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Th3 Runn3R

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Th3 Runn3R last won the day on January 3 2015

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Passionate Gambler

Passionate Gambler (4/8)



  1. I did doubled my money but lost it again within 20 minutes. This game has an unique free spins bonus round.
  2. It was it was indeed worth the headache Touching the screen to start the bonus round was a little bit confusing because the screen felt so close I alsmost fell off my chair I bet there a people laughing wathing me playing but I don't care, first time for everything right?
  3. Yesterday I tried this game and it was unbelieveable how they manage to make a 3D video slot without 3D goggles first time playing felt kinda weird but I get used to it after a few minutes but when I walked away from the game chest I got a light headache.
  4. jeez, please remain calm. don't be offended. the thing is I know that those who post this kinda ads are hunting for free chips. You don't know for sure if these kinda casinos are legit. Big chance that these kind casinos are ripping off people. Personally I find them stupid and not worth the try. Check the casino first before you share!
  5. Nope, autoplay is not my thing. I like to enjoy the game every single click of my mouse this is my third big win from Kronos, the first big win was 300 euro with 60 cent per bet and the second big win was nearly 700 euro with 2 euro per bet.
  6. there's somethingwrong with SumtinWong
  7. I am very curious about this provider, do you have a picture or example of it?
  8. I haven't played this game for a while and today Kronos was very generous (after over 1 hour playing). 750x bet is quite nice No WMS for Bulgaria? damn that sucks big time but they do avaliable on the landbased casinos right?
  9. thanks Guru, my guts told me to play this game and voila 2 gorillas appeared , over 200x bet big win
  10. I was stunned with disappointment and excitement!
  11. Wow great news for AG, congrats! Sweet piccas also, thank you
  12. I am 100% agree with you, worst game ever. I won 5 euro from the 100 free spins.
  13. the movie was hilarious Kristen Wiig is beautiful and funny!
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