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Everything posted by Hellridah

  1. Also there is a question of law regarding Sof SoW requests being requested : The UKGC only has legal effect over citizens of the united kingdom anything outside of the kingdom is not subject to its rule and in similar fashion the MGA ruling only has power over Malteese citizens located within its borders anything outside is not subject to its laws this is my interpretation of things from a legal stand point . So from a contractual point of view such demands on anyone outside of those two countries would be deemed to be unreasonable and illegal as a point of logic .
  2. Oh my goodness it happened again lol : Thank you Rizk for a Rockin good Time
  3. Sorry Afi4wins I just cant help myself with this 5 wild thing : Nice little session at Rizk Casino
  4. Forgive me if I'm wrong ....but the words "Witch hunt" do come to mind I think the spectrum of the requirements needs to reconsidered as the percentage that are actually being sort number in the few and innocent folk are being caught in the storm needlessly : isn't it enough the world languishes with the effects of covid19 must we further add insult to injury introducing such draconian measures . And you'll forgive me if i use a movie quote I once watched [clicking finger] what was it again ahh yes Dune "The Spice Must Flow" .
  5. One thing I find curious is how such requests do come later after many deposits if the United Kingdom Gambling Commission was serious about persuing AML and Terror funding they would stipulate a requirement of providing the source at the commencement of contract between player and casino ; requiring it "down the track" is somewhat nonsensical as is tasking casino's to basically play revenue department . It must really bother operations having to goto such lengths to ....enforce such measures on such a scale ...such measures could be reflected in dollar terms quite the expense I would imagine .
  6. Well end of the day the word will spread in a similar fashion every term and condition will be screened going forward . (I'm checking case law to see if there have been any rulings) .
  7. Do we know currently which Juristicions currently have this rule in place I'm about to brief a following .
  8. I know what you mean Coco I'm just saying that players are more than likely to avoid having to risk such requirements having to prove ones financial position to a foreign entity for something like this is just not appealing to the average joe or the high rollers for that matter : and for rogue casino's just looking for a way to deny winnings its ammunition to be exploited . I consider such requirements to be questionable at law even in the united kingdom I think if it was tested at common law there would be resistance to having such requirements needing to be exposed to "Verify" ones identity or a withdrawal at the end of the day as my Law Lecturer once told me "Anyone can make rules but the Judiciary rules what is legal and what is not legal ". Many gamble overseas for various reasons and many choose to do business in those Island nations for various reasons "tax" being one of them or the lack thereof : I can't understand in this day and age why people want to constantly change things old saying when the tool isn't broken don't fix it . Ultimately the end result will simply be players will be aware of such requirements and hesitate to be subject to agreements which compel them to disclose such documents . Thank you for your time . -Tane
  9. Its a 1.80 but I actually wont enter it into the competition I've enough entries already that will do .
  10. I beg to differ I think you will find most will have trouble disclosing that type of information snap of a finger I mean help me out here guys do you really want some random dudes knowing your business half way around the world ? its just common sense really .
  11. SOF & SOW is the biggest load of bull I've ever heard of unless your a government department none of that really should come into question only a revenue department really has legal juristicion to demand such documents : the average joe which is what we are dealing with here should not be asking for it end of story . And most players will tell them where to go is the whole idea of coming to the caribbean to do business they want to play around with that we will win and they will loose .
  12. yeah well my estimation of the place is pretty simple its questionable at this point I mean what guarantee do we have that they won't magically ..... hit us with clauses out of the blue begs the question so yeah I closed the account pretty pathertic really when places start going like this they could easily turn around and invoke it to deny winnings any number of scenarios .
  13. Positive Ok as far as it goes with Bet365 you know your a giant and your a good casino in many regards for us to go too with strong financial backing not to mention I've never seen a game not run stable nor do I question how fast you can pay its a Disneyland well that said onto the other stuff : Negative For no reason other than asking for one loyalty bonus you felt it was nessesary to tell me about how restrictions had been placed on my account and how thee better get my spelling right this time and my grammar as its a thing apparently : as the last one was rejected for spelling errors ...[coughs] right so yes the email you said you sent was never sent so basically your lying .....and invoking safe gambling practices at a whim is fringe of the law / rougish behaviour as I said to the plonker I was talking too never try that again . Your the second place to try it and its not setting a good tone for the industry I mean its bad enough as it is out there but we the players don't want to have eyes in the back of our heads we want to feel safe like we are in heaven and can trust the place we are in else whats the point yeah ? . P.S Did I get it right this time ?
  14. When it comes to dealing with places I use to have a simple system [puts helmet on] time to go back to those ways . From Where I'm standing it looks like there are places being granted Accolades that shouldn't be getting them I mean lying is lying end of the day place is lying how can it be trusted ? simple math really and telling people their all good is well you know bit weird ? don't you think ? .
  15. Well its like this brother I'm dealing with a few Casino's some pay quicker than others but all of them are using the same Payment Provider so Im left wondering like excuse me french WTF cause all should be doing it at the same time ...I mean its the same provider [shrugs] even the number one Bitstarz uses it and their 1-5 For Bank Transfers Winz.IO 3-5 and Rizk Maximum of 24 hours . But heres the thing I've had quick transfers within 10 hours after cashing out so I know it can be done faster just wish places would be a little more accurate about things I know processors can get glitchy but the proofs in the pudding and Rizk is blazing away I cant beat the speed at the moment 30 minutes for cards and 24 for bank transfers [shrugs] Maybe its covid 19 Maybe is long Covid Symptoms I give up . But dont get me wrong the Casino's I mentioned are SOLID its why I play at them and will continue too I just see the potential of maybe making some adjustments guys I mean VIdeoslots had it on the nail at one point I pushed withdrawal funds were in next morning is that so hard to do ? rest my case. As for Videolsots ill drop in for a visit see if things have gotten better its been a while .
  16. Ahh if Alfi says its good and others ill pull my head in if its payin and you lot are happy go hard brothers and sisters guess I'm just feeling left out cause no visa deposits .
  17. I made off with a prize 2.5k tickets later lol 22 Tane 20.00 USD I'm doing ok in the Multiplier Tournmanet as well Might hang on for first maybe ....
  18. If its the case where there are Options 1. First Class 2. Middle Class (Economy) , 3. And back of the bus for payments then by all means charge me 5 dollars but at least tell me that there is an extra cost with faster processing ....I mean communication people [clap clap] that's how you maintain continuity and foundation for any successfull venture going forward .
  19. Another thing that lacks in communication with front line agents is the communication synergy between departments and with information about withdrawals in real time constantly do I hear a "will get back to you" its like buddies we are not solving cancer here its a couple grand my man ROFL .
  20. There's two types of operations ones that fail and ones that succeeed trust is everything in this game and when your being told one thing and its another begs the question why bother yeah ? .
  21. Ok ....this again , Guys would you kindly be more accurate about payments its not hard to do and this goes for all of you casino's the payments providers can effect transactions immediately most of you are using worldpay they do things in 30 minutes maximum of a day . https://offers.worldpayglobal.com/Payouts.html#:~:text=Funds reach their destination within,positive reputation for your business.&text=*30 minute timeframe dependent on recipient's bank. Cross border makes no difference my brother in law works for ANZ Bank New Zealand So this is a No Brainer kindly pay people when your meant too the delay is always at your end and lets get this industry cracking again . Right ...peace ! .
  22. Yeah things were a bit cold for a wild pun intended then it came through like "snowpiercer" lol
  23. Oops I did it again on Dead or Alive this time on 1.80 soz about the screenshot only showing so much its Winz.IO i was in a hurry making the shot lol : 2775.78 x Multiplier
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