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Everything posted by Dnk

  1. One of you tells the strories how he cant win, even after lot of and hight deposits, during long time of playing. And he is tottaly right..As its immposible to win. Those who are saying here, that it is only the bad luck, i can say only, that they ahev inetersts about casinos, as casino everytime you will answer the same, that it was bad LUCH, deposit next time and maybe you will win :") this is tottaly nonsences. Does anyone of you ever thought, why casinos doent provides any more information about your game rounds history? I asked fro almost all Netent slot game opertors, to give me full my game rounds history, and give some periods of those games with IMAGES....and all CASINOS rejected to give such information. And you know why? I can say only, that they are afraid to give such information, because these days, it will be not very hard to make independent study and investigate WAS YOUR GAME ROUNDS REALLY RNG, OR IT WAS JUST RIGGED< PROGRAMATED, FAKE RNG
  2. i never got any free bonuses or spins on Comeon casino..and i think, that they give such bonuses only for them which they want...Even im making 1000 or 2000 usd depsoits...i dont receive any free bonus or spins..and other casinos gives lot of free spins and bonuses... IF someone got and gets free spins and bonuses on Comeon casino write here....
  3. Hello, Who ever played jacks or better on playtech or netent casinos? How do you think..Are they fair games and really RNG??? I played on both of them, and see, that games are rigged .... So asking, maybe someone from gamblers already sent any complaints to goverments about these casinos and games?
  4. Hello, Does anybody uses to play at Comeon casino? How to you like the agent support? Do you receive any free bonuses after higher deposits? Do you receive any free bonuses or free spins there? I played a lot there..but..they are not giving free spins or bonuses at all...Never mind i deposited 1000 or 2000 usd...they said..sorry no free bonuses or free spins
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