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Everything posted by Flatzem

  1. Video Slots can be trusted to run real slots (at lowest possible RTPs).
  2. elusive Elly must be somewhere
  3. MG slot tourneys were removed around June 2018, also prior to removal of slot tourneys they removed blackjack tourneys. Some people were doing very well with the slot tourneys re-buys continues etc they ran well. Slot tourneys were the reason why I signed up to so many CR casinos.
  4. During your slotting career at Casumo what was the most you won in one day (on slots cause you only played slots right), what was the most you lost in one day? How much were you in profit peak at Casumo before the inevitable dive into losing land cause of that slot's design that has RTP of 96.53%. Did you find out what was your slot RTP at Casumo including on specific slot games. Would be interesting to find out what the total amount was staked (including specific games) and to see if they match up closely with their programmed stated Theoretical RTP. If you wager 1 million EUR then you should be expected to lose about 34.7K eur. So are you saying that maybe you staked about 6 or 7 million eur in total. Sometimes with some games you will start winning lots of sessions before they just start turning cold and the RTP takes a dive and you wonder what just happened but continue to playing trying to get the winning sessions.
  5. If he does make the same mistake of doing 100e spins again then he should live stream the train wreck as a warning to all on how fast money can go, but I won't be watching it cause I quit all slot streams/all slot videos. Still youtube is continuing to recommend them to me and now they somehow removed the function to say not interested in those videos. They also removed the live chat from the xbox app.
  6. If he gets an early big win he shouldn't necessarily be excluded from playing for the rest of the month and thus lock away 70-75% of that win to ensure it's a profitable month and just play with 25-30%. This only works for non gambling addicts who don't need to chase losses cause if you lose the 300 for example then you need to wait till next month. Shouldn't be too difficult if you keep the deposits small and spread them out over the 3 weeks till end of the month. You should be positive throughout the rest of the month knowing that you will end the month in profit unlike most players who will end up with a loss.
  7. You need to stop and start by deleting all the screen shots and videos you have of super flip on your computers that you still hold onto as if it's going to bring back the wins/money. All that is gone just like the wifey and all you are doing is trying to trap others into the super flip addiction misery that you have gotten yourself into (100e spins etc, insanity & madness of out of control gambling!). They should come with a warning such as "hey all this is what happens when you turn up the bets to 100e/spin they will eventually drive you to Brooklyn and lose 230k eur and then have you begging for refunds from casinos cause you can't handle the fact that you lost on a -EV game". Also you need to learn to properly use the quote function cause you added your responses into my quoted text, lol. Not the first time you blundered like that.
  8. So if you had a win of 1000usd early in the month you would wait till next month to play again to protect your profits for the month? I can understand if its near the end of the month but to do it at start of the month seems hard for some people not to play for such a long time. Perhaps you could say that you would put away 700 and play with 300 for the rest of the month. Spreading that over several deposits.
  9. calling you a super flip addict guy triggered you that much really for you to react like that and it took you 10 days to find that.
  10. he found the secret to winning, tenner deposits while taking a dump, I mean it works for all those jackpot winners at CR group that win mega moolahs and other casinos that have million plus jackpots weren't they all sitting on the toilet while spinning with their mobile/tablet
  11. you watched any of those gambling addiction videos on youtube, have you found them helpful in your recovery. There's people that talk about losing millions and houses cause of slot addiction. There was a woman from Florida USA about 8 years ago that won 13mil USD slot jackpot only to feed it back to slots and then stole from family. Jennifer Dennison hit the slots at Tampa's Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino, winning a total of nearly $13 million. But she pumped every penny of that back in, plus at least $700,000 more, police say. The thrill of the buzzing slot machines led her to fleece her in-laws of their retirement money, drain their bank accounts and cash in their insurance policies, police said. "Ms. Dennison was the one who had basically wiped out their accounts to the tune of over $500,000," Nienhuis said. and here's another messed up story from 2 years ago while I was searching for the above article. Gambler Jan Flato supplied the