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Posts posted by TheAverageGuy

  1. Occurs to me I think I just might... finally... after over a year as a registered member, have met the required criteria to participate in the contests..

    (#9th ranking Canadian contributor of all time, accredited AskGamblers BOSS! AND all around amazing, fantastic, witty, charming, but above all humble fella)


    The rules up front on the bonus review comp make two separate statements regarding payment..

    one says must have skrill, one says will be made by bank transfer or skrill.


    I'm hoping it turns out that bank transfer is still an option.. or perhaps you've even gone ahead and added ecopayz to the repertoire?


    No Applause, heartfelt gifts or endless praise necessary, but I would appreciate your assistance with a little clarification.


    Thankya kindly ;-)



  2. Ooooo-boy! Have I got that wrong...and lost a $5 Million bet with not the average guy!  :crazy:


    Hmmm...now I'm wondering if the rep's mouth would be his own...hopefully...or of a cybernaut...programmed not to reveal... :D

    All good, I'm a reasonable fellow, 10% of all future wins until we're squared out, show a consistent payment history I would probably even be willing to wave the last 2-3 payments and not enforce the balloon interest payment typically due on the closing of the debt ;-)


    As to the reps ability to stand on his own two feet, I'd say pragmatic made a very smart move in acquiring a hot commodity and he'll have a pretty wide berth to do what he does, put out fires before they start, turn mountains back into molehills, walk across the water to to lift a lost gambler out of their sea of confusion all while modestly pretending he doesn't notice the throngs of admiring fans and catcalls from the ladies in the crowd as he rewards them all with a quick bit of "body of water into wine" to ease their 'thirst' before he vanishes in a puff of smoke and sparkles.. or something close to that anyway.

  3. I think the rep will be from the casino Pinnit mate, not from Pragmatic...

    they never have reps to get directly involve with players...but you already know that, hehehe.  :p

    I bet otherwise, c'mon... friendly $5000000 wager... or maybe... $0.05


    *puts fingers to temples, wiggles nose*


    I'm seeing a D... do we know a pragmatic rep with a D name?

  4. I find that unless I have a bankroll fiush with a recent set of wins, it seldom pays to chase the big win, I hit much better just randomly strolling trying slots I seldom play, have never played, or haven't played in a while a few bucks at a time and moving on if they don't hit.


    Seems lately I can find plenty that are happy to give a decent hit in a short amount of time, but can't find any that want to give more after that, just wanna eat it all back and then some.. so.. adapt and survive ;-P


    Plus. as an aside.. push gaming is brutal.. it's either being nice or beat it with a baseball bat before it leaves you broken ;-)

  5. as long as you're playing in a reputable casino the games are all verified and tested, but you have to remember that the theoretical RTP is based over a a milllion to 100,000,0000 spins..


    Play'n go are very temperamental. Reactoons can hit like it robbed a bank and has to ditch the money fast or it can eat like it hasn't been fed in years.



    from one of its better days.


    Above all else, remember that the house always wins, if you spin long enough on the same slot, it will turn, it will bite and it won't stop until you run away crying foul.


    I used to find that I often lost when I reversed withdrawals, but in retrospect, it was more likely that I was already in the wrong mindset to be spinning if I was reversing winnings..


    To fix that problem, I stopped playing at sites that had a pending period.. or at the very least if they take 3-4hrs to cashout have a lock function to avoid compulsively wasting what you've worked so hard to get.


    Mindset, mindset, mindset.. if the deck is already rigged against you, you want to only play when you are in a good headspace.. it never ends well otherwise.

  6. It seems almost like slapping a coat of paint on a house and baking fresh cookies to distract the buyer from the cracks in the foundation and the smell of a natural gas leak.


    The reps were very active in player forums, gaining popularity and positive reviews and then silence..




    Like always I vote with my deposits, the sites that remain dedicated to the player experience continue to receive my patronage.

  7. Lack of blind faith aside, the lottery was merely the proverbial straw on the camel's back.


    As one of the casinos most vocal supporters, watching the near overnight decline of the place I'd spoken so highly of was disappointing to say the least.


    Live chat went from being actual people with names, to operators 1-5.


    Weekly promos were altered, when I inquired about the various perks that had vanished, (i.e. weekly VIP free spins)  the VIP rep told me that great things were in the works, they would be replaced soon. They weren't.


