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Everything posted by Afi4wins

  1. My Day 4 entries: Hex: 20x; 26x. (46 points) Money Train 3: 21x; 22x; 22x; 26x; 27x; 33x; 48x. (199 points) Ramses Revenge: 19x. (TOTAL: 873 points)
  2. We're into Day 4 of this Relax Gaming Screenshot Contest, so whilst waiting for the OFFICIAL Results to be out very soon, here is how the racers stand at end of Day 3: UNOFFICIAL LEADERBOARD 1st @ales200 4498 Points 2nd @Fiekie247 4086 Points 3rd @Blackjax 1379 Points 4th @Afi4wins 609 Points 5th @blondie 339 Points 6th @helenakp 152 Points 7th @Flatzem 78 Points 8th @AnOldFriend 70 Points 9th 10th @Drej043 3778 Points (Gamelog Pending) As usual, Afi reporting for AG Channel
  3. Have to be extremely patient? I'd run out of money first that way! It's okay if you have a big bankroll to play with.
  4. Top Dawg, Sails Of Fortune and even Money Train 3 proved to be bad games for me.
  5. @blondie Nice to see you bright and early for once! You've got...errr...plenty of money in your balance I see...any chance of chasing for the top 3 positions? You might just make it, who knows right?
  6. Was doing something else, but have since responded and replied.
  7. My Day 3 entries: Iron Bank: 12x; 13x; 16x; 16x; 16x; 21x; 24x; 43x. (161 points) Top Dawg: 13x; 15x. (28 points) (TOTAL: 609 points)
  8. We're into Day 3 of this Relax Gaming Screenshot Contest, so here is how the racers stand at end of Day 2: UNOFFICIAL LEADERBOARD 1st @Fiekie247 2928 Points 2nd @ales200 2500 Points 3rd @Blackjax 959 Points 4th @Afi4wins 420 Points 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th @Drej043 3778 Points (Gamelog Pending) As usual, Afi reporting for AG Channel
  9. @OliverCooper There's still plenty of time to collect a few screenshots and enter the RELAX GAMING contest bro...so go on...do it...don't just talk!
  10. Okie dokie my dearie...that won't be a problem for me.
  11. Yeah, I'm getting that rubbish too, even though I'm only playing in fun mode!!!
  12. Lucky you! I have run out of Winzon casinos so no more 400% bonuses for me. Luckily one casino had a 200% bonus so I used that instead.
  13. Relax Gaming games don't make anyone feel relaxed when playing them, as their name would suggest, but everyone becomes so damn tensed up instead. I guess they don't want to be truthful at all by calling themselves Tense Gaming instead. My last play on Money Train 3, for example, went god knows for how many hundreds of spins (more than 700) without giving one lousy Bonus game. It ate every cent of my 40 EUR balance!!! Really HATE Relax Gaming!!!
  14. My 2nd day entries: Book Of 99: 14x. Book Of Power: 15x. Hex: 18x; 20x; 32x; 40x; 48x. (158 points) Ignite The Night: 15x; 15x; 20x. (50 points) (TOTAL: 420 points)
  15. @Drej043 Your screenshots do not show the date, it only show the time, so you need to submit your game logs to show the date the game was won, otherwise your win cannot be verified.
  16. Book Of 99: 11x; 15x; 15x. (41 points) Money Train 3: 11x; 12x; 26x. (49 points) Sails Of Fortune: 18x; 26x. (44 points) (TOTAL: 183 points)
  17. @cocopop3011 Can we resume posting screenshots now? My 1st day time is running out!
  18. Try all of them out bro! Hahaha. Who knows which game would be good for you!
  19. Shouldn't you be playing in real money mode and collect some screenies bro?
  20. If only the top 3 winners gets cash prizes, then I'd be calling it a day!
  21. I'm in too... Book Of 99: 23x Wild Chapo: 26x (TOTAL: 49 points)
  22. In any competition, even your best friend is your rival! You must ALWAYS EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED right to the very end! The best man/woman will finally win...it's all about taking risks and MANAGING YOUR STRATEGY OF GAMEPLAY! So don't ever blame others for their achievement...or your loss...blame only yourself!
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