money that went into the Double Top Dollar slot machine at the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino. But the woman who was nuzzling up to him pushed the button. So when the bells rang, the lights flashed and the payline showed a $100,000 jackpot, Flato felt like a big winner. He wasn’t. When casino managers checked the video, it showed the woman, 35-year-old Marina Medvedeva Navarro, had actually started the slot wheels rolling, making her the rightful winner. Flato not only lost the cash, he has barely heard from his friend since she walked out that Jan. 31 night alone with a $50,000 check and another 50 grand in cash — after asking armed security to keep an eye on Flato as she left. She sent him a text message a few weeks later asking, “Still hate me?” He responded: “How could you do that to me?” Her reply: “I miss you.” . Flato, an experienced gambler who moved to Aventura about a year ago from Las Vegas to take care of his 88-year-old mother, is still angry and has an important consumer message for other slot players: Don’t let somebody else push your button or pull your handle. “I want everybody to know what happened so it won’t happen to them,” said Flato, who added he first met Navarro at the high-roller room at Gulfstream Park in 2015. “I’ve played slots all over the country and never had a problem like that. Even the people handing out the money said, ‘This isn’t right.’” Flato says he was feeding cash into the Double Top Dollar machine, which requires $50 a spin for a shot at the $100,000 jackpot. He says he had met up with Navarro, with whom he frequently played slots, in the center bar, and the pair headed to the Hard Rock high-roller room, where he says he put money into the slot machine. “Push the button for good luck,” Flato says he told Navarro just before the jackpot hit. Navarro told the Miami Herald a different version of the events. She said she herself placed $400 in the machine, and offered to give Flato a portion of the win, but he didn’t take it. She declined further comment. Seminole spokesman Gary Bitner said the tribe keeps gambler information confidential and there would be no further comment, other than to state that the casino was simply following the rules created long before there was gambling in Florida — the pusher of the button is the winner of the loot. Frank Legato, editor of Global Gaming Business magazine, who has testified as a legal expert in slots cases, says the rule is universal. “Pressing the spin button is really the act of making the wager,” he said. Lawyers appear to agree, Flato said. “No one would take the case,” Flato said. “That jackpot money is long gone.”
  12. Had a dream about playing and winning on some unknown slot last night, then today being Friday I get an email about an offer of free spins (didn't get any spins last Friday) from one of the casinos so I just had to claim them sigh, proceeded to cover the screen with another window and made it always stay on top, turned off sounds and went ahead to spin the free spins. (session RTP 131.2%). When that was done, closed it. didn't stake any own cash on it.
  13. I will say this MG has the best Blackjack software especially its gold series. Can Renee tell us about what the max bets that could be set to for the different tiers in the CR loyalty program. For example the lowest tier has min:1 max: 2000 for Atlantic City Blackjack Gold (8 decks), (used to be min: 1/max: 200). then checked these; Big Five Blackjack Gold: min: 1 max: 200 (5 decks) Bonus Blackjack Gold: min: 1 max: 200 (2 decks) Classic Blackjack Gold: min: 1 max: 200 (1 deck) Double Exposure Blackjack Gold: min: 1 max: 200 (8 decks) European Blackjack Gold: min: 1 max: 2000 (2 decks) European Blackjack Redeal Gold: min: 1 max: 200 (2 decks) <- loading this game shows the euro currency symbol on the min/max table and in the credits box. nice touch. Hi Lo 13 European Blackjack Gold Series: min: 1 max: 200 (2 decks) Hi Streak European Blackjack Gold: min 1: max: 200 (2 decks) Pontoon Gold: min: 1 max: 200 (8 decks) Spanish Blackjack Gold: min: 1 max: 200 (8 unique decks) Super Fun 21 Blackjack Gold: min: 1 max: 200 (1 deck) Vegas Downtown Blackjack Gold: min: 1 max: 2000 (2 decks) Vegas Singledeck Blackjack Gold: min:1 max: 2000 (1 deck) Vegas Strip Blackjack Gold: min 1: max 2000 (4 decks) What do high rollers have their max bets set at ? 10K? 20K ? Also what happened to being able to login with viper to practice account.? Now there is only one sign in button
  14. you confused the slot by playing only 14 lines (14 lines on 14th nov) and it felt pity for you cause your balance was so low.
  15. the viper client used to have frequent crashes so it was widely talked about on forums that it would be getting discontinued and they won't bother fixing all the issues. Speaking of the viper client I had a crazy coincidence about it over a month ago but I was reading about the viper client at the time on one screen (desktop) and on my other screen (laptop) I was playing bingo and at that moment someone wins a 2liner or something and their name had Viper in it.
