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Posts posted by OlleBitStarz

  1. Hi there,

    So, a couple of things here (which are based on your previous forum topics which you didn't reply to when I asked).

    As an example, your quote: " I’m wanting to close my account but I’m worried I would want to come back.  Have any of you been successful with closing your account and really stopped online gambling ??""

    Big red flag as far as RG is concerned, but that might just be my opinion. With that said, I don't like to gamble (no pun intended) when it comes to responsible gambling cases,
    and this makes me feel rather uncomfortable to allow you to play at BitStarz going forward.



  2. Hi there,

    I'm sorry, but that answer doesn't make a lot of sense looking at your original post where you stated:

    " I’m wanting to close my account but I’m worried I would want to come back.  Have any of you been successful with closing your account and really stopped online gambling ??"

    That doesn't sound like you wanting to quit based on the lack of Bitcoin games, but rather it sounds like you're concerned about your gambling habits. Please don't take it personally
    but that's my interpretation. 

    I'd appreciate it if you could hand me your BitStarz username at your earliest convenience.



  3. Hi there,

    I'm not sure if there's much I can say here to convince you that we are a legit casino, but licensing, trust here on AskGamblers, voted best casino and player's choice, rated 9.2/10 on CasinoMeister, only using licensed games, should mean something.

    You mentioned you've been playing casino for 10 years. If that's the case, I'm sure you've experienced the ups and downs of playing casino games. You can have a super bad run, or a super good run, and the more extreme they are in either direction, the more unlikely they are. In other words, winning 2.4 million dollars in a single spin (which was the case at BitStarz last May) is rare, and losing the same amount of money without getting anything back in a super short period of time is also rare.

    Now, at the end of the day, there are no guarantees either way when you gamble, which is the definition of the word itself. It's not an investment and should never be seen as such. I'm sympathetic to you not winning, but just because you don't win, it doesn't mean the games are not legit. 

    Also, we do not make the games, as I'm sure you know, and have absolutely no control of them. So the same games you play at BitStarz have the same theoretical RTP as the same game somewhere else, and the fluctuations are down to luck. 

    Kind regards,



  4. On 1/10/2020 at 5:50 PM, globalgamer said:

    I have to say your responsiveness and engagement on this issue goes a long way to re-establishing peace of mind. Somehow when we (the players of the world who know we are not up to something bad) are told we can't instantly withdraw our money, it gets a bit intense. Perhaps its a cultural thing. In some countries, where I have friends, their own bank may not Let them withdraw money without knowing what its for and some times it can take a few days. However where I am from and where I spend my time, that would never happen. If I walk into the bank to take out $500 USD in whatever currency and they say only after I bring them my birth certificate, I would literally cause such a scene in that bank and move my account elsewhere since it becomes emotional when any entity wont give us money that is truly ours, immediately. However out of fairness to the casino world, there are reasons I understand why you have to follow certain KYC policies (thanks in great part to the influence of the USA and other governments) and in the end, its probably not the hustlers, conmen, hackers, and sleeper cells who are hit by this, its the regular tax paying law abiding citizens who end up getting inconvenienced. Not much different than airport security, when the sketchiest person you have ever seen with more bags than you can imagine passes through with no issues, and the 80 year old grandmother is searched with a full pat down and bag check. Oh well, such is life. 

    Thank you for your comments and engagement. Much appreciated. You had me at 10 million Dollars in your comment above and the possible handshake if that happens. I watched someone put 50 cents in a machine last week and win 300,000 USD, so perhaps on a $5 bet this can happen (10 million would be pretty helpful I must admit, in fact I would settle for half that). 

    I already logged back into BitStarz and played with a lingering bonus so my appetite for your platform is coming back. 

    As always, in the end this was all solved. It got emotional. But I am at peace now. 

    Thank you. 


    Hi mate,

    That's what I'm here for, and always happy to answer any questions you might have.

