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  1. Yeah you are definitely a fraudster. You deposited the money and lost it. You sit here and write this long explanation of why you think its ok to chargeback. I could careless if the casino was rogue, you should have done your research before playing, but to top it all off its not like you won money and are not getting paid. Scamsters like you is what makes it difficult to gamble online. You deposited the money and lost it end of story. I would hope askgamblers would immediately ban you from here for your low life scamming ways.
  2. Repsonding to Valdes on the Johnny comment. I have no clue why this wont let me quote. I like to talk and like to take part in forum conversations, but as I took part in the Johnny thread I was told that I have other motives. That obviously didn't make me feel very welcome, so hence obviously felt unwelcome and seems like no need to communicate here. Its very silly because essentially the thread was ridiculous, and it seems Johnny was protected with his ridiculous rants. The guy admitted a huge gambling problem in many sections of the threads including the screenshot section. Quite honestly it was really mind boggling to protect the guy and not allow people to comment, but it was also irresponsible to allow him to continue on when everyone knew he had a problem. Honestly when I first saw the thread I said "I cant believe this site would allow this nonsense." Well every site is different, so I certainly go to a site that I feel welcome.
  3. Thats almost like a conspiracy theory. I am obviously against this system, and have voiced my opinion. Dont know where you would even get something like that? How do you even say something Like "they know the only goal is to get Johnny banned." Thats kind of out of line.
  4. Good luck with this discussion Cata. I gave up on the thread and actually posting anywhere in here. Valdes kind of made me feel unwelcome when I was just giving my opinion.
  5. Valdes, I have never said I have some personal issue with the guy at another forum. I do not know where that is coming from. I understand what you say about tolerance, friendship and respect. Most forums in any industry operate in this manner. But at the same time a forum is intended for discussion. A big part of that is people will not always agree hence a discussion will take place. Obviously I do not agree with this system and I have voiced my opinion. It is just as important for me to voice my opinion as it is the OP to continue to post his information. I have said it before that there is nothing personal. I clearly want to state my case, so that when others with gambling problems read this they can see an opinion that a system like this is not a solution. Can you imagine someone else with a major gambling problem reading this thinking "heres another way for me to be gambling" when they very well know they need to stop. This ultimately is a very dangerous thread to peoples well being if they have a major gambling issue. I have not posted anything out of line. I have respectfully decided not to agree with a lot of what the OP says. If you think I have posted anything out of line, please let me know and I will address it. I do not dislike anyone I have seen here so far, even Johnny. Also please note that Johnny keeps calling me some name Suze. I have asked him to stop and it continues.
  6. I can't believe this nonsense. I can't believe people listen to this and enable a person with such a problem. No clue why your calling me a name, suze? Is that some new 4 letter word? So rather than try to quit for your family your saying your doing it for Valdez, that seems quite crazy.
  7. Yeah well I am not asking Bone anything. You say its about controlling a problem, but all you have been doing so far this week is gambling. How is that controlling anything? And no I do not need an answer. I know it will be something it it will be wrapped around denial. Have to agree with Catapul and this exclusion thing. Very confusing how you play a little, lose and then self exclude. Do you think your going to win everytime?
  8. Yeah that's good looking th3runn3r. Shame it pays so low. All those game types seem to not have large wins even when you hit something as impossible as you did.
  9. "For those that have pmd you"? You come off as your popular and continue to have to substantiate yourself, serious denial and ego. You humiliated yourself on other forums? You love the attention. You again say you don't have a problem. You admit you have a problem buy continue to fuel it. This I'd the exact proof that your still in denial. Your stories have no credibility because of your denial. Your denial means that your statements can be the furthest from the truth, most addicts cant tell the truth. Sending screenshots and talking about it doesn't mean anything.
  10. Thanks for the welcome Awena. I did go post where you said to. Valdes nothing personal against this Johnny. I just happen to deal in reality. I will not put my resume out there, but I am a professional when it comes to breaking down and figuring out people. Anything I say about Johnny doesn't mean he is a bad person or I dislike him. He has announced to the world that he has a gambling problem and all of my comments are based upon such. I am against "enabling" anyone with a problem, and attention towards these posts can do just that, enable him.
