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  1. Hey guys so i was thinking.... when you go to open a older forum post with more than 1 page i feel that you should automatically be forwarded to the last one. I know its not a big deal but its just a hassle especially when someone post in a forum from 2015 If someone wasnt to go see the story they can just go back.
  2. I mean of course, as long as you are depositing and even with 50 cards they don't seem to notice anything...
  3. Damn thats horrible to hear... I mean if they give you some of your winnings, that's a step up. Fingers crossed for you and i hope that they give you back some of your winnings.
  4. even if his GF is using his card, it would first be flagged for duplicate accounts? Right? Furthermore if she played on his account technically that would be breaking the terms. Regardless good luck with resolving your issue. Similar thing happened to a mate of mine and it took him a while to get it sorted, so fingers crossed for you.
  5. With out a doubt, land based casinos are safer, but then also they can potentially be more dangerous. Regardless its awesome that you can still have fun playing casino even though its online.
  6. I think you should just go straight to their license provider and provide the proof that you and your wife are living under the same roof. This should put some pressure on them to at the very least compensate you in one way or another. Let us know how it went!
  7. Thanks for the update, however as most of us know its really hard to find a casino that fits well in all the categories. Thats the real struggle i have with online casino, some may have a good wagering but then they have withdrawal feels along with that they usually have a lot of restrictions on the games and providers that you can wager on. Its just all spread out like that!
  8. I mean if its stated in their terms and conditions why would it matter? Even if they are in the wrong they will still have some sort of obligations towards you.
  9. Wow man apres ton poste fins de Septembre je cree un compte a MonteCryptos, wow les bonus sont ouff la! Cette un de meiuller experience des slots casino. Ils me samble que des fois ils on dees souscis avec les retrait que peut prendre un peut plus de 3 jours. Mais quand ca arrive, ils sont toujours bon à compenser les problems avec pas male des FS! Du coup, super contant de cetee casino.
  10. damn dont the casino allow for the use of VPN?
  11. Hey thanks for your reply, however i saw the rules, nomination process etc. Just didnt find anything specific about the nominated casinos or why they were nominated. No matter i hope i will find it out on the live event. Looking forward to it!
  12. Hey guys, I just wanted to see if you had some more info you could give us about how you choose the casinos that were nominated for the best new casinos. I only ask as i am longtime player at MonteCryptos and was really happy when i saw that they were nominated. I will defo be watching the event live! Also will there be some special releals by any of the casinos if you know?
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