    I can only speak for BitStarz, but I can assure you we're not going out of our way to make life hard for our players as far as verification goes. But as mentioned, sometimes it can be a bit tricky as we're not 100% familiar with the documents of all countries out there. There are people out there who do indeed try to fraud us on a regular basis, and we do our best to stay on our toes without that affecting our loyal and trusted players such as yourself.

    We did have a player who won 2.4 million dollars in a single spin in May last year, and he was verified and cashed out within 10 minutes of every withdrawal he requested. So we do take big pride in processing payments fast as it builds trust (and is only fair). We always thought it was unfair that it's easy to put money in, but when you want to withdraw, you gotta wait hours or even days in some cases. Hence our 10 minutes on average cashout processing time, which we are extremely proud of and which you can enjoy going forward : )

    Best of luck at the games going forward and I hope you're having a good weekend!



  5. On 12/31/2019 at 9:31 AM, shahrukh88 said:

    Hello Mr. OlleBitStarz, can you please tell me how much winning amount online casino will give a gambler without any pain for example 100$ to 1k$ weekly or per month limit, can you please suggest us  so we can stay low under the radar to not get kick out without any reason thank you? (sorry for my english if it's bad)

    Hi there,

    I mean, the whole "Staying under the radar" sounds a bit concerning to me. You'll always be subject to a standard KYC procedure, and after that, we don't mind
    if you cashout 100 dollars or 1 million dollars. But asking for KYC is standard anywhere you go, and we do not intend to make it more complicated than it has
    to be :)



  6. On 1/7/2020 at 10:56 PM, pinnit2015 said:

    'Park more BTC in your casino, around $10,000 USD worth, and play it there and leave it there, then take out when ready to, etc'

    Would that be a good idea?....- even the best run casino's can go belly up and you can Kiss that goodbye if something happens (unless UK and you have the highest protection for funds available), plus I think it might draw the attention of some casinos' compliance teams eyes when they normally have something in their terms about using the casino as a quasi financial institution. 

    This is a super valid point. Even though I, of course, can't share BitStarz Financials publicly here, we're solid in that regard, but times can change for any business, and the same goes for cryptocurrency exchanges, I mean, look at Cubits that went belly up after a fraud case and everyone with money there lost it all. I included. So there are some key things to always remember:

    - Keep a lot of the BTC in a hard wallet
    - Spread the funds around.  



  7. 23 hours ago, pinnit2015 said:

    Is Olle from London originally? Must be some change going from the concrete Jungle of London to the Malaysian one - certainly in Scotland a temperature of 19 degrees and humidity of 45% normally see's off half the population, so lord knows how we cope there 😋

    Haha! I'm actually Swedish/Scottish, so yeah, adapting to the constant 33 degrees year-round is no easy task. Then again, waking up every day seeing green palm trees as far as the eyes can see beats the dark and miserable 12 000 population city I was raised in. Oh, and god bless the inventor of the AC :D 

  8. On 1/7/2020 at 10:42 PM, globalgamer said:

    Thanks for the reply. I noticed your location is "the Malaysian Jungle." Not far from my current location :)

    I do appreciate your response, quite meaningful.

    I only have one account with BitStarz, so I am not violating the multiple account rule. Also, definitely not mixing up online casinos, since you are the only online casino I have played at for the last few years. I spend most time at land based. 

    My final closing question is simply this. How can it be that after 4 years (since 2016) of so many successful withdrawals from your casino, larger withdrawals as well, that suddenly I am required to verify myself - with no advance notice? It would have been ideal to receive an email saying verification will be required, or a message of some sort, rather than not finding out until making a withdrawal after I have made countless withdrawals from your casino for 4 years with no issues. That is the shocker, the frustration, and the way it was handled by support IMO wasn't ideal. Is this SOP, or is something else behind this, since I feel this is the underlying challenge that is being dismissed but in my opinion is central to my complaint. If someone plays at One Casino for 4 years, makes a large number or withrdrawals (and deposits) over the years, nothing changes, same deposit method (BTC), same withdrawal method, then suddenly withdrawal denied and documents denied and more documents denied and luckily I was able to find what was needed (barely) to get verified. In my country it is not easy to come up with these documents quickly, so it was quite a hassle (had to run around the city for hours and Lost a day doing this, which all seemed quite pointless since after all of this I was verified so it was in the end an unnecessary rat race for a 4 year loyal customer to experience. 

