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Ghostnipple last won the day on March 12 2023

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  1. You can post your grievance in this forum or any other forum, if it is a legitimate complaint, reasonably presented, and factual then others who have had similar issues with the same casino, may be able to offer you some advice. More importantly there will be at least some public record of your grievance which is available to a search. One occurrence of bad practice is not going to prove anything either way, but a record of repeated bad practice by a casino operator, is going to seriously damage their reputation. I might just add that aside from @Afi4wins reply, it is surprising that nobody else here thought to take your comment seriously and to offer you advice. While I don't fully agree with your sentiment, considering the responses to your post, I can understand why you feel the way you do.
  2. oh ok then, well have a good day.
  3. HI, Sorry I've been busy lately, is there something you wanted to ask me?
  4. Yeah you see the thing is the casino's are facing an ever changing landscape and almost on a daily basis they have to adapt to political, economical, social, technological and legal issues. The sector is highly competitive and the ability to adapt quickly must be in their blood to survive. The complaints AGCC's process is something they are adapting too and the way they are doing it is by moving most if not all potential complaint's under the umbrella protection of their Terms of Service. AGCCS does not entertain complaints that fall under ToS. So what is going to happen is that the AGCCs is going to become less relevant over time unless it also adapts. Part of the problem that is emerging as far as I can see is the inability to understand that someone can be both supportive and critical at the same time. However AGCCS can do what it wants. Personally I'm just trying to figure out is it worth my time.
  5. I agree with you there but sometimes I have to go a long way around to make a point, apologies for that.
  6. Apologies I have allocated 20 mins for forum discussion today, now I have other priorities. But rest assured your posts will get all the attention I believe they deserve. Its a nice sunny day here and I'm going to take the dog for a walk. You enjoy your day or evening there.
  7. Sorry to go a long way about it. But do you see my point about the value of the complaints procedure over forum discussion? How it provides a level and fair platform for the player to make their arguments in a safe space and for those arguments to be judged on their merits against the casino's arguments. It has long been standard practice insome casino's to use their own staffing resources to derail undesirable forum discussion, make personal attacks and otherwise attempt to drown out a player's voice. This is unlikely to happen in the complaints procedure. It is also why I believe complaints relating to Terms of Service deserve a similar platform, as casinos seek to move all complaints under the umbrella of ToS.
  8. It seems we agree, thank you for your support and for illustrating my point.
  9. Im sorry I dont understand what you are talking about.
  10. Well the discussion is enlightening, sometimes its not what is said that provides insight but how it is said that gives you your answer. As I have stated before the complaints process has value as it protects the single voice by being drowned out by those who have the gatekeeping access, the resources and those who can martial the numbers to drown out that voice. Personally I support the process for that reason, but that doesn't mean it can't offer more value to the player than it currently does.
  11. Sir, I notice you have made no attempt to clarify your statements regarding the structure of the AGCCS team. I have asked you twice already. I'm not here to argue, I wish to be proven wrong and I'm inviting you do assist me in that. I'm looking for transparency and I'm look for details. If neither exist I want to be sure about that. Because again where money is concerned both details and transparency matter.
  12. Sir, I notice you have made no attempt to clarify your statements regarding the structure of the AGCCS team. I have asked you twice already. I'm not here to argue, I wish to be proven wrong and I'm inviting you do assist me in that. I'm looking for transparency and I'm look for details. If neither exist I want to be sure about that. Because again where money is concerned both details and transparency matter.
  13. Thank you for pointing this out, everyone benefits from transparency I'm sure you will agree. Let me just say that when money is concerned details matter. Please consider the following two statements: a: AGCCS is not sponsored by any gambling company. b: Members of the AGCCS team are not in receipt of any finances, or benefits in kind, either directly or indirectly, from any casino. If you don't see the difference between those two statements, let me know and I can elaborate for you. Otherwise assuming you understand the difference please consider which of those two statements do you think is more reassuring to a player submitting a complaint when a substantial amount of money is at stake.
  14. Well this is a very useful discussion, thanks for your input. I should point out that deciding whether a complaint is accepted or rejected is very much a determination that is critical to the player making the complaint.
  15. Thanks very much for the link you sent, I had previously reviewed that page but didn't see any reference to the team consisting of "members employed by Askgamblers". Unfortunately the sections aren't numbered, which would make referencing easier for everyone. However if you have a moment maybe you could direct me to the section which gives information about the make up of the team. Thank you for your time.
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