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Everything posted by Jory

  1. Hi broxi! Well as I'm new here it makes no sense for me to welcome someone, but I'll do it anyway! Welcome
  2. One of my fav games and I don't know why? I can understand the frustration with this game - been there many times... I have some nice sceenshots I could upload, but I'm assuming that as a new member, I do not have sufficient privileges.
  3. Does this site have a list of casino reps that have joined? I have noticed many names from the active members, but it would be cool if there was a list.
  4. By masquerading I just meant the choice of username. Some people may use different names on different sites. Anyway, thanks for the welcome.
  5. Johnny is a good guy. He just wants to better himself, like all of us. Perhaps for him to believe in his system, he needs others to believe in it. I may be the first person to have adopted "PROVEN SYSTEM" for myself. The fundamentals of this system will benefits all individuals. Whether you consider yourself a responsible gambler, or feel you coast on the verge of addiction, one thing I’ve learnt is that creating a "system" or set of golden rules to follow, will benefit you. We have all on at least one occasion deposited more than we wished, or reversed that withdrawal that was pending so long it tested our resolve to the max. Creating a set of rules or guildlines to follow will help keep you from making bad decisions. All things can be enjoyed in moderation. If you are aware that something is causing you damage, then acknowledging that is the most important thing. Many people go through their whole lives convincing themselves that they are in control and they love to point the finger at other people and shout "you have a problem". I created my own system and it's working for me. So long as I stick to the rules I set out, then no harm can come.
  6. Hello, I was a member of a popular gaming forum for a few years. I decided to leave and seek out a new home. Many reasons behind that decision, but I don't want my first post here to be a negative one. I've been reading this site for the last few weeks and feel this is the right place to be. The Mods seem very down to earth and respectful. Hopefully I can contribute one way or the other. Most likely there are some members of that other forum here masquerading, so Hello - and a special hello to Johnny.
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