    The real killer is that I was about to park more BTC in your casino, around $10,000 USD worth, and play it there and leave it there, then take out when ready to, etc., and I am sure glad I didn't do that. It just makes me worried to put money in, knowing I may not be able to take it out. When people cant take their own money out, it is VERY frustrating. And I am not a new player, broken record here, but 4 YEARS withdrawing from your casino with no issues - isn't this a bit ridiculous? No disrespect intended but seriously I feel this is quite unfair and anti-best practices. 

    I was very certain I was verified by your casino 4 years ago. If not, how would you have allowed me to withdraw countless times for 4 years, and larger amounts than this time? If my memory is wrong such is life, but I am really sure I had to do that years and years ago and if not, why would you Let me withdraw all this time (and more than this time) with no issues until now?

    Regarding being hacked, that is good to know and I will trust your assurance. However at the same time, if Yahoo, Uber, and major banks as well as governments are hacked I am pretty sure the same can happen to an online casino. Sometimes it could be an inside job, other times externally, etc. But I will trust your assurance on this, which is at least good to hear. Not sure how your backend software works as far as people gaining access to your files but giving you my vehicle registration, photo ID, DOB, credit limit, credit card number, home address, picture, drivers license, bank account number, etc., is a bit intensive and usually a bank would not even ask for that much third party information (they just need a drivers license or a passport, not a document with proof of address even though the drivers license already has the address. etc.). 

    Anyway, I see that the relationship is quite close with this forum and your casino, and almost instantly after you posted this comment they rejected my complaint, without even asking me any follow up questions first, so your record remains perfect, and while I did receive my money back from your casino, I am quite worried to put money in again since who knows what will happen next time. 

    Thanks for your time, no hard feelings, enjoy the Malaysian Jungle, and best wishes. 


    Hi there,

    Awesome! So we're neighbors: ) 

    I absolutely hear what you're saying, and it could be the case that you've had some withdrawals in the past and now, support has asked for some extra documents so to speak. It's not super uncommon but as a casino operator, there could always be scenarios where we have to ask for some additional verification from the player. We'd only ask for something that would be extremely relevant to the KYC and it could be for a variety of reasons, and we do try to make this as smooth as possible and it's not our intention to just make life hard on our players and prevent them from withdrawing. I always tell players that I'm happy to suspend the account and they can send me the requested docs if they're afraid they'll play away the funds pending verification. I think that's fair.

    With that said, I know it's an inconvenience and depending on the country sometimes, we need extra time to verify that the document is valid as we're not super familiar with all IDs from all countries in the world : ) I thank you for your patience here and I'm happy that it all worked out in the end. 

    As your account is completely verified now, you have my guarantee that everything is OK for cashouts going forward. The only way this could change would be if you use a new payment method that would require additional verification as per the standard KYC. Also, if you win 10 million dollars, I might have to fly over to you and shake your hand. With that said, I totally understand if you're skeptical after this, but as I mentioned, your account is completely verified now. If you choose to play at BitStarz, I'd, of course, be very happy, but I respect your decision if you wish to play somewhere else too. Do whatever you feel most comfortable with : )

    Any further questions, feel free to reach out to me directly, and I wish you the best of luck at the games, wherever it may be  :)


  9. Hi there,

    Cool, I've had a look here.

    So, first things first, you haven't had a verified account with us here at BitStarz, at least not the one that you're referring to. Could it be the case
    that you're confusing that account with another brand? Or could it be the case that you have more than one account with us?

    I think that also addresses the question of a hack as well, as we cannot delete the documents you've uploaded. Even if you delete them on your
    end, we can still retrieve the deleted documents, and there weren't any other ones that would result in a verified account. Also, I'm not sure
    if a hacker would go about deleting documents from players if he/she had the chance to do so, and again, they couldn't delete the documents
    either if they wanted to. So long story short, no we were not hacked : )

    I can see your account got fully verified in the end and you managed to cashout some funds yesterday, and yeah, you haven't been verified in the
    past so I believe this might be a misunderstanding. 