  16. did you ever get into table games? (baccarat/blackjack/roulette)
  17. Dodge Viper got discontinued but when will the viper client get discontinued that day is coming soon.
  18. That's good what you doing with that daily cap of 50 or 100 but there have been cases where I didn't cash out and thus left a large balance at the casino and then when a session went bad the entire balance was at risk plus any additional deposits after to get back the balance that was lost. You can do that a few times but when it doesn't work out just one time then all of it can be gone. So I suggest to everyone keep a small balance and set deposit limits to decrease the damage of tilted sessions/deposits. Also banks have daily limits on the use of debit cards/credit cards and they can be lowered too. Cause you could clean out your savings account without a daily limit as seen in that other thread I posted about the player who chased his slot loss by blowing 8k quid on roulette.
  19. had a quick peek in this thread, well done obviously a lucky slot for you, is that in ringgit ?
  20. Does anyone here use bankroll management of some sort for their gambling? Do you have a daily/weekly/monthly stop loss limit? Do you ever chase your losses in order to get into a profit for the day/week?
  21. still not played slots for 6 days, but had a dream last night about slots (that usually happens when I quit playing them) anyway found some interesting posts at other forums so will share them here. someone found that chasing can lead to losses: So I've got a few stories from over the years but this is my most recent and hopefully last one. Took place yesterday. So due to previous gambling problems I'd avoided casino games for over a year as I chase when I lose. Recently started watching streams which gave me an interest in slots, not something I'd ever played before. So I've been playing slots, had some big wins and some losses but my gambling was under control (I felt). Anyway, yesterday lose a couple deposits playing slots, decide one more deposit for a bit of roulette. Lose it and by this point I'm down £800 in one day. Unacceptable, so only thing I can really do is win it back. Another deposit - gone. Bigger deposit - gone. ****! Anyway emptied my savings accounts and everything I had in the world (£8k, not a lot to some people but the most money I've ever had) and lose it all chasing the original £800 I lost at roulette. ****ed it! someone found this on reddit and they had to share: “Probably late to the party, but I worked security at a casino in Vegas for a few years. I saw plenty of sad things, but this story more than anything was just weird. A pretty smartly dressed, government-looking type comes in and proceeds to win, I think it was 29 jackpots on the slots. No, these were "mega-jackpots" or something like that. I think they were worth about 15k each. Everyone was stunned. The manager at the time, who was a real prick, was ****ting himself. He was fired a few days later and left town. There was some talk about the machines malfunctioning, which was definitely looked into, but I kind of suspect it involved some attempt at fraud on his part. But that's not the end of it! This guy who won all the jackpots was weird, like completely spaced out. Every time he pulled the lever he would shout "HellllllOOOOOoooo!" in a very particular way. Then when the machines would pay out, he'd just look around and pick another machine and do the same thing again. Some of the other patrons were getting pretty excited. This one old lady asked him which machine to play. So he points at one, she plays it -- and she ****ing wins. I almost shat myself at that point. And then she runs and starts hugging this guy, saying "Thank you Mr. Jackpots!" over and over. It was so ****ing surreal, I almost wondered if I was dreaming. The real kicker is, Mr. Jackpots tried to walk out without his winnings. Security had to grab him. From what I heard they paid him (a few hundred thousand) and sent him home in a limo. Last anyone saw of him.“
  22. I've lost the lust for slots, and now my mind is clear.
  23. I can't do lower wagers anymore (even a slot with maxbet 25c e.g Cinerama would just tempt me to then play other slots with higher stakes to chase losses of the 25c slot) cause even when I'd start with lower wagers I would then start raising and raising in order to get a hit at higher bets to recoup the losses of those lower wagers (something I seen the slot streamers do which wipes out balances and further deposits when it goes wrong). This can work for many session but then finally hit one of those sessions from he.ll where RTP is low and no big hits at higher stakes and then lose too much. Besides I'd much rather stop slotting entirely and focus on other areas, only slotting and video poker that I am getting rid off. (Not played video poker since last year July where I lost 497.5e in a 1867 hand session doing 2.5e bets of Jacks or Better, session RTP 89.34%) There's plenty of other gambling that doesn't involve such rapid doses of dopamine as slots/video poker. Good luck to anyone still slotting and remember to stay in control, don't chase losses, keep your bets low, don't go down the road of raising your bets and not being content with playing at lower stakes or chasing at higher stakes to recoup losses of lower stakes.
  24. Didn't get offered any free spins today, normally that would annoy me but under current circumstances that's ok.
  25. Remember when Kyle Reese spoke about the terminator... but let's change it to marketer. "Listen, and understand. That marketer is out there. It can’t be bargained with. It can’t be reasoned with. It doesn’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead broke."
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