    Then the cashback scheme was changed, instead of being deposits-withdrawals it became deposits-issued bonuses-withdrawals with no notice given until one noticed and asked about it.. chat kindly informed me it had always been that way.. though I had emails from previous chat inquiries and conversations with the VIP rep that said otherwise.


    Spins that could be acquired once a week  through participation in one of the online forums were removed.


    Then V.I.P perks basically vanished.. along with the VIP rep.. he just stopped answering.. eventually we were informed that we could contact the vip team by email if we needed anything.. VIP's were originally receiving weekly promos by email on top of the extra perks available on site.. all stripped away.


    The VIP Telegram channel became all access and repeats the same 4 promos every week, the same ones listed on the site, available to all.


    The reduced deposit minimum on Ecopayz was jacked back up to $20.. no reason, no notice.. just was.


    Then the Weekly battles vanished from the site.. no notice, no explanation.. just another feature gone.


    Basically everything that made the site stand out in the first place, separated it from the other direx sites and raised it above the competition was removed, gutted or altered beyond recognition. (including the promised AG promotions.. "Promotions from WildTornado (updated every week)"

    -last updated May 15th)


    Then.. a very well advertised promotion that clearly stated there would be a winners list that we could check, with winners being decided by random.org was quietly removed. All promo materials and links were removed, no mention was made of the results, chat was unsure of when the winners would be announced.. and to this day, they never have been. 


    Even if it is as described.. winners were told by email and paid. This is not as advertised and promoted, appears completely shady and asks players to blindly trust the place that has spent the last few months, by all appearances,  taking all measures to cut costs wherever possible.. 


    Each point I've mentioned above was brought to the sites attention, no satisfactory answers were ever given.. or addressed at all for the most part.


    Then to come and respond to this thread with the very same answer we said was part of the cause for concern..




    Suffice to say, I rescind my previous support and praise.

  8. I was rather put off by the way it was handled, haven't deposited since. Didn't sit well with me the way it just vanished from the site without fanfare, not to mention that as a member of the 3 largest player forums online with tens of thousands of active players sharing experiences everyday, not a single member mentioned the promo, yet alone winning anything..

  9. Best first approach is being reasonable and trying to have a reasonable discussion with support/management to find what is necessary to resolve the situation, what their concerns are and what you can do to resolve them so the situation can be put to rest.


    As I said, if that fails and you're certain you've done nothing in violation of the terms, then:



    AG has a pretty impressive record when it comes to helping players and casinos resolve "differences of opinion"


    Best of luck ;-)



  10. VPN's typically are a no-no and indicated as such in the TOS of the casinos, with playamo though it's been a while since I read the TOS, I know there wasn't any such term a while back..


    The VPN itself could be an issue though as there are MANY players who use them and a limited amount of locations/ip's used by the VPN, especially if using a free version.. so in theory, it could cause the same ip to appear at multiple sign-up locations/accounts.


    Using your device in multiple places shouldn't be an issue.. unless you happened to do so while in a country that is restricted under the sites TOS, or the friend's house you were playing at is also a member of the site and you connected to their wireless.. this would in essence violate the "one account per ip" term..


    The above of course is not guaranteed accurate, merely my understanding based on multiple readings of sites TOS and player experiences in dealing with them.. If I'm completely wrong in any regard, I'm sure someone more knowledgeable will swiftly step in to point out my errors ;-)

  11. 1 account is typically defined based on household, address and IP.


    If you're in an apartment building/dorm etc, have someone else in the house that signed up (or a previous tenant) or someone from the same IP it will be flagged.


    the apt/previous tenant can usually be resolved with paperwork, the rest (especially after a win) are less likely to end in your favour.


    Being new, the best advise I can give overall, is always read the complete TOS and Bonus terms on the site before any deposit/play and whenever possible ensure your KYC(know your customer) is completed asap to avoid it causing delays/problems when and if you do win.


    In this particular case, the sites TOS will be the deciding factor.. verse yourself in them.. if you're certain you are not in violation and support/management remains adamant then you can submit for resolution here (or a couple other sites) as well as directly with their regulatory body.. with that said though if resolution isn't found through the casino or second party resolution services such as offered here.. don't hold your breath on their regulatory body, some licensing bodies are more "effective" than others and Curacao isn't exactly famous for it's strict enforcement and player protection.

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