Icy Yeti conjured another idea applying to points. Do realize that the moderator has the ability to shapeshift, modify, frisk @Icy for another idea and/or edit the rules in her glamorous favor.
But first, I need a few things from said @cocopop3011 @cocopop3011 @cocopop3011 moderator.
(I purposely did that so she won't miss this long post!)
Will you allow admin points to be reinstated? If so, weekly, monthly or yearly basis?
Comes my following depending on your response above (hope to confuse you all )
This idea will have a double effect for points. Like a phantom out to get you.....(hands high circling in the air) ooooooo!!!
The current idea of admin points of 200pts for 5 EUR will still be in effect but with an exception that applies for members (in this case premium members). A team effort that helps make another member's day to be extra special!
All points accumulated throughout a weekly, monthly OR yearly basis (depending on Miss C's choice), they will be paid the standard 200pts at 5 EUR. In addition to being paid that, their same total accumulated points will also be applied to a random draw at the end of the week/month/year for 3 - 6 winners (Your choice again for the amount of winners).
Points accumulation are applied to Paid Reviews, Contest participation frequency, lusting over your superiors, aiding to help members, even welcoming new members to the forum etc.
Askgamblers moderators are responsible for crediting points and reviewing forum members activity! You can choose to apply a minimum requirement of said activity if you can think of one.
For example of the double effect points:
Afi4Wins accumulates 450pts in a week. He will be paid 10 EUR on his invoice and that 450pts will go into the random draw. His 50pts will be carried over until he acquires minimum 200pts for conversion.
Icy accumulates 500pts in a week. He will be paid 10 EUR on his invoice and that 500pts will go into the random draw. His 100pts will be carried over until he acquires minimum 200pts for conversion.
Fiekie247 accumulates 800pts in a week. He will be paid 20 EUR on his invoice and that 800pts will go into the random draw.
Marius1978 accumulates 1000pts in a week. He will be paid 25 EUR on his invoice and that 1000pts will go into the random draw.
Loceff13 accumulates 400 in a week. He will be paid 10 EUR on his invoice and that 400pts will go into the random draw.
Lastly, Cocopop3011 accumulates 1200pts in a week. She will receive 30 EUR on her net invoice and the 1200pts will go into a random draw.
From the above members (including Coco, yes she is a forum member in this example), the total pts for the random draw would be 4350pts or 105 EUR minus the remaining 150pts which will be reseeded into the next random draw for premium members. This is only the weekly draw. Can you imagine the moderator choosing the monthly or yearly!
How the mod wants to split the prizes is entirely up to her. Make each place as juicy as you possibly can!
Each member will be responsible for posting the page in which they were awarded said points on a new thread created by the forum mod. The format will be as follows:
January 2025
(Enter points awarded)
(Insert forum page link)
(Enter total pts accumulated)