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Everything posted by alvis8

  1. lol nah, just a fluke night ended up being up 117k that night only cashed out 7,777$ out of the whole thing ? what adds insult to injury is that it was on playnow.com , my province's only official legal gambling site so i had 117k$ tax free 2 years ago, was on top of the world running my own landscaping business life was grand fast forward now homeless since last august put my heroin and meth habit into overdrive once i lost my home last year, avoided the needle for 20 years but that was the straw that broke the camel's back and hit a ***** glorious rock bottom then. anyway happy ending to the story, i got 3 months + clean today (and really I only relapsed twice this year and they weren't benders, just single use isolated incidents where i luckily quit while i was ahead) and i'm still homeless (living out of my tent right now) but at least i'm back on the gulf island i've been calling home for the last 12 years (when i lost everything last summer i went to the mainland , for homeless ressources) so anyway slowely but surely i'm making my comeback everyone loves a comeback story! wish me luck
  2. it's been exactly 2 years since this happened. i'm still getting over it. ?
  3. and over the weekend there's 3 deposits that didn't go through but were still billed on my bank account to the sum of 77 dollars and now this, and i still haven't gotten my 77 bucks back i'm pretty choked and they told me two different things about the game in an email they said my internet lagged or got disconnected (it didn't) and over the phone they said it was a display error??
  4. they royally screwed me!
  5. they called it a display error!!!!!!!!! i am so choked!!!!!!!
  6. nothing was credited, sent them a couple emails and got nothing back, on the phone with them now. i'll keep you posted! ps thanks for the welcome!
  7. I hit the stop button and there it stopped. 0.15$ spin
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