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Newbie Gambler

Newbie Gambler (1/8)



  1. I have days when I feel lucky and I'm more adventurous in those times and I manage to have small victories. I also realized that if I push myself when I keep on losing, things will only get worse. Occasionally, I have a really BAD day, I play something easy and I win - that is the best winning scenario for me
  2. I like 3D slots, I wouldn't call myself an avid fan, but I enjoy them now and then. Glad you like my list
  3. I never thought about taking screenshots for my victories, let alone great winner screenshots ) But I see that all you guys are doing it, so I guess I have to start doing it also Will follow up on this, ValDes
  4. The Tipsy Tourist Immortal romance New Tales of Egypt Pinocchio Guns N' Roses Gladiator Lady Godiva Blood Suckers Mad Orchestra Daytona Gold
  5. I love Betsoft's The Tipsy Tourist
  6. Now I'm in the slots phase of my life and I like new Tales of Egypt and the Tipsy Tourist
  7. I say that the best thing to do, in every overwhelming situation, is to take a step back and reevaluate. It's easy for me to say this because, when it comes to gambling, I am very casual. I do not invest much in it and I also don't win much. But that's ok for me, this activity is a simple hobby. One time when I was at a regular casino, I saw a guy who was placing best on all roulette tables and he was running from one table to another. He did win big at one table, but he still wasn't satisfied. I heard him whisper to himself: "Now I have x sum of money, another x sum of money to go". It was clear that he needed a lot of money. That was sad to watch... How do you say to a person like that one to take it easy?
  8. Oh, I cannot wait to read the reviews
  9. It would eliminate the shady players and casinos, but there would have to be too many entities involved in creating this passport. It would also create confusion for players who are not informed. Would it also be valid in land bases casino, or strictly for online use? So many things to clarify, it would have to have its own support team just to answer basic questions for players. Yes, it can be a great thing if implemented correctly, but I don't think it will happen
  10. Probably the best and most complete thread about withdrawing money from a casino!
  11. A very long withdrawal process
  12. Well... people are addicted to both gaming and *****, why not have them both in one place lol I won't be playing there. Still waiting for the casino who will also provide drinks/ food while I play lol
  13. What disgusting attitude from Skrill! I've never used them but I definitely won't after reading all of your stories. Everything that is virtual can be stolen these days. No safety at all!
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