    Would be great to hear your thoughts.



  10. On 12/19/2019 at 9:45 AM, Peter532 said:

    Nolimitcity is a good one, played a few times, also enjoyed playing Booming games on Flipperflip as they provided me with 15 EUR free spins. Bitstarz never used it, will try and write an update about this casino

    Hi Peter!

    Did you mean that you've never tried BitStarz? 

    Let me know if you ever create an account and I'll throw in some extra spins for you to check out the casino properly :)


  11. Hi there,

    I mean, I think that casinos should do their best not to have a laundry list of complicated terms, written in a way where only a lawyer could understand them.

    So with that said, I totally get it if there's some obscure weird rule in the terms that a player could miss. This might just be my opinion, but I don't think a standard
    KYC process counts as one of those weird and predatory terms, but instead one of the most common aspects of gambling online, along the lines of bonuses
    normally coming with a wagering requirement. But maybe that's just me.

    I'm sympathetic to your situation if you feel that the KYC process is alien to you, but I can assure you, you'll come across a KYC process at most casinos you'll
    ever play at. 


  12. On 12/11/2019 at 4:36 PM, Fiekie247 said:


    I really hope the minimum bet in BTC on Play 'n Go and iSoftbet gets reduced.

    Minimum bet per Spin is $2 in BTC, whereas Pragmatic and some other providers its basically $0.20 - $0.50 per Spin.

    Any chance you can look into this? Would really help...

    Just to give you an update here :) we've requested this to be lowered, but both providers are very slow to act it appears. Don't worry though, we're pushing! 

  13. Hi there,

    Regarding charging something for deposit, it depends on the payment option you use. Also note that what's being charged to make a deposit doesn't cover the fee that is being charged to us by the payment service provider, so it's not like we're making a killing charging deposit fees for certain methods as we too have to pay them on our end.

    I think I was quite respectful in my reply to you in regards to your addiction remark, so I think it's a bit unfair to say that my intention wasn't genuine here. Regarding you withdrawing, you having an addiction doesn't give a carte blanche not to have to provide any documents as part of the KYC process just like every other player. If you excluded yourself from BitStarz and still have money in your account. You can send the relevant docs to support and then we can cash you out and close your account for good.

    Just some friendly advice. Being asked when withdrawing to provide documents is nothing new and you'll find that in pretty much all casinos online (and not asked prior to playing), so in the future if you wish to gamble (which I wouldn't advise you do consider your claim of addiction), double-check with the customer support how their KYC process work prior to starting playing so you won't be in this situation.

    All the best,


  14. 15 hours ago, cocopop3011 said:

    Thanks Olle - I think the poster was referring to why documents are not asking for upon deposit instead of at withdrawal stage. But one should already know that this is pretty much standard with any casino. Thanks again for your reply, 



    Ah darn it, I blame the lack of coffee.

    Some casinos may have to ask for this as part of their license requirements, but our license issuer does not require any verification prior to making a deposit. However, if you wish to have everything verified prior to you starting to play, we're more than happy to verify you prior to making a deposit if that makes you more comfortable. 

    I think many players visiting a casino wish to play right away, and they don't wish to send in documents and then wait for them to get verified, and then play. Perhaps we need to look into a smoother process for doing this so verification can be a very fast process. Currently, it's done manually. 

    So, with. all that said, it might be a good idea to send in docs prior to depositing and ask for it to be fully verified prior to withdrawing, but regardless of you sending in ID and Proof of Address + Cards, we still need to ask for proof of deposit which can only be provided if you make a deposit. But at least you'll know you're close to being verified once the bulk of the stuff has been sent in : )

    What worries me the most here is your addiction remark. I hope you have contacted our support to get your self-exclusion in place, if not, kindly provide me with your username as I don't feel comfortable allowing you to play making a statement about addiction.


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