monday " Please, don’t steal content from other sites or users, we know you are smart enough to write your own reviews. " >> see screenshots at the start of the topic " We need objective, justified and unbiased opinions. Period. Which means that if you are a casino rep, or casino employee, or even casino manager’s girlfriend you are not allowed to post comments under your brand’s own page here. And please, don’t ask your registered customers to do that too. " >> the screenshots also show a extreem high number of account with only 1 activity: posting a positive review, and afterwards inactive.. Have these been checked? Regarding " their own ADR" part, well, Let me just remind you the website you are referring to is yet another casino affiliate website, same like AskGamblers. " >> well this is worrying as you indirectly state potential for bias.. A point about the ADR services of The POGG, I raised before. Hoever, this does not explain why Spinia is blacklisted by their own approved ADR, independent or not. Valdes, can you also please indicate if AG has a potential conflict of interest? Are you an employee of Catena Media ? Its part of 'Transparency' as AG states in the about section
  3. @pinnit2015 Thank you for replying, and providing an informative opinion. I agree with you regarding differences in rating system, however, if a operations' own appointed ADR blacklists them.,combined with activity of reviews regarding, its not weird that someone asks questions.. @ValDes Well I really don't understand how you can say this is 'another quest' After noticing the duplicate and multiple reviews by same users, I found their own ADR score tells a different story. If I was in your place, maintaining a 'player driven' site, it would take action, investigate the accounts,, either to debunk my claims or restore validity of ratings.
  4. @Fiekie247 No he banned me because making a suggestion similar to what the spinia rep did to my account.. Its incredible that you claim lack of providing evidence.. Dutch active law, recent rulings of KSA, vs. terms of the operator, that changed suddenly, while having the same issued date. Again, please post the entire thing, so people can look at it, I don't mind.
  5. Recent post in this forum are with mentioning in this topic:
  6. Ok thank you for checking. What I'm indicating is the fact that Spina appointed ADR for MGA ( the POGG, have my reservations about them, but they do publish every complaint.), blacks list them, and shows rating that is almost half of the AG review score.. Combined with only 2 complaints against the casino, only minor variation in rating scores ( not a Gaussian curve what you expect), and most importantly: double reviewers by same account, identical reviews by different users ( sole activity on account), accounts that post reviews for N1 related operations only. As 'Player driven' review site, this discrepancy in ratings vs ADR and posted screen earlier, should be of great concern.. as it might indicate active manipulation. thank you
  7. Well she might turn out to be a bloke from Belarus, I hope your date works out. @pinnit2015But on topic, how do you review this?
  8. user T1n3rch.. posting multiple reviews on same casino, and all casino have N1 interactive link ( or formal).. come on.. He is even rewarded as trusted reviewer.. Take action guys.. this is ludicrous.
  9. Thank you for clarifying, Sorry for asking Valdes, but do you maybe also have information on reviews that were published, but afterwards removed at request of user? To be clear, I know most public reviews systems, are anything but perfect ( due to multiple factors), and I do appreciate the effort shown by you. However, it makes it hard for a player to judge what is correct: ADR blacklists the casino and reports many complaints, while reviews elsewhere are the exact opposite ( 75% + a perfect 10)
  10. `spinia: 27 reviews at the moment with mean of 8.82, and a SD of 0.5 rating point. Statistically hard to believe, as players post reviews if they are very satisfied or dissatisfied, seems skewed data.. The 'ADR" The Pogg even black list them, and shows 30+ complaints. With 5 only 1 star reviews, you cannot even make 8.82, even if the other 22 are 10 stars.. This all in context with my starting post.
  11. @pinnit2015 " ome rather blanket statements - any casino basically who offers services, players are lucky to see their cash - which, is nonsense. " Well if you allow players to make an account and play, while knowing they are in breach or terms.. Do the math. Why would they even operate in the shadow? Come on.. Have any conflict interest?
  12. Well how is this different from Holland.. my comments in other post regarding Trada being illegal, and claiming it is.. These operators should burn in *****
  13. @pinnit2015 Are they not required to inform accounts on changes in T &C? Or allow own T&C to bypass this, even more bizar.
  14. No worries, operations in breach will not be allowed for next 2 years. This includes extended marketing platforms ( 'review sites'), as they clearly do not state conflict of interest for consumer. Trust me things are in motion.
  15. He was indicating lack of supporting evidence, so I expect him to point out what is missing, so I can add it.
  16. @Fiekie247 Still waiting on that response? Please guide me
  17. Next to KSA and IBAS ( confirmed active status of complaint and researching), European consumer network will most likely file for an injunction to stop the malpractice by Trada, as they infringe consumer rights by willing misleading players, for own benefit, while knowing they breach T & C.
  18. Good for you, nothing wrong with people sharing opinions.
  19. Ok fine by me, without resolution though. I will keep you updated if I receive feedback again from KSA, IBAS, Jersey gambling commission.
  20. If I do violate rules please inform me, or making claims not backed up by evidence. And please let comments that are an attempt to discredit me, be support by evidence.
  21. Nagging without supportive evidence.. Yes please check the screens in those topics. And @Fiekie247 please point me out what is missing, so I can add it. And if my claims are ludicrous, they can be easily debunked by an operator, simply providing evidence that makes it clear. Also, please post a copy of that topic in this forum, as you're discrediting me based on that. Funny that relevant authorities, within several countries, are investigating, and confirmed validity of complaint. But yeah, I'm only nagging.
  22. I hope to ge: A: simple answer that will prove me wrong by operator and B: In the meanwhile provide this information to players, so they can judge for themselves, and make a choice after.
  23. Well I do listen, but I'm not getting any answers. Are they still ADR by UKGC? think not And reply to a my question: why do they not provide any financial disclosure? Even if they are stil ADR for UKGC ( as you deem proof of valid company structure), they could still provide this? @pinnit2015http://www.aleaconsultinggroup.com/what-we-do yeah call me a tosser, get me banned, but at least answer a question for once.. Either playing a mute, or actually being one.. What area do you work in? Deeming it not questionable? If you have any legal experience, you would know guidelines for mediation.
  24. How and in what form is asking a claimed independent watchdog for financial reports abnormal? I've never seen an organisations that states unbiased/independent mediation, that does not provide financial disclosure. Not public, and not if requested. Moreover if you find company structures that are questionable. Why not disclose the very thing that confirms independent ruling position.. It should not be even a point for discussion.. Come one are you being naive? https://affiliateinsider.com/news/affiliate/pogg-making-case-affiliate-trade-union/ Mediator.. lol. Report any conflict of interest maybe?
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