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Everything posted by balotelli

  1. Dear Mr. Fernando, Whilst acknowledging your email, I would kindly ask you to provide me with a scanned copy of any form of identification; either your local ID or passport will suffice. In addition to the above, please provide a detailed history of all your deposits at Casumo during the period regulated by the MGA. I do not require anything further since I have a record of all the emails you sent to MGA. At this point I wish to let you know that I cannot guarantee that you will receive any funds back however I can guarantee that I will look at all the evidence produced by both parties and let you know what I think. I hope that this helps. Regards, Head of Player Support
  2. https://www.casinomeister.com/gambling-news/affiliates-instructed-to-cease-promoting-casumo-to-the-uk/ CAN WE HOPE THAT CASUMO GET A NICE THICK FINE
  3. woooow! balls! yes 600 euro, risky but had the money to test it once E is balance G is winning amount
  4. There is no next move. Maybe deposit the last 100e i had. And if i lost that, then we have a loong month incoming
  5. Let them know about what? you denied my complains? also denied my review about casumo that would help other players ... I was until MGA came with their bullshit after 3 months and dont even take cases serious. But have contacted some lawyers now thats helping me
  6. and when you can open other casino accounts that isnt with spelpaus. How does it help me
  7. I deposit 400 euro and started with 25 euro spin and won 2*2500 euro pretty fast. then i played 7,5-50 euro
  8. Thanks! I wont quit when I have everything on print that they fail so hard. Ive already lost everything so we fight until we die Now we test another shot " Dear Steve Looking through the whole matter your account should have been stopped when you asked them to take a break. Under no circumstances should you have been encouraged with cash back. I can see a number of points at which a responsible operator should have closed the account down. The operators state Gambling should be fun and you should gamble what you can afford. For you to advise them you have taken loans and this was acceptable is absolutely shocking behavior from the operator. Have you got the contact details/email from the person who said they have refunded you for 2019? In regards to what we can do different is that we have A number of superb lawyers as partners in the gambling field. We work with a number of high profile journalist and can expose a operator very quickly. We will set out the letter in a claim format in order to add the upmost pressure. We will ask questions and give them the opportunity to answer formally with in line of court requirements. The threat of the court, press and informing the regulator will be enough for them to make a settlement. Also we would like to add the information to pass this to mga and ecogra is totally wrong. They should have never advised you this. Kind regards. "
  9. they cant answer nothing, its not a serious company. Give me atleast some answers why you think im wrong or something See this mail as an addition / addition to previous mail I sent which is now being reviewed by you. In the email I explained why I was raising the case again, and I explained what it was, as well as questions I asked that I expected answers from the relevant department if they then choose not to give me my refund because then the questions will always remain in the my head and I will probably never feel good ever about how to treat me this way and not stop it, as you have noticed, I do not give up with this fellow's preparation for what I had to go through because you did not take responsibility and stop me as a player / customer for the time I presented 2016-2018 October, which was still something that went on your website and hence your responsibility and under the license that was ongoing with you you had the same obligations as the other casinos especially around responsible gaming , the questions are in the email and I expect answers to them accurate answers and clear answers, as this will be shown outwards if a refund is not b smile granted so think about how you answer / answer it when all evidence is documented so you know that you have failed by not taking the right action for me as a player / customer during the time I presented. I do not understand how you would rather sweep it under the carpet than justify it and get a point on it and allow me as a human being to feel good again, allocate some of the money during the period 2016-2018 October as the real time applies. That's where my money lies, money I should never have been able to waste if you acted right. I will never give in to this and I will always fight for the refund, it hurts me that you promise me answers within a certain period and then move the date. Especially when it comes to a matter that affects my life so much. I hope you stick to the timeframe this time, and really go over the matter carefully and with your hand on my heart I hope that you who handle the case / you who take care of the case regarding the repayment jointly go together and look at the individual case and grant me a refund for some of the net losses during the period beginning 2016 to october 2018, that is some money it total, but I only require a portion% of it all but a fair one. I wasted over 2,000,000 SEK during that period, the least I can get is half back. If I get my money for that period then we have a point there and I pull back everything I work on to get the refund back and do not go out with the information I possess including. the skype conversations with Casumo through the Vip contact which is very disturbing, I think you know what I am referring to, and that I mixed in the Aftonbladet etc. want to keep it by closing doors any time and only get the refund then be quiet and keep this as a point and dash for it all. But right should be right, I have the right to my wasted money that should never have been wasted if I was treated in agreement with what applied during that period, if others are treated right with you as you claim, why was I not treated right? One for all or all individually? What do you mean Casumo? Everyone should be treated equally, right? What I have had to go through is something the '' average '' player does not have to go through. If I was wrong in my case, I would not have put such energy into it. But everything is documented and there is evidence of everything I write that proves this. I believe in making mistakes. Everyone can make