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Fiekie247 last won the day on October 6

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    Casino Tournaments Master, Winner Screenshot Virtuoso

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  1. That usually happens on the first spin of the bonus, where you win the same amount that triggered the bonus again.
  2. Yeah I saw it pop up once as well. Frustrating as well always get 1000 ways chosen 98% of the time before free spins. Hard to get 2000 ways.
  3. I entered the bragg contest and did not win https://forum.askgamblers.com/topic/18285-closed-bragg-screenshot-contest-win-a-share-of-1000-eur/
  4. Yes i hear you. Hence i posted the Gamelog as proof before it ended for now
  5. You know @Blackjax if cocopop decides to disregard the win and cannot wait for my screenshot, It's fine However I kinda exected slightly more from you in terms of you being understanding towards me, given we go a long way back...
  6. I posted my gamelog and asked cocopop to count it as pending as I needed some time to get the screenshot. Did @Ultras34ake am attempt to try and get the screenshot because if he did, he could have tried to find it by contactin the casino.
  7. Yes he needs to, and whether he took a day or two yo try and find it and posted, then it would have counted... I know I didnt post my screeny and only the game log, but I am trying by every means neccesary to try and get the screenshot
  8. I meant, when the gamelog is required and the contest ended, some time was given to try and acquire the game log after the contest ended But like I said if this is how you feelfeel, no worries.
  9. The gamelog is there as proof and I am trying to get a screenshot. How many time did we have members showing the screenshot and not the game log? and after the contest ended, we waited 48 hours sometimes even a few days to obtain the gamelog or sometimes even if cocopop tried to assist when the casino couldn't help the player? But if this is how you honestly feel about it then its fine.
  10. Well I need some time to get the additional information, I contacted the casino for a response and they will respond in 24/48 hours.
  11. I will do my best, but if I cannot get it, then there is nothing I Can do. I know it was my responsibility. It is what it is. So lets hope and see.
  12. I am officially a victim of what I said above Alta Core, live chat agents are seriously not helpful at times, they do not even try.
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