  11. Hi, Long time gambler here. Looks like a good site here. Members look real nice. I like to always remain within a range of reality.
  12. Hi Valdes. For some reason I cannot quote anything, but responding to your last thread. Unfortunately I think you will ultimately may be sorry for allowing these discussions to happen here. I did just recently see that this person started another Proven System at another forum. They stopped the thread very quickly, so quick I never even had a chance to respond to the thread at the other forum. There was a comment that they wouldn't allow that type of talk at that forum because people were complaining. How do you know that a majority of the members are not complaining here about this content? There was a message sent out at another forum saying that if the forum didn't stop the topic, the members were going to leave the forum. This is a business after all. Not trying to tell you what to do, but you certainly don't want fall out from people being upset at this silly topic. Most people elsewhere do think it is a bunch of nonsense. I really don't think it would be much different here other than the fact that this forum is really the only one that allows the discussion to be happening.
  13. The first part of fixing a problem is to admit there is one, so congrats you have done that. The only problem is the BS, right after admitting the problem, all you have is excuses for not being able to quit. Your not alone, a majority of addicts don't think they can quit, but a lot are able to become healthy with professional help. First you need the help of ones around you. I see you said your wife has read this thread. She needs to take control of the finances, not allowing you to have the financial ability to deposit. Have her read this. She is just involved with this problem as you are. You need to seek professional help. You need to probably do a good 60-90 day program. It will help. This BS of a system is just prolonging the inevitable. I could careless about you possibly coming on here and saying you "have things under control" or " not depositing." Although you admit a problem you are still denying the ability to fix. People like this are not truthful. They bend reality to make themselves feel better. That's exactly what this system is, bending reality. Unfortunately you can NEVER believe a word that comes out of an addicts mouth. I have seen you are EXTREMELY active on this forum. You should not be in here whatsoever. Talking about gambling, looking at articles, screenshots is not helping your issue. The people that support your posts and don't address reality is not helping you out. My post is dealing with reality. I am not high fiving you because "you say" you have not played. I am talking about reality. In all honestly this forum shouldn't even allow you to continue posting. Don't think for a second that your going to beat this problem "throwing more money at it." You and everyone else that supports you needs to think about all these facts. You have a real bad problem. Think about this, do they take you on a field trip twice a week at Alcoholics Anonymous to sample beer? I don't think so. When someone is really trying to fix a problem, the first requirement is to eliminate the problem completely.
  14. Hi thanks for the welcome ValDes. For some reason I cannot quote, but I am responding to your post. Oh yeah there is a lots of passion in this after reading his response in the quit gambling section. Actually I was very fired up after seeing him say "try the proven system." I take heart to people and their problems, and dont like to see jokes made of it. I guess if Johnny has a problem he needs to probably just quit rather than making up creative ways to fuel his problem. Where have you ever seen a rehab or program allow you to do the things that put you into rehab or a problem. No thats not a typo, I dont know if Johnny works for the forum. I see his posts all over the place. Not sure his postion and was saying I hope I am not offending him with my straightforward approach, basically saying this "system" is complete nonesense.
  15. Hi Everyone. I just signed up today. Site looks well organized with lots of nice people. I have been reading some of the forum recently and just decided to sign up. I had to comment on this thread because it seems kind of crazy to be letting people promote this type of nonsense. I did reply in another thread which was marked "gambling problem." This person went in there and said this "proven system" was a solution to a gambling problem. Who in their right mind would even say something like that in such a serious thread. Anyways I see this system promoted here in this thread also. I don't want to step on anyones toes, because for all I know this person is the owner of AskGamblers, but it really doesn't make sense to keep gambling if you have a problem? I have just never heard of a program like this before. So if I am a crack addict I could set a limit of only smoking 4 rocks a week? Since I am the newbie I don't want to come off as rude, but as a Newbie and outsider I thought I would pass on what reflection this could have on the site. It looks really great until you run across a post/thread like this. It really seems it could ruin the image this nice forum portrays. I am honestly shocked that this type of posting/promoting is allowed here.
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