mistakes, even you Casumo, you have some employees and those you had during the period 2016 beginning - October 2018 who was in contact with me unfortunately did not agree with what Casumo stands for. Would Casumo ignore such an important rule / thing as Source of Wealth that came into force in May 2018? And at a time when I was asked to show the income for 3 months back then there are only loans thus and no salaries, and it was approved, this was then a rule from the EU that you should show up, and it was therefore approved by you, which it should never, and I would then not be able to waste the loan money with you at Casumo, Casumo would ignore seeing evidence from where money comes from and when I showed it it turned out that I have no salary, but only loans. Besides that I had protected identity during a period I was playing with you did not raise any question marks or need to look this up? Nothing was done about it. It is a clear indication of gambling-related problems, but I think you would rather I waste your money and not take security first or that is how it looks outward, but I think you can correct it now, how things turned out I encouraged continued play via Skype, bribed with various trips / offers, etc. Of course you offer it when I print you so much money, what you do not think about is that you took advantage of a person with drug problems / mental problems who had a clear game abuse, that you take your right
  10. Just to show people how they have handled everything and dont even can answer questions why im wrong. I should have put complain here instead of MGA. 3 months to say and save the casino that they asked if im okey okt 2018 when the case is 2016-2018 and so many red flags... its bullshit. I contacted media and cc the casino. Then i got this "Hi I hope this email finds you well. We would like to inform you that we have received your email - and that this has been forwarded to the relevant department. Your inquiry will be reviewed and answered in the coming week. Thank you for your patience and have a great weekend. Sincerely," Then i thought maybe they will do a serious job and investigate so i wrote In addition to the current case, given the circumstances and the importance of this case, I want that when you now take another look at the case I have with you, it is important that you take into account that this concerns a period that took place at your casino that you operate online, it does not matter then whether the license is the gaming inspection or MGA, both included the same serious form of responsible gaming and what the license requirements are based on, it is more that you as a casino should take responsibility for it you exposed me as a customer / player, it is no case that MGA should drive, you are the one who will take your responsibility, the period in question is then 2017 and 2018 before October 28, 2018. Thus, throughout 2017 and until 2018 October. That's where the focus has to be, you want to keep your reputation as a highly regarded casino that takes gaming safety very seriously? It's my life we're talking about here. It's something that is so obvious. Questions I need answers from you at Casumo are: * Why didn't you request Source of wealth when it was a law and it could have stopped me from playing them huge sums? * Why did you allow me to continue playing even though you saw my bank transactions and did not see that I had any income / salary? How, then, can one allow a player to continue? * Where have you ever in our contact during 2016 beginning to October 2018 informed me about responsible gambling or what tools are on the site to protect themselves despite the huge amount of sums I played for even though I had no evidence of those sums? * Why would you rather not do justice to you now that this comes to your knowledge and choose not to repay even though this took place at your casino and with me as a customer / player and it is your responsibility especially when the contacts with you were clear that I had a gambling addiction and that you violated such obvious things that really give me the right to a refund, given how I was treated during my playing time, at least on my net losses. Casumo, it's about my life here. I have already contacted Aftonbladet, the European Commission, and some other media where I am prepared to go out with this information and history and show how you have not taken responsibility and how you allowed me to ruin my life, it is about doing right for themselves , it is a refund that could have got my everyday life at bay again, it is completely insane that I have to go through this stress and demand a refund from you for the period 2017 until October 2018 that the case really applies. You can't wipe this off. Either you answer all the questions above I asked, or you choose to repay and then I do not need your answer, and I release all the instances on which I continued the case and I then choose not to release the information to the media, it is up to is Casumo. I think we should agree on the situation, give me a proper and fair sum for the period from the beginning of 2016 to October 2018 as the case applies so we have a point on this and then we release this. A fair sum. Sincerely. Instead of 1 week as they said it went 3 weeks with this bullshit copy paste answer Hi Steve, Thank you for your patience while your case escalated. On September 9, 2019, we received a complaint from you, and with this also your request for a refund of some of the money you spent on our site. As a result, a thorough investigation of your account was made, where we decided to refund you a certain amount. We announced our decision to you in our contact on September 20, 2019. Our assessment is based on a detailed review of your account, and our decision is final. We can now only refer back to our previous email on September 20. In case you are not satisfied with our decision, you have the opportunity to escalate your case and we refer you to the case you opened and which was dealt with by MGA. This is the authority that reviews our business in relation to the activity in the gambling account that your request concerned. Since the case is considered closed from our direction, I need to inform that this is our last feedback to you. We apologize for your situation, and once again wish to draw your attention to support organizations that can assist you in your recovery: It is insane how, as a 'serious' gaming company, you can lift a case again to let a customer / player wait for over 3 weeks for a copied & pasted answer that you have not even read and answered.
