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davemerri last won the day on February 22 2016

davemerri had the most liked content!

davemerri's Achievements

Newbie Gambler

Newbie Gambler (1/8)



  1. It's really hard admitting to yourself that you have a problem. I've been like that too and had a lot of downs more than ups, but I finally admitted to myself that I do have that problem and now taking steps to curb this addiction to relatively normal, healthy levels. This is such a wonderful article.
  2. Hey there David here, but you can call me Dave. I'm going to be a first time online gambler (been pretty much someone who frequents casinos on a "not-so-frequent" basis outside) and my friend recommended me this site so...here I am. Thanks for having me here too.
  3. But sometimes what goes on in movies doesn't easily translate to things that happen in real life. Exaggerations I mean. Pretty sure there are people who just want to spend more money than they have, or maybe they need to because they have dreams they want to fulfil and stop it at that (and probably gamble it away lol or invest it somewhere). As for me, probably I'll invest what I won't gamble. But it's pretty hard considering gambling is my life.
  4. Normal gambling outside, not online - for some reason Wednesday seems awfully evil to me. I have no idea but I think Wednesdays were really made to torment me in all aspects of my life.
  5. Hello there basically I just started doing this online gambling thing, and I am pretty confused as to what to choose. That's why I went to this site, a friend recommended this place, to get some answers. What can you guys recommend what to play here, something easy and gradually rewarding as time goes by? Thanks.
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