  11. So i got the answer from MGA after almost 3 months... " Dear Further to the below case, please be informed that we have received information from the representative of Casumo Services Limited (casumo.com) who have informed the MGA that their responsabile gaming team conducted a review on your account at the end of October 2018. They have sent you an email to check with you whether you are comfortable with your playing activity and to also inform you regarding their RG tools available should you wish to limit your play or seek help. In turn, you replied to the RG email appreciating the fact that Casumo reached out to you and confirmed that you are okay. We assure you that as a regulator, we strive to ensure that our licensees adhere to the strictest levels of player protection but we do understand that there are times where gambling ceases to be a form of entertainment for some. Regrettably, no central database facilitating exclusion from all MGA-licensed operators exists and in all honesty even if such a database did in fact exist, it will only protect problem gamblers from accessing MGA-licensed online casinos; accessibility to online casinos licensed under other jurisdictions is still possible, rendering such an approach highly ineffective. Whilst we are unable to assist you in retrieving money you have wagered, we would like to provide you with an effective means of protecting yourself through the use of blocking software which will completely removes access to any gambling-related websites. If you are determined to remove the temptation altogether, we can make this software available to you free of charge. Naturally, we also recommend approaching professionals who are able to assist you further with your challenges. If you would like further instructions relating to the free blocking software please let us know and we will send you the necessary information. Regards," It feels like MGA hasnt read my case at all. So everything falls because Casumo sends a mail late 2018 and i say im ok? But all my evidence is from 2017 and 2018. and its from that time im asking refund. Why didnt they ask how i felt in almost 2 years?? They didnt even make a legit source of wealth. I showed private loan for 80K Deposits according to the ZIP file that casumo sended me when I asked according to the law and legislation of GDRP that they should send over everything they had on me: 2016: About 800k sek (about 80k euro) 2017: 1.2 million SEK (about 120k euro) 2018: 300k (about 30k euro) 2019: 60k (about 6k euro) I have not much evidence of 2016 and made not much contact with Casumo, so for that period I do not search for refund. For 2017 and 2018 they failed to see my addiction so many time and did not follow the terms and condition in MGA:s B2C licence to Casumo. Can i upload my case here so you can read and give your input ??
  12. Killing me. How cant you even answer a mail in 2 months. Thats not OK in a case like this.... Dont know what takes so much time when casumo already rejected me so fast. It should be easy to take a desicion
  13. Yeah. I know some people in sweden have gotten answers in like 3 weeks 2 persons atleast im spoken to. But i havent got even a answer on how its going or nothing since 28 october. Still waiting and tomorrow im going to court for the ***** ive done. Bless you and the hope is still alive
  14. But if MGA says no i hope i can make a complaint here. I must show another side that they dont show. That the evidence is very clearly and it keept going. Maybe their first unsolved case her then
  15. @Flatzem But i think this guy actually cared. because this i always did but noone in sweden said anything. And this guy was going to tell the new one but nothing. Yes exactly. Thats why they blocked me when i asked for chat and transactions. When i stopped play for monthss then i got a ipad. then stopped again then i got a grill... ive been asked for trips to japan, bahamas, cuba, russia
  16. still you are messaging everyone constantly trying to get extra bonuses multiple times a day *haha*
  17. And theyre answering me with this pictures. Its annoying because if you care. Atleast answer the evidence or comment it why im wrong. All this new RG is only for show. I hope not but who knows. The UK casumo saw my addiction in 2 days when i was getting new swedish vip and commented. But the swedish ones didnt say anything in 3 years
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